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研究生: 曾聰賢
論文名稱: 以環境教育的觀點建構生物多樣性教育的行動概念
Constructing action concepts of biodiversity education with environmental education perspective.
指導教授: 王順美
Wang, Shun-Mei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 環境教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Environmental Education
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 156
中文關鍵詞: 生物多樣性環境教育
英文關鍵詞: Biodiversity, Environmental Education
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:191下載:27
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  • 自1992年地球高峰會簽署了「生物多樣性公約」以來,生物多樣性成為全球最受重視的環境議題之一,但生物多樣性的流失快速,唯有透過全體人類共同的參與及投入,才是生物多樣性保育唯一的出路。但生物多樣性的概念多而複雜,哪些是重要且有助於提升行動力的概念,在推動大眾生物多樣性教育上甚為關鍵。


    Since the Convention on Biological Diversity was signed in the Earth Summit of 1992, biodiversity becomes the most important environmental issue around the globe, but the number of species drops so fast that biodiversity can be kept only if every man participates in the effort to conserve it. However, concepts related to biodiversity are so various and complex that it’s essential that the public education in biodiversity focuses on concepts that can move the public to take action for biodiversity conservation.

    In the past, the researches about concepts were always done with the Delphi Technique, with various questionnaires wrote by experts and with relatively subjective results, but we couldn’t know why specific concepts were chosen for specific questionnaires. The researcher in this research is to be a tool, simply recording the process of analysis and choice in detail. Next a qualitative analysis of the literature of biodiversity helped the researcher find important concepts related to the education in biodiversity. Then important factors in environmental action discussed in relevant researches were studied. Lastly, a screening principle was formed by studying researches related to practical knowledge, environmental literacy, and the goals of environmental education. This screening principle was then used to select concepts that help move the public to engage in conserving biodiversity. Adjusted after a final triangular test and incorporating experts’ opinions, this research concludes with five major themes and 24 concepts that help promote biodiversity education, that help educators, course planners, or project designers who offer public education in biodiversity.
    The five major themes are:
    1. Help the public understand what biodiversity means and its importance: including concepts like showing the importance of all variation of biodiversity and the significance of biodiversity for mankind and environment.
    2. Help the public become aware of the danger of losing biodiversity: including concepts like explaining how biodiversity disappears at the speed of addition, under the human behavior and its mutual influence.
    3. Help the public accept values related to biodiversity: including concepts like the appreciation for the beauty and value of biodiversity; care and respect for its intrinsic value; the appreciation for and recognition of different cultures; care for the future generation; abandonment of anthropocentricism,etc, to give public the responsibility for biodiversity conservation.
    4. Help the public understand the action and tactics that can be taken for biodiversity conservation: including concepts like teaching important strategies that prevent the loss of biodiversity, including social and personal strategies, and spreading the hope for success.
    5. Help the public understand pushing for environmental justice helps minimize the loss of biodiversity: including concepts like, exposing the problems of poverty and exploitation of the underprivileged and of people in undeveloped countries, together with the impact of the problems on biodiversity.

    摘要 I 內容目次 IV 表目次 V 圖目次 VI 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與背景 1 第二節 研究目的、名詞界定與研究限制 9 第三節 研究方法、架構與流程 11 第四節 研究的信實度 12 第二章 生物多樣性教育內容的分析 13 第一節 質的分析方式 13 第二節 分析程序 19 第三節 生物多樣性的定義與觀點 23 第四節 生物多樣性的重要性與價值 30 第五節 生物多樣性的危機 39 第六節 生物多樣性的保育 64 第三章 生物多樣性概念的選擇 76 第一節 環境教育與生物多樣性 76 第二節 選取有益於產生保育行動的概念內容 79 第三節 初步整理的生物多樣性教育行動概念內容 101 第四章 生物多樣性教育行動概念之專家修正 104 第一節 依三角檢驗修正 104 第二節 專家意見的實施與修正 110 第三節 兩次修正結果的比較 119 第五章 與國內外相似主題的研究結果比較 124 第一節 質的分析結果與「全球生物多樣性展望」的比較 124 第二節 行動概念與國中小生物多樣性教育內涵的比較 130 第六章 研究結論與建議 134 第一節 研究結論 134 第二節 研究省思 139 第三節 研究建議 142 參考文獻 143 附錄一 生物多樣性文本資料細目 148 附錄二 專家意見調查問卷 150

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