研究生: |
王國慧 |
論文名稱: |
跳遠選手膝關節屈伸肌比值之分析 |
指導教授: | 林正常 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2005 |
畢業學年度: | 93 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 60 |
中文關鍵詞: | 跳遠 、等速肌力 、屈/伸肌比值 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:373 下載:31 |
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摘 要
目的:分析大專與高中跳遠選手膝關節等速向心之屈/伸肌比值、最大力矩以及慣用腳/非慣用腳對秤肌群肌力之差異,並探討最大力矩、屈/伸肌比值與運動表現之相關。方法:以9名大專組 (年齡:21.6±2.6歲、身高:176.2±5.0公分、體重:68.4±5.0公斤、訓練年數:8±2.1年、運動成績:6.95±0.38公尺) 與9名高中組 (年齡:16.9±0.8歲、身高:176.1±4.7公分、體重:69.7±5.6公斤、訓練年數:4.9±1.4年、運動成績:6.40±0.37公尺)跳遠選手為研究對象。所有受試者均進行3次 ( 60˚/s ) 與5次 ( 120˚/s、180˚/s及240˚/s ) 等速向心最大努力收縮之測驗。以獨立樣本t考驗比較大專組與高中組跳遠選手在不同角速度下膝關節肌群肌力比值與最大力矩之差異,再以Pearson's積差相關探討最大力矩、屈/伸肌比值與運動表現之相關。所有顯著水準設為α=.05。結果:本研究發現高中與大專組之最大力矩、屈/伸肌比值及慣用腳/非慣用腳肌力比值無顯著差異 (p>.05)。慣用腳與非慣用腳的伸肌皆大於屈肌,但無顯著差異 (p>.05)。屈/伸肌比值為58.78~101.11%、伸肌/伸肌比值為95.52~105.01%與屈肌/屈肌比值為90.30~99.18%。最大力矩、屈/伸肌比值與運動表現無顯著相關。結論:屈/伸肌比值均符合肌力平衡範圍,慣用腳/非慣用腳肌力比值差異皆相近或低於10%。本研究所得之屈/伸肌比值可提供檢視肌肉不平衡之參考指標,以預防傷害產生。
Purpose: The aim of the study was to describe and compare concentric isokinetic knee flexor: extensor ratios (F/E ratios), peak torque (PT) and bilateral strength differences between dominant/non-dominant leg (extensor/extensor ratios, E/E ratios and flexor/flexor ratios, F/F ratios) in college and high school long jumpers and determine the relationships between the PT, F/E ratios and long jump performance. Methods: The jumpers were grouped as college (age: 21.6±2.6 yrs, height: 176.2±5.0 cm, body weight: 68.4±5.0 kg, training age: 8±2.1 yrs, performance: 6.95±0.38 m, n=9) and high school (age: 16.9±0.8 yrs, height: 176.1±4.7 cm, body weight: 69.7±5.6 kg, training age: 4.9±1.4 yrs, performance: 6.40±0.37 m, n=9) long jumpers, volunteered for the present study. All subjects performed maximal knee extension and flexion efforts at 60˚/s, 120˚/s, 180˚/s and 240˚/s of both leg under concentric conditions. Differences in PT, F/E ratio, E/E ratios and F/F ratios, at different velocities were evaluated for college and high school long jumpers using Student t-test. Pearson Product Moment Correlation analyses were conducted to determine the relationships between the PT, F/E ratios and long jump performance. The significance level was set at α=.05. Results: The peak torque (PT), flexor: extensor ratios (F/E ratios) and reciprocal peak torque ratios (E/E ratios and F/F ratios) were not significant between high school and college long jumpers (p>.05). PT of knee extensor was higher than flexor, but not significant (p>.05). The F/E ratios ranged from 58.78 to 101.11%, E/E ratios ranged from 95.52 to 105.01%, F/F ratios ranged from 90.30 to 99.18%. There were no significant relationships between the PT, F/E ratios and long jump performance (p>.05). Conclusions: The findings of the present study indicate that the PT, F/E ratios, E/E ratios and F/F ratios are not influenced by age and training background in the knee of the long jumpers. The ratios provide a guide to observe muscle imbalance which could be a factor in injury.
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