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研究生: 支紹慈
Chu Shao-Tsu
論文名稱: 電子工程問題的數學解題能力模式之研究-以科技大學為例
A Model of Applying Math Problem-Solving Competences to Electronic Engineering Problems: A Case Study on Universities of Technology
指導教授: 饒達欽
Rau, Dar-Chin
Chen, Chuang-Yih
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 384
中文關鍵詞: 工程解題能力電子工程問題的數學解題能力模式可能發展區
英文關鍵詞: engineering problem-solving, competences, mathematical problem-solving competences used to tackle electronic engineering problems, model, zone of proximal development.
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:477下載:41
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Faced with the high-tech development in the 21st century, it is essential that electronic engineering students possess technology-related interdisciplinary learning competences. More specifically, they should place emphasis on the application of their mathematical competences to engineering problems. However, it was found from the interviews with people from the industry that mathematical competences necessary for solving electronic engineering problems are generally insufficient among electronic engineering students of universities of technology and are thus needed to be cultivated and strengthened. Both people from the industry and university lecturers believe that students generally lack the competences to convert and interpret electronic engineering problems and to verify their solutions. In order to improve students’ competences in these aspects to help them better meet the requirements of the industry for selecting, training and employing talents, it is necessary that a teaching model of applying mathematical problem-solving competences to electronic engineering problems be developed.
In view of a general lack of problem-solving competences among students of universities of technology, this study, primarily based itself on Babbie Inductive Theory Construction, aimed at establishing a feasible model of applying mathematical problem-solving competences to tackle electronic engineering problems. As mathematical problem-solving competences are the basis for electronic engineering problem-solving competences, this study first established a tentative theoretical model as its the hypothesis by exploring into theories related to mathematical problem-solving and the principle of core competences. Then the feasibility of this model was assessed through empirical study. Finally, a general model was established. This study focused on mathematical problem-solving competences. Elements involved in the model were also identified through theory. The insights gained from interviews and consultations with experts were used to modify the model and the descriptions of competences. Then the guiding questions and related documents were made based on the concept of Zone of Proximal Development of Scaffolding Theory. Finally a semi-structured assessment was conducted on students, and their answering opinions were sought after to modify and verify the feasibility of the model.
Besides the establishment of the model of applying mathematical problem-solving competences to tackle electronic engineering problems, relevant competences, and descriptions of these competences, the study had 13 findings, 8 solutions, 10 innovative insights, five types of guiding questions, and related documents. The conclusions reached in the study can be directly used to improve mathematical problem-solving competences of electronic engineering students of universities of technology. The study also made some suggestions, which can be used by the teachers participating in the experiment of this study and are also useful in the development of electronic engineering departments and related colleges.

謝 誌 I 中文摘要 III 英文摘要 V 總目錄 VII 表目錄 IX 圖目錄 XIII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究緣起與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 9 第三節 研究架構 10 第四節 研究方法與步驟 11 第五節 研究範圍與研究限制 19 第六節 名詞釋義 21 第二章 數學能力相關理論之探究 23 第一節 鷹架學習理論 23 第二節 數學問題解決的相關理論 32 第三節 核心能力內涵理論 54 第四節 數學嵌入電子工程理論應用之評析 87 第三章 科技大學學生電子工程問題的數學解題能力理論模式的建立 99 第一節 建構電子工程問題的數學解題能力理論模式之架構 99 第二節 電子工程問題的數學解題能力理論模式之建構 103 第三節 科技大學學生電子工程問題的數學解題能力理論模式之建立 114 第四章 實徵研究設計與實施 121 第一節 研究設計 121 第二節 研究實施 137 第五章 研究結果分析與討論 151 第一節 理論模式分析 151 第二節 實徴結果分析 206 第三節 研究結果之討論 242 第六章 科技大學學生電子工程問題的數學解題能力模式之建構 273 第七章 結論與建議 287 第一節 研究結論 287 第二節 建議 298 第三節 後續研究之建議 302 參考文獻 305 附 錄 315 附錄一 前導性研究所訪談之專家名單及行程 317 附錄二 科技大學電子工程系電子學的教學目標一覽表 318 附錄三 科技大學電子工程系電子學(一)(二)單元教材細目表 319 附錄四 科技大學電子工程系「電子學」應用數學知識內涵歸類表 321 附錄五 一般數學應用於數學解題能力的敘述與範例(初稿) 322 附錄六 一般數學於數學解題能力的敘述與範例(修正稿) 328 附錄七 科技大學學生電子工程問題的數學解題能力的敘述與範例 335 附錄八 科技大學電子工程系電子學單元與科技大學學生電子工程問題的數學解題能力雙向細目分析表 341 附錄九 「科技大學學生電子工程問題的數學解題能力模式建立之研究」數學能力專家訪談表 343 附錄十 「科技大學學生電子工程問題的數學解題能力模式建立之研究」一般數學相關科目教師專家訪談表 346 附錄十一 「科技大學學生電子工程問題的數學解題能力模式建立之研究」工程數學及電子學科目教師專家訪談表 351 附錄十二 預試試題命題雛型與範例 357 附錄十三 科技大學電子工程系所開設之必修科目「電子學」預試試題學生自我評量表(初稿) 367 附錄十四 科技大學電子工程系電子學預試試題教師評量表 369 附錄十五 「科技大學學生電子工程問題的數學解題能力模式建立之研究」電子學科目教師專家訪談表 371 附錄十六 科技大學電子工程系學生工程解題模式建立之研究專家諮詢訪談題綱與內容 377 附錄十七 科技大學電子工程系專業解題能力模式建立之專家訪談名單 380 附錄十八 試題作答導引 383

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