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研究生: 柯彭宜妮
Clarke-Palmer, Soyini
論文名稱: 在聖文森及格瑞納丁(SVG)閱讀和教授《威尼斯商人》
Reading and Teaching The Merchant of Venice in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG)
指導教授: 李秀娟
Lee, Hsiu-Chuan
口試委員: 戴宇呈
Tai, Brena Yu-Chen
Lee, Hsiu-chuan
Jiang, Tsui-fen
口試日期: 2023/07/20
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 76
中文關鍵詞: 《威尼斯商人》聖文森克里奧爾語後殖民表演方法解讀和意譯莎士比亞教學聖文森及格瑞納丁
英文關鍵詞: The Merchant of Venice, Vincentian Creole, postcolonial performance approach, interpretation and paraphrase, teaching Shakespeare, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
研究方法: close readinginterviewssociohistorical research
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300984
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:61下載:8
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  • 本研究旨在顯示在聖文森及格瑞納丁(SVG)的中學階段採用聖文森克里奧爾語閱讀以及教授莎士比亞的戲劇,有助於學生以後殖民的觀點閱讀戲劇,並凸顯SVG群島的文化身份。在第一章中,我回顧了閱讀和教授莎士比亞時所面臨的問題和方法。研究結果顯示,只有少數加勒比地區的教育工作者使用後殖民主義視角來閱讀和教授莎士比亞。最具啟發性的閱讀和教學方法著重凸顯戲劇的社會歷史背景、加勒比文化或加勒比海語言。我提議聖文森的教師可以將戲劇的社會歷史政治背景與聖文森的語言和文化結合,在演出中呈現。
    在第二章中,我參考了Paula Prescod和Adrian Fraser、Peter A. Roberts以及Viveka Velupillai的論點,討論了聖文森克里奧爾語作為一種日益崛起的社會歷史、文化和教育資源的價值,並主張在中學階段使用聖文森克里奧爾語來閱讀和教授莎士比亞的戲劇作品,有助於加強聖文森及格瑞納丁的文化身份和語言多樣性。我揭示了聖文森克里奧爾語在莎士比亞教育中目前處於次要地位,因為仍有太多教育工作者對克里奧爾語持有負面觀點。我參考了約翰·德萊登 (John Dryden) 的翻譯理論中對意譯的看法,以及佐藤-羅斯伯格娜娜(Nana Sato-Rossberg)關於口述社會和文化中的翻譯理論,創作了一份口述表演劇本,以聖文森克里奧爾語詮釋和意譯了《威尼斯商人》第四幕第一場第一至十三行的文本。

    This thesis suggests to use Vincentian Creole in a “postcolonial performance approach" to read and teach Shakespeare's plays at the secondary school level in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG) to help students read the plays from postcolonial SVG perspectives and to highlight the archipelago's cultural identity. To support this suggestion, in Chapter One I review the problems and methods in reading and teaching Shakespeare. Research findings reveal that only a small cohort of Caribbean educators use postcolonial perspectives to read and teach Shakespeare. The most inspiring reading and teaching methods place central emphasis on foregrounding the sociohistorical contexts of the plays, Caribbean cultures, or Caribbean languages. I propose that Vincentian teachers could connect sociohistorical political contexts of the plays with Vincentian language and culture in their performance approaches.
    In Chapter Two, by referring to the arguments of Paula Prescod and Adrian Fraser, Peter A. Roberts and Viveka Velupillai I discuss the value of Vincentian Creole as a rising sociohistorical, cultural and educational resource to suggest that using Vincentian Creole to read and teach Shakespeare's plays at the secondary school level could help to strengthen SVG's cultural identity and linguistic diversity. I reveal that Vincentian Creole currently plays a subservient role to Standard English in Shakespeare education because too many educators still have negative views about creoles. By referring to John Dryden's translation theory of paraphrase and Nana Sato-Rossberg's theory on translation in oral societies and cultures I create an oral performance script that loosely interprets and paraphrases lines 1 to 13 of The Merchant of Venice Act 4 Scene 1 in Vincentian Creole.
    In Chapter Three, I test out the “postcolonial performance approach” to read and teach Shakespeare's tragicomedy The Merchant of Venice in Vincentian Creole. Via textual analysis of the play I emphasize that Vincentian Creole interpretation and paraphrase could help students understand Shylock's position as the other. The comments I received from four Vincentians on my sample interpretation and paraphrase show that Vincentian Creole is linguistically diverse and there is more than one way to interpret and paraphrase Shakespeare in Vincentian Creole.
    I conclude this thesis with a discussion on Vincentian educators' and writers’ concerns about using Vincentian Creole to read and teach Shakespeare's plays. These Vincentians claim that Vincentian Creole interpretations and paraphrases of Shakespeare will remove the plays from their original historical and cultural contexts, but I propose that this problem can be overcome if teachers could include every play's sociohistorical contexts in their Vincentian Creole interpretations and paraphrases.

    Acknowledgements i 摘要 iii Abstract iv Table of Contents vi Introduction 1 I. Backgrounds and Motivations 1 II. Objectives and Terminologies 5 III. Methodology and Literature Review 7 IV. Organization of Chapters 18 Chapter One: Problems and Methods in Reading and Teaching Shakespeare 20 I. The Four Main Problems 20 II. Solutions and Proposed Teaching Methods 24 Chapter Two: Vincentian Creole in Postcolonial SVG 33 I. The Importance of Vincentian Creole 33 II. Vincentian Creole in Secondary Level Shakespeare Education 37 III. Vincentian Creole in "Postcolonial Performance Approach" 41 Chapter Three: The Merchant of Venice in Vincentian Creole 48 I. Interpreting and Paraphrasing Shakespeare in Vincentian Creole 48 II. Feedback on the Sample Vincentian Creole Interpretation and Paraphrase 59 Conclusion 62 Works Cited 69 Appendix: Sample of Standard Interview Questions 74

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    Walker, Edmira. WhatsApp voice note messages to Soyini Clarke-Palmer. 1 June 2023, one audio file.
