研究生: |
白嘉玲 Chan-Ling Pai |
論文名稱: |
不同背景變項的單身成人依附風格、宗教認同態度和人際親密能力之關係研究 Attachment Style, Religious Identity and Interpersonal Intimacy of Single Adults in Different backgrounds |
指導教授: | 蔡順良 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2010 |
畢業學年度: | 98 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 152 |
中文關鍵詞: | 依附風格 、人際親密能力 、宗教認同態度 |
英文關鍵詞: | attachment style, interpersonal intimacy, religious identity |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:1540 下載:65 |
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本研究以25 歲至55 歲的未婚、離婚或喪偶的單身成人為研究對象,採問卷調查法進行資料蒐集。以「人際依附風格量表」、「宗教認同問卷」和「人際親密能力量表」為研究工具。根據問卷調查所得到的資料,以卡方考驗、二因子多變量變異數分析等統計分析進行資料整理。茲將本研究的主要發現分述如下:
一、 單身成人不同的年齡、婚姻伴侶狀態兩個背景變項和依附風格間有顯著關聯,不同教育程度、居住狀況和依附風格之間沒有顯著關聯。
二、 單身成人不同的性別、年齡、教育程度、居住狀況四個背景變項和宗教認同態度間有顯著關聯。
三、 不同性別、年齡、教育程度、婚姻伴侶狀態和居住狀況的單身成人在人際親密能力表現上均有顯著差異。其中女性情緒支持能力高於男性,41-55歲單身成人的負向決斷能力優於25-30歲。大學和研究所程度的情緒支持能力優於高中程度,研究所程度的衝突處理能力優於高中程度。離婚喪偶單身成人的主動表露能力優於未婚無伴侶歲的單身成人。自己獨居的單身成人衝突處理能力優於與親友同住的單身成人。
四、 單身成人不同依附風格和宗教認同態度之間有顯著關聯。其中安全依附的二度稱信教者比例最高,無神論者比例最低。害怕依附的一度稱信教者比例最高,不可知論者比例最低。
六、 不同性別之單身成人會因依附風格的不同而在人際親密能力的表現有顯著差異。安全依附男性衝突處理能力優於女性。害怕依附男性負向決斷能力優於女性。而不論男女,安全依附在人際親密能力的表現都優於其他依附風格。害怕依附在人際親密能力的表現多低於其他依附風格。
七、 不同婚姻伴侶狀態的單身成人會因依附風格的不同而在人際親密能力的表現有顯著差異。其中未婚有伴侶和未婚無伴侶者,安全依附的人際親密能力都較優。但不同依附風格的離婚喪偶單身成人,在人際親密能力的表現無顯著差異。
This research discussed the relationships among attachment style, religious identity and interpersonal intimacy of single adults in different backgrounds. The participants of this study were single adults between 25 to 55 years old, including unmarried, divorced and widowed. Measurement used in this study included the Scale of Interpersonal Attachment Style, Religious Identity Assessment, and Interpersonal Intimacy Scale. Data from this survey were statistically analyzed by using Chi-square and MANOVA. The main results from this research were shown as followed.
1. There were significant correlation between two of the backgrounds (age, single/couple status) and attachment style, but no significant correlation between two of the background (education, living status) and attachment style,
2. There were significant correlation between four of the backgrounds (gender, age, education, and living status), and religious identify.
3. Single adults of different backgrounds (gender, age, education, single/couple status, and living status) showed significant differences in interpersonal intimacy. Female adults showed higher emotional support than male. Single adults at 41 to 55 showed higher negative assertion than those at 25 to 30. College graduates and undergraduates showed higher emotional support than high school graduates. College graduates showed higher conflict management than high school graduates. Divorced and widowed adults showed higher initiation disclosure than singles without companion. Single who lives alone showed higher conflict management than those living with family.
4. The results showed that attachment style and religious identify were significantly correlated. Adults who were secure attachment style were the lowest proportion of people who do not believe in any religion. Adults who were fearful attachment style were the highest proportion of people who are strongly identify with their religion.
5. Single adults with different religious identify did not show significant differences in interpersonal intimacy.
6. Different gender single adults responded significant differently in interpersonal intimacy due to their attachment style. Males who were secure attachment style showed higher conflict management than Females. Both males and females who were secure attachment style showed higher interpersonal intimacy than other attachment styles. Participants who were fearful attachment showed lower interpersonal intimacy than other types.
7. Adults of different single/couple status showed significantly differently interpersonal intimacy due to different attachment style. Unmarried adults (with and without companion) who were secure attachment style showed higher interpersonal intimacy. However, divorced or widowed adults who were different attachment styles showed no significant difference in interpersonal intimacy.
At last, implications of the findings were suggested to apply in gender education, religion education, emotion control, and self improvement and growth. Implications of future work were also proposed in this study.
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