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研究生: 黃麗玲
Huang, Li-Lin
論文名稱: 國際學校導入國際SAT教育學制的動機研究 - 以約旦伊斯蘭教育學院爲例
The Motivation for International School Joining International SAT Educational System: A Case Study of Islamic Educational College in Jordan
指導教授: 蔡雅薰
Tsai, Ya-Hsun
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 97
中文關鍵詞: 國際教育國際學校國際學術水準測驗考試(SAT)擴散理論動機 理論
英文關鍵詞: International Education, International School, Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), Diffusion Theory, Motivation Theory
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000434
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:235下載:27
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  • 爲了探討約旦伊斯蘭教育學院在國際教育潮流下成立國際學校的動機 ,國際學校内部工作人員的在職成長培訓意願及學生家長為其孩子選擇國際學校的優質考量意向,本研究依a.人口統計因素b.成立動機 c.成長培訓意願及d.優質選擇意向,共設計六組問卷,並分別由以下三個群組來回答。同時本研究採用馬斯洛(A. Maslow) 的需求層次動機理論及羅傑斯(Rogers)的創新擴散模型為研究立論基礎。

    參與回答問卷的三個群組為 1. 約旦伊斯蘭教育學院學校董事會及管理階層人員等利益相關者選擇國際學術水準測驗考試(SAT)教育學制的動機;2. 學校工作人員(含主任,教師,基層辦公人員)需通過專業成長培訓成爲國際SAT教育系統下施教及工作的意願;3. 探討學生與家長爲何選擇國際SAT教育制度的優質選擇意向。

    本研究選擇伊斯蘭教育學院爲主要討論的學府是因為伊斯蘭教育學院是約旦人民最敬重的兩任國王的母校及更擁有約旦境内完整的學制:美國的學術水準測驗考試(SAT),英國的普通教育文憑/國際普通教育文憑(GCE/IGCE),國際文憑(IB) 及約旦普通高中的學制 (Tawjihi)。



    This study explores the Jordan Islamic Education College to continue the international school under the international education trend after one decade, to explore the motivation of the school staff in their professional growth development (PGD) training, and to consider the benefits to the students' parents choosing an international school for their children.

    To conduct this study, the researcher considered the following: a) the demographic features, b) the of stakeholders, c) the motivation of school staff to participate in professional growth development training and d) the benefits' consideration in choosing an international school by students' parents. Six sets of questionnaires were prepared by the researcher to achieve the goals of this study, which were answered by three groups, respectively. And both Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations Theory were applied in this study.

    The three groups who participated in the questionnaire were 1. Stakeholders, including School Board Members, General Manager, and managerial staff to choose the international SAT education system, 2. School staff, including the principal, supervisors, teachers and administrative staff, to evaluate their motivation to be trained in professional growth development to become successful staff of an international SAT educational system and show readiness to teach and work accordingly 3. Students' Parents, to analyze what benefit they perceive the international SAT educational system will deliver.

    This study chose the Islamic Educational College as the primary institution for research as it is the alma mater of the two most respected Kings of Jordan: H.E. Late King Hussain and H.E. King Abdullah. And, the school represents an institution which has covered different international and national educational systems. These were namely the American Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT), the British Diploma in General Certificate of Education / International General Certificate of Education (GCE/IGCE), the International Baccalaureate (I.B.) and the Jordanian General High School (Tawjihi).To achieve the research objectives, the researcher collected data based on different groups and distributed questionnaires anonymously. The total number of 230 respondents answered the survey.

    This study uses SPSS statistical methods to analyze the data collected and has reached these conclusions. Firstly, stakeholders have agreed to implement the international SAT educational system in schools. The implementation of the SAT education is the result of the motivation, and interest-related recognition to the school's modification into a global SAT pedagogy. Secondly, under the international SAT educational system, school staff are willing to receive and acquire more professional growth development training. Thirdly, students' parents believe if their children will benefit if they enter the international SAT education system. They would have the skills and behavior required to be productive and the countable members of the international community.

    Finally, based on the analysis of this study, there are some recommendation and suggestion made to the Jordanian Ministry of Education, public schools, private schools, and other relevant institutions and students' parents.

    Chapter 1 Introduction.....1 1.1 Research Background.....1 1.2 Research Purposes.....4 1.3 Research Framework.....6 1.4 Research Structure.....8 1.5 Research Hypotheses.....8 1.6 Definition of Terms.....9 Chapter 2 Literature Review.....12 2.1 Diffusion Theory.....12 2.2 Theories.....17 2.3 International Education.....23 2.4 Brief on Islamic Educational College.....26 2.5 International School: International SAT Educational System.....30 Chapter 3 Methodology.....37 3.1 Research Framework.....37 3.2 Research Method......38 3.3 Participants and Sampling.....39 3.4 Data Collection.....41 3.5 Research Instrument.....42 Chapter 4 Results.....43 4.1 Sample Group: Stakeholders.....43 4.2 Sample Group: School Staff.....51 4.3 Sample Group: Students Parents.....59 4.4 Summary.....69 Chapter 5 Discussions.....71 5.1 The Results of Demographic Questionnaires.....71 5.2 Results of Questionnaires.....74 5.3 Research Limitations.....77 Chapter 6 Conclusion & Recommendations.....79 6.1 Conclusions.....79 6.2 Recommendation.....84 6.3 Future Study .....85 Reference.....86 Appendix.....94

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