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研究生: 曾揚容
論文名稱: 老人社會大學高齡學習者學習型態及其相關因素之研究
指導教授: 林美和
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 社會教育學系
Department of Adult and Continuing Education
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 131
中文關鍵詞: 學習型態老人高齡者制握信念
英文關鍵詞: learning style, the old, aged, locus of control
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:227下載:69
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  • 本研究係以老人社會大學高齡學習者為研究對象,進行學習型態及其相關因素之研究。旨在探討高齡學習者的學習型態傾向,並進一步探討學習型態及其相關因素之間的關係,以供老人社會大學進行課程規劃及教學活動之參考。

    A Study on Learning Styles and Relative Factors Thereof of Old Adult Learners in Senior Citizen Social College
    This study takes old adult learners in senior citizen social colleges as target samples to conduct research on learning styles and theirs relative factors. The purpose of this research is to explore tendency in learning styles of old adult learners, and further to explore the relation between learning styles and relative factors as a reference for senior citizen social college course design and instructional activities.
    To achieve the afore-mentioned goals, firstly the learning characteristics of older adult learners is understood through literature review, exploring theories and relative researches on adult learning styles, and exploring the practice circumstances, and all these serve as references for this research design. Secondly, the adequate tool of this research, “learning style questionnaire for old adult learners,” is developed with research tools from domestic and foreign scholars taken as reference. And the empirical study on course activities of old adult learner in different campuses is then conducted. A total of 252 valid questionnaires are collected for results study, and the discussion is proceeded after performing analysis of sampling distribution, percentage, dependent single-factor anova analysis, independent sample t-test, independent single-factor anova analysis, and Pearson product-moment correlation in statistic software; the following conclusions are presented:
    I. There are more female participants than males in senior citizen college old adult learners,
    with the age group centered around 60 to 64; they have mostly been through middle and
    higher education and were public servants and teachers.
    II. Old adult learners in senior citizen college prefer “participant learning” and “collaborative learning” most, followed by “independent learning,” and dislike “competitive learning,” “dependent learning,” and “avoidant learning;” particularly “avoidant learning” is disinclined.
    III. The learning styles for old adult learners in senior citizen college vary significantly with
    learners’ gender, age, occupation before retirement, and education background.
    IV. The learning styles of old adult learners in senior citizen college are correlated to
    learners’ locus of control.
    According to the above-mentioned results, this research proposes several referential suggestions:
    I. Suggested Course Designs
    1. Acquiring basic information of old adult learners to understand learning needs for course design reference.
    2. Designing complete and well-arranged course content as a whole to maintain the
    learning motives and interests of old adult learners.
    3. Encouraging participation of old adult learners in course designing, playing the
    roles of being both a learner and a course designer.
    II. Suggested Instructional Activities
    1. Understanding the learning characteristics of ole adult learners; encouraging them to
    actively participate learning activities.
    2. Creating a supportive / cooperative / non-comparative learning circumstances, and
    encouraging old adult learners to explore potentials for learning independently.
    3. Instructors should examine variations in learning styles for each old adult learner to
    arrange suitable teaching strategies and examine teaching methods in time.
    4. Assisting old adult learners to understand learning style of oneself to improve learning
    III. Suggestions of Senior Citizen Colleges
    1. Applying multiple promotion channels and marketing strategies to increase
    participation of the elder and to expand to different elder groups.
    2. Prescribing hiring criteria for senior-education teachers, and enhance their
    perceptions of teaching competency.

    目 次 目 次 I 圖表目次 III 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 問題背景 1 第二節 研究動機與目的 6 第三節 研究方法與步驟 11 第四節 名詞釋義 13 第五節 研究限制 16 第二章 文獻探討 19 第一節 高齡學習者的意義與學習特性 19 第二節 成人學習型態的意義、內涵、評量及其相關因素 30 第三節 老人社會大學之現況 55 第三章 研究設計與實施 63 第一節 研究架構 64 第二節 研究對象 66 第三節 研究工具 67 第四節 實施程序 79 第五節 資料處理與統計方法 81 第四章 研究結果與討論 83 第一節 研究樣本之基本資料分析 83 第二節 老人社會大學學習者學習型態傾向之分析 87 第三節 社會人口變項與學習型態之差異分析 90 第四節 老人社會大學學習者制握信念與學習型態之相關分析 105 第五章 結論與建議 109 第一節 研究發現 109 第二節 結論 113 第三節 建議 116 參考文獻 127 附錄一:高齡學習者學習型態預試問卷 133 附錄二:高齡學習者學習型態正式問卷 139 圖表目次 圖2-2-1 D.A.Kolb的經驗學習模式 38 圖3-1-1 研究架構 64 表3-2-1 老人社會大學各校區的開課班級總數與報名人次 67 表3-3-1 預試樣本人數分配表 71 表3-3-2 高齡學習者學習型態預試問卷項目分析 73 表3-3-3 高齡學習者學習型態問卷各因素名稱、因素負荷量、及解釋量 75 表3-3-4 高齡學習者學習型態問卷內部一致性信度係數 77 表3-3-5 制握信念預試量表項目分析 78 表3-4-1 各校區有效問卷回收份數 80 表4-1-1 研究樣本之基本資料分析 84 表4-2-1 老人社會大學學習者學習型態傾向之分析 88 表4-3-1 不同性別學習者學習型態傾向之差異分析 91 表4-3-2 不同年齡學習者學習型態傾向之差異分析 95 表4-3-3 不同職業的退休學習者學習型態傾向之差異分析 98 表4-3-4 不同教育程度學習者學習型態傾向之差異分析 102 表4-4-1 老人社會大學學習者制握信念與學習型態各層面之相關係數 105

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