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研究生: 楊惠文
Hui-wen Yang
論文名稱: 應用自我導向學習促進體重控制班學員身體活動量改變之行動研究—以國立台灣師範大學為例
A Study on Self-directed Learning Strategy in Promoting the Action of Physical Activity for Body Weight Control Members ~ An Example of Members from the Faculty and Students of National Taiwan Normal University
指導教授: 鄭惠美
Jeng, Huey-Mei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 160
中文關鍵詞: 自我導向學習體重控制班學員身體活動量
英文關鍵詞: Self-directed learning, body weight control members, total amount of physical activity
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:547下載:6
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  • 本研究的主要目的為探討「增進身體活動量自我導向學習策略」對參與體重控制班之教職員工生的「身體活動認知」、「自覺身體活動利益」、「自覺身體活動障礙」、「身體活動自我效能」、「身體組成」及「身體活動量」之影響,並進一步探討教職員工生對該介入過程之評價。

    The main purpose of the subject was to discuss the effects of the “self- directed learning strategy” in promoting the action of physical activity for the body weight control members from the faculty and students of national Taiwan normal university. The impacts was analyzed from the points of perception of physical activity, perceived benefit for physical activity, perceived barrier for physical activity, self-efficiency for physical activity, body composition, and the amount of physical activity. The process of self-directed learning was also estimated by the faculty and students involved.
    The study targeted the members from the faculty and students of national Taiwan normal university who had the will to join our self-directed learning program for body weight control. 39 persons was enrolled by such the purposing sampling method. The course of self-directed learning lasted for about 2 months. It included 7 times classes of physical activity and every class had one hour learning. Members were asked to complete the questionnaire and accept the examination of body composition before, just after and 3-months follow-up after the course in order to realize the immediate and short-term effects after the intervention.
    From the pre-test analysis of parameters of member background, the score of perceived benefit for physical activity was higher in females than males. However, except for body fat ratio, the score in body composition was higher in males (including body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, and waist-to-hip ratio). Unmarried people had higher body composition score than married people in body weight, body mass index and waist circumference. Members living in home had less body weight than living outside. Older people had much more amount of physical activity especially in moderate to heavy physical activity on non-working days and 3-days amount of physical activity. The faculty was more physical active than students on non-working days and 3-days amount of physical activity. There was more moderate to heavy physical activity in high educated persons in working days. And unmarried people were less physical active in working days than unmarried.
    After the intervention of self-directed learning strategy in promoting the action of physical activity for the body weight control members, the members expressed positive effects on perception of physical activity, perceived benefit for physical activity, self-efficiency for physical activity, body composition (body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, hip circumference, and waist-to-hip ratio), and the amount of physical activity on working days. And they had reached statistically significant. They displayed such the education affected immediately.
    After 3 months follow-up after the course completed, perception of physical activity, perceived barrier for physical activity, body composition (body weight, body mass index, waist circumference, hip circumference, and waist-to-hip ratio), and the amount of physical activity on working days had statistically significant difference than before the intervention. They revealed the education course had short-term effect.
    The members involved all set up their own destination for body weight control. And after the education courses, they express they had got more benefits from the learning process, shared with positive suggestions, and thanked to our instructors, and workers of our health center. Besides, they were also satisfied moderately or very much with the time, location, teachers, the designation and workers of the education course.
    In conclusion, the self-directed learning method is an effective strategy to be applied to increase physical activity and to improve the related ability. Therefore, the researcher according to the process and the results of the study gives the conclusion and suggestions founded on this research, which serves as reference for the educational application and related researches.

    書名頁................................................... i 論文口試委員審定書.........................................ii 授權書...................................................iii 中文摘要..................................................iv 英文摘要..................................................vi 誌謝.....................................................vii 目錄......................................................ix 表目錄....................................................xi 圖目錄...................................................xii 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與重要性......................................1 第二節 研究目的............................................5 第三節 待答問題............................................5 第四節 研究假設............................................6 第五節 名詞解釋............................................7 第六節 研究限制............................................8 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 國人身體活動現況分析..................................9 第二節 影響身體活動之因素探討...............................11 第三節 身體活動之測量......................................19 第四節 身體活動相關介入研究探討.............................22 第五節 自我導向學習的理論及相關研究..........................28 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究設計與研究架構...................................34 第二節 研究對象與研究地區...................................35 第三節 研究工具...........................................36 第四節 研究變項及其測量....................................41 第五節 研究步驟...........................................43 第六節 資料處理與分析......................................46 第七節 教學單元設計........................................47 第四章 研究結果與討論 第一節 研究對象之基本資料及前測得分情形.......................55 第二節 研究對象背景變項對前測得分之影響......................61 第三節 教學介入之立即影響...................................68 第四節 教學介入之短期影響...................................75 第五節 研究對象各階段改變情形...............................81 第六節 教學介入過程評價....................................95 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論..............................................112 第二節 建議..............................................114 參考文獻..................................................116 附錄一 問卷內容效度專家名單.................................127 附錄二 正式施測問卷........................................128 附錄三 身體組成測量記錄表...................................132 附錄四 身體活動記錄表......................................133 附錄五 這一路的心得與感動(學員心得)........................137 附錄六 工作人員寫真版......................................139 附錄七 課程滿意度調查表....................................140 附錄八 增進身體活動量自我導向學習計畫書......................141 附錄九 活動實況...........................................154 表 目 錄 表3-1 研究統計方法摘要表....................................46 表4-1-1研究對象基本資料分布情形..............................57 表4-1-2研究對象前測得分情形.................................61 表4-2-1 性別與前測得分之單因子變異數分析......................62 表4-2-2 年齡與前測得分之簡單迴歸分析.........................63 表4-2-3 職業與前測得分之單因子變異數分析......................65 表4-2-4教育程度與前測得分之簡單迴歸分析.....................66 表4-2-5 婚姻狀況與前測得分之簡單迴歸分析.....................67 表4-2-6 居住情形與前測得分之簡單迴歸分析.....................68 表4-3 研究對象之身體活動認知、自覺身體活動利益、自覺身 體活動障礙、身體活動自我效能、身體組成、身體活動 量前測、後測得分及配對t檢定結果..............................75 表4-4 研究對象之身體活動認知、自覺身體活動利益、自覺身 體活動障礙、身體活動自我效能、身體組成、身體活動 量前測、後後測得分及配對t檢定結果.............................81 表4-5-1 身體活動認知、自覺身體活動利益、自覺身體活動障 礙、身體活動自我效能之前測、後測、後後測描述統 計分析....................................................83 表4-5-2 體重及身體質量指數之前測、後測、後後測描述統計 分析......................................................85 表4-5-3 腰圍、臀圍及腰臀圍比值之前測、後測、後後測描述 統計分析 ..................................................87 表4-5-4 體脂肪率之前測、後測、後後測描述統計分析...............89 表4-5-5 工作日、非工作日及三日身體活動量之前測、後測、 後後測描述統計分析..........................................91 表4-5-6 工作日、非工作日及三日中重度身體活動量前測、後 測、後後測描述統計分析......................................94 表4-6-1 學員參與度自評描述性分析............................108 表4-6-2 學員對於課程之滿意度分析............................109 表4-6-3 學員出席次數分析...................................109 表4-6-4 學員缺席原因分析...................................110 表4-6-5 課程若收取保證金之報名意願分析.......................111 圖 目 錄 圖3-1 研究架構圖.........................................35 圖3-2 研究步驟流程圖......................................45 圖4-5-1 身體活動認知、自覺身體活動利益、自覺身體活動障 礙及身體活動自我效能之前測、後測、後後測統計曲 線圖......................................................84 圖4-5-2 體重及身體質量指數之前測、後測、後後測統計曲線圖........86 圖4-5-3 腰圍、臀圍及腰臀圍比值之前測、後測、後後測統計曲 線圖......................................................88 圖4-5-4 體脂肪率之前測、後測、後後測統計曲線圖.................89 圖4-5-5 工作日、非工作日及三日身體活動量前測、後測、後後 測統計曲線圖...............................................92 圖4-5-6 工作日、非工作日及三日中重度身體活動量前測、後測、 後後測統計曲線圖............................................94

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