簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 林聖翔
Lin, Sheng-Hsiang
論文名稱: 賽局理論於高速公路車隊之應用
The application of the game theory to platooning on a highway
指導教授: 黃政吉
Huang, Jeng-Ji
口試委員: 馮輝文
Ferng, Huei-Wen
Shiung, David
Huang, Jeng-Ji
口試日期: 2023/06/13
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電機工程學系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 59
中文關鍵詞: 車輛形成車隊賽局理論機率分布
英文關鍵詞: Vehicle Platooning, Game Theory, Probability Distribution
研究方法: 主題分析比較研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301076
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:40下載:6
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  • 車輛形成車隊(Vehicle Platooning)對駕駛和車輛運輸都有益處。因為在車隊中的所有追隨者(followers)於行進時可以享有休息的好處,從而減輕他們的工作量;除此之外,不僅減少燃料消耗(fuel consumption),還可以縮短車輛與車輛之間的間距,從而提高運輸效率。在這篇論文中,討論加入車隊的車輛與賽局理論(Game Theory)相關的收益(payoff)。我們重點討論車輛形成車隊行駛於高速公路,論文通過數值分析計算了車輛在不同交通強度(traffic intensities)下在高速公路上行駛時所能獲得的平均收益。然後,這些結果可以與其他因素(例如到達目的地的緊急程度)相結合,供駕駛決定是否加入車隊。

    Vehicle Platooning is beneficial for both drivers and transportation of vehicles. It is because drivers can enjoy resting during the trip for all of the followers in a platoon, thereby saving their workloads; in addition, not only fuel consumption but spacing between vehicles can be reduced, thereby enhancing transportation efficiency. In this thesis, the payoff related to the game theory is discussed for a vehicle joining a platoon. In particular, we focus on platooning for vehicles traveling on a highway. Numerical analysis is performed in the thesis to calculate the mean payoff that a vehicle can receive when traveling on a highway under various traffic intensities. The results can then be used for drivers to decide whether to join a platoon by combining other factors such as urgency to get to the destination.

    誌 謝 i 中文摘要 ii 英文摘要 iii 目 錄 v 表 目 錄 vi 圖 目 錄 vii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 智慧交通系統(Intelligent Transportation System, ITS) 1 1.2 車用行動通訊網路(Vehicular ad-hoc network, VANET) 2 1.3 車輛形成車隊(Vehicle Platooning) 2 1.4 車輛換道(Vehicle Lane Changing) 3 1.5 賽局理論(Game Theory, GT) 4 1.6 論文動機 12 1.7 章節編排 13 第二章 重要相關文獻與相關背景知識 14 2.1 [3] 14 2.2 [4] 17 2.3 [5] 20 2.4 [6] 24 2.5 [7] 28 2.6 [8] 35 2.7 羅吉斯函數(Logistic Function) 36 2.8 機率分布(Probability Distribution) 37 第三章 分析方法 42 3.1 系統模型 42 3.2 賽局理論應用 45 3.3 效用函數計算 46 第四章 數值結果與討論 48 4.1 車流驗證 48 4.2 合作式賽局場景與非合作式賽局場景比較 49 第五章 結論 53 相關文獻 54 附錄一 57 自傳 59 學術研究 59

    [1]智慧型運輸系統ITS簡介 https://www.freeway.gov.tw/Publish.aspx?cnid=1556

    [2]Vehicular ad-hoc network https://wiki.mbalib.com/zh-tw/车辆自组网.

    [3]A. Aslam, F. Santos, and L. Almeida, “Reconfiguring TDMA Communications for Dynamic Formation of Vehicle Platoons,” IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA),pp.1713–1714,Oct.2020.

    [4]J. Calvo and R. Mathar, “Connected Vehicles Coordination:A Coalitional Game-Theory Approach,” 2018 European Conference on Networks and Communications (EuCNC),pp.,June.2018.

    [5]A. Johansson and J. M°artensson, “Game Theoretic Models for Profit-Sharing in Multi-fleet Platoons,” 2019 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC),pp.341–344, Oct.2019.

    [6]A. Johansson, E. Nekouei, K. Henrik-Johansson and J. M°artensson, “Multi-Fleet Platoon Matching:A Game-Theoretic Approach,” 2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) Maui, Hawaii, USA, November 4-7, 2018.

    [7]H. Wei, L. Mashayekhy, and J. Papineau, “Intersection Management for Connected Autonomous Vehicles: A Game Theoretic Framework,” 2018 21st International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC),pp., November 4-7, 2018.

    [8]A. Ji, and D. Levinson, “Estimating the Social Gap With a Game Theory Model of Lane Changing,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS, VOL. 22, NO. 10, OCTOBER 2021.

    [9]賽局理論是什麼? https://veracityconsultant.com.tw/what-is-game-theory/

    [10]Game Theory Applications in Network Design https://slideplayer.com/slide/14955687/

    [11]黑盒模型事後歸因解析:SHAP方法 https://developer.aliyun.com/article/760042

    [12]A. McEachern and D. Ashlock, Game Theory: A Classical Introduction, Mathematical Games, and the Tournament. Morgan & Claypool, June 15, 2017.

    [13]羅吉斯迴歸分析(Logistic regression, logit model)-統計說明與SPSS操作 https://www.yongxi-stat.com/logistic-regression/


    [15]均勻分布 https://baike.baidu.hk/item/%E5%9D%87%E5%8B%BB%E5%88%86%E4%BD%88/954451

    [16]工程統計 第八章 工程應用之重要機率分配

    [17]二項式分布 https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/%E4%BA%8C%E9%A0%85%E5%BC%8F%E5%88%86%E5%B8%83

    [18]幾何分布 https://zh.wikipedia.org/zhtw/%E5%B9%BE%E4%BD%95%E5%88%86%E4%BD%88

    [19]行駛在高速公路上 https://www.freeway.gov.tw/Print.aspx?cnid=1688&p=2650
