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Author: 林奕成
Yi-Cheng Lin
Thesis Title: 鈷及鐵薄膜於鎢(111)表面上的結構與磁性
Structure and Magnetism of Co and Fe Films on W(111) Surface
Advisor: 林文欽
Lin, Wen-Chin
Degree: 碩士
Department: 物理學系
Department of Physics
Thesis Publication Year: 2011
Academic Year: 99
Language: 英文
Number of pages: 52
Keywords (in Chinese): 結構磁性
Keywords (in English): Co, Fe, W, Structure, Magnetism
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 200Downloads: 16
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  • 在本篇報告中我們於100K的溫度將鈷或鐵蒸鍍在鎢(111)的表面並升溫至室溫後,藉著低能量電子繞射以及磁光柯爾效應探討其結構與磁性,此外我們將呈現樣品熱處理過程中所觀察到的特殊磁現象。

    Co and Fe films grown on W(111) were studied. After low temperature (100K) deposition with post-annealing at 300K, the crystalline structure, morphology, and magnetic behavior were measured by low energy electron diffraction (LEED), and magneto optical Kerr effect (MOKE). The special annealing effect on the magnetic behavior is also discussed.

    中文摘要 2 Abstract 3 Chapter 1. Introduction 8 1.1 Motivation 8 1.2 About W(111) substrate 10 1.3 About CIMS (Current-Induced-Magnetism-Switching) 11 Chapter 2. Experiment 12 2.1 UHV chamber and Equipment 12 2.2 Experiment method 14 Chapter 3. Results and discussion 16 3.1 Structure of LT-growth Co/W(111) 16 3.2 Magnetism of LT-growth Co on W(111) 20 3.2.1 Case 1 20 3.2.2 Case 2 23 3.3 Effect of sample current of Co and Fe on W(111) 25 3.3.1 Sample A 27 Effect of sample in Co/W(111) 27 Relation of temperature and bias 30 Relation of thickness and bias 31 About interface and surface 34 Bias of different position on sample 36 3.3.2 Sample B 38 Case I 38 Magnetism and effect of current on Fe/W(111) 38 Relation of current density and bias 42 Case II 47 Chapter 4. Summary 49 Reference 52

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