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研究生: 張賁寗
Chang, Pi-Ning
論文名稱: 普特合作:學習區工作盒對發展遲緩幼兒IEP目標學習成效之研究
A Collaboration Between General-Special Educators: Effects of Using Structured Task Boxes in Learning Centers to Address IEP Objectives for Children with Developmental Delay
指導教授: 王慧婷
Wang, Hui-Ting
口試委員: 王慧婷
Wang, Hui-Ting
Lin, Pei-Jung
Ko, Chiou-Shiue
口試日期: 2022/05/31
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系碩士在職專班
Department of Special Education_Continuing Education Master's Program of Special Education
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 126
中文關鍵詞: 工作盒巡迴輔導教師發展遲緩幼兒結構化教學學前特教學習區
英文關鍵詞: children with developmentally delay, itinerant teachers, learning center, preschool special education, structured teaching, task boxes
研究方法: 單一受試研究法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201709
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:169下載:0
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  • 學前特殊需求學生以發展遲緩為主,並且大多安置於學前普通班,接受特教巡迴輔導服務。本研究目的為使巡輔師的服務時間以外,學生也能夠持續進行相關個別化教育計畫(IEP)目標練習,使用結構化工作盒以解決融合教育中落實IEP目標的困難。本研究採用單一受試跨行為多基線實驗研究法,選擇一位發展遲緩幼兒為研究對象,參考其相關IEP設定三個彼此獨立、難易度相當的工作盒目標,並加入研究對象的興趣設計工作盒,放置對應的學習區域,於班級每天都會進行的「學習區時間」操作,藉此探討發展遲緩幼兒於班級自然環境中操作工作盒的學習成效,並期許能進一步協助班級教師執行IEP目標。研究自變項為三個工作盒,依變項為工作盒介入後行為的改變,也就是目標達成百分率。研究結果發現,自變項工作盒的介入後,顯著提升了研究對象目標達成率也提升了練習的次數,亦有良好的維持效果及社會效度。雖然本研究並未直接針對IEP目標測量成效,然而普通班教師對於工作盒實施成效持正向態度,對於未來研究上,建議能具體針對巡迴輔導的普特合作再深入測量與探究;實務上則建議工作盒能有多層次設計,有利於全班混齡幼兒的差異化學習,並以漸進的方式,和班級教師合作。

    Preschoolers with special needs are often identified as developmentally delayed and are placed in general classes with special education itinerant services in Taiwan. With a view to solving the difficulties in implementing the objectives of individualized education program (IEP) in inclusive education, the purpose of this study is to use a structured task boxes that enables students to continue practicing relevant Individualized Education Program (IEP) objectives in addition to the support services of itinerant teachers. This study used a single case multiple baseline design across behaviors. A participant with developmental delay was chosen to be engaged with three task boxes, each boxes were referred to its IEP and set three independent goals of equal difficulty. The researcher placed the structured work boxes in the corresponding learning area, and asked the subject to operate them during the "learning area time" every day. In this way, the learning effect of children with developmental delay in operating the task boxes in the natural environment will be explored, and the instructor will be assisted in implementing the IEP objectives. The independent variable was the three task boxes, and the dependent variables were the behavior modification after the intervention of the three task boxes, which means the percentage of completion steps. The results showed that the intervention of the variable task boxes significantly increased the target achievement rate and promoted the number of trials of the participants, and even had good maintenance effects and social validity. Although this study did not directly measure the effectiveness of the IEP objectives, instructor has a positive attitude towards the effectiveness of the task box implementation. For further studies, more in-depth research should be conducted on the collaboration between the itinerant teachers and the general education teachers. In practice, it is recommended to have a multi-level design work boxes, and cooperate with class teachers in a progressive manner, which will be beneficial to the differentiated learning of mixed-aged class children.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 5 第三節 研究問題 5 第四節 名詞釋義 5 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 巡迴輔導服務 9 第二節 結構化教學的內涵與應用 21 第三節 學習區的內涵與應用 32 第三章 研究方法 41 第一節 研究方法 41 第二節 研究對象及場域 42 第三節 工作盒 48 第四節 依變項資料蒐集 62 第五節 研究步驟 67 第六節 研究信、效度 71 第七節 資料分析 75 第八節 研究倫理 78 第四章 結果與討論 81 第一節 工作盒設置能提升IEP教育目標達成率 81 第二節 於普通班級中使用工作盒具社會效度 87 第五章 綜合討論與建議 89 第一節 綜合討論 89 第二節 限制和建議 95 參考文獻 99 附錄一 工作盒目標練習次數記錄表暨觀察者間一致性信度紀錄表 111 附錄二 自變項過程信度檢核表研究者版本 117 附錄三 工作盒介入社會效度調查表 120 附錄四 視覺分析摘要表 124

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