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Author: 陳冠諭
Chen, Guan-Yu
Thesis Title: 德布西藝術歌曲《優雅慶典I、II》之樂曲分析與演奏詮釋
The Analysis and Interpretation of “Fêtes Galantes I & II”by Claude Debussy
Advisor: 張詩欣
Chang, Shih-Hsing
Committee: 張詩欣
Chang, Shih-Hsing
Lee, Yen-i
Lin, Fang-Yu
Approval Date: 2021/01/22
Degree: 碩士
Department: 表演藝術研究所
Graduate Institute of Performing Arts
Thesis Publication Year: 2022
Academic Year: 110
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 164
Keywords (in Chinese): 法國藝術歌曲象徵主義德布西鋼琴合作優雅慶典魏崙
Keywords (in English): Claude Debussy, Collaborative piano, Fêtes Galants, Mélodie, Paul Verlaine, Symbolism
Thesis Type: Thesis substitute: work with written report (fine arts)
Reference times: Clicks: 233Downloads: 12
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  • 克勞德‧德布西(Claude Debussy, 1862-1918)為法國最為人知的作曲家之一,其生活的十九世紀末,由於整體社會環境的繁榮,進而促使了藝文活動盛行。在與文人雅士們的交流之下,激發了他內容豐富且具高藝術性的創作。其聲樂作品《優雅慶典》(Fêtes Galantes I & II, 1891-1904)分為兩集,並且各有三首曲子,第一集創作於1891年,第二集則創作於1904年,雖然分別相隔十餘年的時間,但在選擇詩詞的意境以及動機的使用上,亦巧妙地將兩集作為一套完整的曲目。
    本書面報告總共有四章,第一章為緒論,共有兩節,分別說明研究之動機與目的以及方法與架構;第二章為文獻探討,第一節為十九世紀法國藝術歌曲發展概述,第二節探討德布西生平,第三節為德布西藝術歌曲之創作特色,第四節為象徵主義之概述;第五節為詩人魏崙之生平與重要作品;第三章為《優雅慶典》之樂曲詮釋與分析,共六節,分別為其六首歌曲:〈悄悄地〉(En Sourdine)、〈木偶戲〉(Fantoches)、〈月光〉(Clair de Lune)、〈天真的少女〉(Les ingénus)、〈牧神〉(Le Faune)、〈感傷的對白〉(Colloque sentimental),各曲先討論詞義以及音韻之間的關係,再研究樂曲架構以及鋼琴和聲樂之間的合作與詮釋;第四章為結語,綜合上述全文以筆者觀點做出總結。

    Claude Debussy (1862-1918) was one of the most famous composers in France. At that time, the artistic activities prevailed. The situation helped Debussy's works present with various styles. His Fêtes Galants is divided into two volumes with three songs each. The first volume was composed in 1891, and the second in 1904. Although these two were composed several yeaars apart, they still echo each other in the artistic conception and musical settings of poems.
    There are four chapters in this report: The First Chapter is the introduction, which consists of two sections, respectively explaining the motivation and purpose of the research as well as the method and the structure. The Second Chapter starts from mélodie. The second and third section introduces the life of Debussy and his styles of composing art songs. The fourth and fifth section discusses the Symbolism and introduces Verlaine, who is the representative poet of Symbolism.The Third chapter is the interpretation and the analysis of Fêtes Galants, including six songs in six sections: En Sourdine, Fantoches, Clair de Lune, Les Ingenus, Le Faune and Colloque Sentimental. The meaning of each song and the relationship between dictions will be discussed first, then the musical structure and the collaboration between piano and voice will be discussed later. At last, The Fourth Chapter is the conclusion of whole repore. It summarizes the whole musical, analysis and interpretive ideas from the author's viewpoints.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法與架構 3 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 法文藝術歌曲發展概述 5 第二節 作曲家德布西之生平與創作 9 第三節 德布西之藝術歌曲創作特色 16 第四節 象徵主義概述 20 第五節 詩人魏崙生平與重要作品 26 第三章 樂曲分析與演奏詮釋 31 第一節 〈悄悄地〉(En Sourdine) 33 第二節 〈木偶戲〉(Fantoches) 55 第三節 〈月光〉(Clair de Lune) 78 第四節 〈天真的少女〉(Les Ingénus) 97 第五節 〈牧神〉(Le Faune) 116 第六節 〈感傷的對白〉(Colloque Sentimental) 132 第四章 結語 159 參考文獻 163

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    Arnold Hauser.《西洋社會藝術進化史》(The Social History of Art)。邱彰譯。臺北:雄獅美術,1987。
    Paul Verlaine.《魏崙抒情詩一百首》。莫渝譯。臺北:桂冠圖書,1995。
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    Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. Dictionnaire de Musique. Paris: Chez la Duchesne, 1768.
    Walsh,Stephen. Debussy: A Painter in Sound. London: Knopf Publishing Group, 2018.
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    Debussy Poète Muscien. Nadia Jauneau Cury, soprano; Sébastien Jaudon, piano. Skarbo, B00T3IQPKY, 2015.
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