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研究生: 楊承熹
Yang, Chen-Shi
論文名稱: 教育作為一個形構主體問題的研究
The study of education as a matter of forming subject
指導教授: 洪仁進
Hung, Ren-Jin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: Bildung主體德勒茲洪席耶
英文關鍵詞: Bildung, subject, G.Deleuze, J. Rancière
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001056
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:222下載:26
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  • 教育長期以來都以自德國新人文主義時期發展而來的Bildung概念作解釋,而Bildung概念的發展又可以以康德、黑格爾對於Bildung的解釋作為基礎。本研究試圖從主體問題著手,嘗試挖掘我們長久以來在教育以Bildung作為詮釋的概念下所預設之主體,指出此預設主體所產生的無法自由自我形構之爭議,並試圖尋找筆者所認為較為真實,不被本質所預設、在自我形構上較為自由之德勒茲所提出之主體觀,試圖加以了解德勒茲主體在個體的自我形構以及形構過程與外界關聯上呈現怎樣的風貌。最後並試圖以此主體的自我形構經驗嘗試對教育的Bildung論述做一補充建議。



    For a long time, education has been explained by the concept of Bildung, which developed from the New Humanism period of Germany, and the development of the concept of Bildung can be based on the interpretation of Bildung by Kant and Hegel.
    This study attempt to dig for a long time in our education with the concept of Bildung as interpretation under the presupposition of the subject points out the default that the presupposition of the subject cannot freely form, and also tries to find the subject proposed by Deleuze, and tries to understand the appearance of this subject in the individual's self-formation and the relationship between the formation process and the outside world. Finally, the author tries to make a supplementary suggestion to the discussion of education by Bildung based on the subject's self-formation experience.

    This study concludes that the subject under the context of Bildung often leads to the possibility that the self-formation of the individual is dependent on universal rationality and that many other life experiences are lost. Moreover, the harmonious relationship between the rational subject and the external is obtained by sacrificing individual particularity and difference. In other words, we are always limited in self-formation by the rational model and the community discourse developed by the rational model, and we do not gain freedom. Deleuze's subject, which is composed of experimental experience, has shown again and again that we can show relative freedom to the past by rejecting and escaping the established model, and have different relations with the outside world in the process of formation

    The suggestion of this study for the discussion of Bildung on education is that Bildung should be an eternal creation different from the past, rather than simply enlightening people and cultivating perfect rational subjects with rationality or absolute spirit, but more about trying to transform a person's life into a kind of "creation". Bildung might mean "Bildung without a goal." The harmonious relationship between the subject formation process and the democratic community is in a state that cannot be completed in essence but can form a test relationship between them.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究方法與步驟 11 第三節 研究範圍與限制 13 第四節 章節架構與構思 15 第貳章 Bildung與主體問題 17 第一節 Bildung的主體觀及其爭議 17 第二節 Deleuze的回應及其主體觀 31 第三節 小結 46 第參章 作品式主體的探究 49 第一節 生成 51 第二節 生命書寫 60 第三節 小結 72 第肆章 作品式主體在政治中的實踐 73 第一節 感性分享與政治 75 第二節 共識與生成 87 第三節 小結 95 第伍章 結論與建議 99 第一節 結論 99 第二節 建議 102 參考資料 105

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