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研究生: 陳佩琪
Chen, Pei-Qi
論文名稱: 動態資訊圖像影片的轉場效果創作研究
The Study and Design of Motion Infographics Transitions
指導教授: 廖偉民
Liao, Wei-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 101
中文關鍵詞: 資訊圖像轉場動態圖像
英文關鍵詞: Infographics, Transition, Motion Graphics
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000406
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:168下載:53
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  • 身處二十一世紀資訊爆炸的時代,我們每天要處理超載的資訊量。如何更有效能地傳遞資訊成為一個重要的議題。以圖像進行溝通的「資訊圖像」(infographics)成為可以令人更快、更容易理解資訊的重要媒介。資訊圖像依據溝通方式分為靜態、動態及互動式三種,本研究將目標鎖定在具有影片格式、線性結構且不被使用者影響的動態資訊圖像影片。在該類作品中,轉場是重要的闡述手法之一,應用得當的轉場可讓觀者更容易吸收影片中的資訊。
    本研究透過文獻探討法整理動態資訊圖像的脈絡以及歸納影片的轉場類別,將轉場分為兩大類,特效類有淡化、劃接、形變、翻轉、其他,以及鏡頭自然過渡類有相同主體轉場、相似體轉場、遮擋鏡頭轉場、移動轉場、動作轉場、推近拉遠轉場、主觀鏡頭轉場、空鏡頭轉場、甩鏡頭轉場、承接式轉場、情緒轉場、跳接等,共計17種類型,並對國際競賽Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards 2012到2015年Motion infographic類別中的獲獎案例進行轉場分析,統計使用頻率最高的前五項轉場為形變轉場、推近拉遠轉場、淡化轉場、移動轉場、劃接轉場。創作階段呼應案例分析結果,以臺灣珊瑚礁魚類消失為動態資訊圖像影片的主題,針對上述五種轉場效果進行創作。藉由本次創作獲得以下結論:1. 影片格式使資訊量受到拘束2.影片可藉由視覺與聽覺增強內容與魅力傳遞3.動態資訊圖像影片的轉場除了和緩阻隔感,還需注意轉場本身隱含的資訊量、轉場是否會令資訊圖像產生誤讀或誤導圖像彼此之間的關係,轉場也影響影片氛圍與節奏。4.視情況需要綜合不同轉場類別,以達到目的。

    In the era of information explosion in the 21st century, we have to deal with information overload every day. How to convey information more effectively has become an important issue. "Infographics" that use images to communicate have become an important medium for making information faster and easier to understand. According to the communication methods, infographics are divided into three types: Static Infographics, Animated Infographics and Interactive Infographics. This study focus on Motion Infographics : Animated Infographics with a video format, a linear structure, and no influence by users. In this type of work, transitions are one of the most important exposition techniques. Applying the appropriate transition effects makes it easier for viewers to absorb the information in the video.
    Through Literature Review method to organize the thread of Motion Infographics and the transition category of video works, this study divides the transition into two categories: Special Effects Transition and Natural Transition. Special Effects Transition category include Fade, Wipe, Transform, Flip, and Other effects. Natural Transition category including Same Subject Transition, Similar Object Transition, Lens-occlusion Transition, Movement Transition, Action Transition, Close-up/Zoom/Dolly Transition, Point of view shot Transition, Scenery shot Transition, Shake lens Transition, Plot continuation Transition, Emotion Transition, Jump cut, etc. A total of 17 types of transitions, and use them to analyze the transition of Motion Infographics works. The top five most frequently used transitions in Motion Infographics samples are Transform, Close-up/Zoom/Dolly Transition, Fade, Movement Transition, and Wipe.
    In response to the results of the case analysis, the works uses the disappearance of coral reef fish in Taiwan as the theme of the Motion Infographics to create the above five transition effects. With these creations obtained the following conclusions:
    1. The video format restricts the amount of information.
    2. The video can enhance the content and charm through visual and hearing.
    3. In addition to easing the sense of blocking between two different shots, you should also pay attention to the amount of information hidden in the Transition. Also note whether the transition will mislead the information and the relationship between images. Transitions will also affect the atmosphere and rhythm of the video.
    4. Integrate different transitions as required to achieve the purpose.

    謝誌 i 摘要 ii Abstract iii 目錄 v 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與動機 1 1.2 創作研究目的 2 1.3 創作研究範圍與限制 2 1.4 創作研究流程與架構 3 1.5 主要名詞釋義 4 第二章 文獻探討 5 2.1 資訊圖像(Infographics) 5 2.1.1 資訊圖像的定義 5 2.1.2 資訊圖像形式設計 8 2.1.3 資訊圖像的格式類別 13 2.1.4 資訊圖像的製作流程 16 2.1.5 動態資訊圖像的興起 17 2.2 動態資訊圖像影片(Motion Infographics) 21 2.2.1 動態圖像的定義 22 2.2.2 動態資訊圖像影片的傳達特性 25 2.3 轉場效果(Transition) 28 2.3.1 轉場的定義 28 2.3.2 轉場的類別 29 2.4 小結 42 第三章 案例研究 45 3.1 案例篩選 45 3.2 案例分析 46 3.2.1 形變轉場 47 3.2.2 推近拉遠轉場 48 3.2.3 移動轉場 49 3.2.4 淡化轉場 51 3.2.5 劃接轉場 52 3.3 小結 53 第四章 設計創作 55 4.1 創作流程 55 4.2 創作主題與內容 56 4.2.1 創作背景與動機 56 4.2.2 創作主題分析 56 4.2.3 腳本分鏡與視覺設計 63 4.3 轉場創作說明 71 4.4 轉場效果檢視 93 第五章 結論 97 5.1 研究結論 97 5.2 後續研究 98 參考文獻 99

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