研究生: |
林淑芳 |
論文名稱: |
中學生共依附特質與信任感之發展與相關研究 |
指導教授: | 林世華 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2002 |
畢業學年度: | 90 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 172 |
中文關鍵詞: | 中學生 、青少年 、共依附 、信任感 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:466 下載:80 |
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The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between high school students' codependency and trust. The sample consisted of 1264 students from high schools in Taiwan, Jing-men, and Perng-hwu. The instruments used in this study included The Spann-Fischer Codependency Scale, Codependency Assessment Questionnaire, and Trust Scale. Data obtained in this study were analyzed by two-way ANOVA and canonical correlational analysis. The primary findings were as follows:
I. Sex and Grade Effects in High School Students' Codependency
1.There were sex and grade differences in codependency, but no interaction between sex and grade, as measured by the Codependency Assessment Questionnaire. The female students showed more codependency than male students, and the first grade senior high school students showed more codependency than the second grade junior high school students.
2.There were sex difference, grade difference, and some interactions between sex and grade for the subscales of The Spann-Fischer Codependency Scale. The female students showed more "capturing a sense of purpose through relationships" and "identified care-taking activities" than male students and male students showed more "lack of open expression of feelings" than female students. The first two grade senior high school male students showed more "put the focus outside of self" than female students. The second grade senior high school students showed more "capture a sense of purpose through relationships" than the second grade junior high school students.
II. High School Students' Comparison and Development on Trust
There were sex difference, grade difference, and some interactions
between sex and grade for the subscales of The Trust Scale. The female students showed more predictability trust and emotional trust than male students and the male students showed more faith than female students. The second grade senior high school students showed more predictability trust than the first and second grade junior high school students; the third grade senior high school students showed more predictability trust than the second grade junior high school students, too. As well, the senior high school students showed more emotional trust than the junior high school students; the third grade senior high school female students and the third grade junior high school female students showed more dependability trust than male students.
III.The Relationship Between High School Students' Codependency and Trust
The first canonical function showed that the relationship between
codependency and trust was negative. The second canonical function showed high school students' high scores in "capturing a sense of purpose through relationships" and "identified care-taking activities" subscales were associated with low scores both in "put the focus outside of self" and "lack of open expression of feelings" subscales and high scores in predictability, dependability and emotional trust. The last canonical function showed that high school students' low scores in "capturing a sense of purpose through relationships," "lack of open expression of feelings," and "identified care-taking activities" subscales were associated with high scores in "put the focus outside of self" subscale and low scores in predictability trust and high scores in dependability trust and faith.
Based on the findings, implications and suggestions were proposed for the delivery of education, counseling services, and future research.
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