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研究生: 陳怡璇
Chen, I-Hsuan
論文名稱: 由品牌定位發展品牌元素之研究-以臺灣果乾為例
A Study of Developing Brand Elements by Creating Brand Positioning - Take Taiwan Dried Fruits as Example
指導教授: 梁桂嘉
Liang, Kuei-Chia
Tseng, Kevin C.
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 142
中文關鍵詞: 果乾品牌元素品牌定位標誌設計包裝設計消費者行為
英文關鍵詞: dried fruit, brand positioning, brand elements, logo design, packaging design, customer behavior
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001564
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:262下載:83
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  • 臺灣水果多元而優質,廣受國內外市場歡迎。由於水果容易腐敗不易保存,果乾市場在崇尚健康與方便食用的趨勢下日益繁榮。然而,臺灣多數果乾品牌之目標市場過於相似集中。因此,本研究旨在以臺灣果乾為例,研究該如何從眾多品牌中開創商機來創造新品牌,強調以目標客群需求來建立品牌定位和選擇包裝相關之品牌元素。研究方法參考策略性品牌管理流程和行銷流程,分兩大階段:透過市場環境分析(包含30個臺灣果乾品牌)決定品牌定位,再根據品牌定位來選擇品牌元素。研究成果之新果乾品牌──果福(GoFu),意即水果的祝福,其品牌箴言為「祝福、臺灣和健康」。將來臺最具消費潛力之日本旅客作為目標客群,與知名飯店聯名推出臺灣12月份代表水果製成的零添加果乾紀念商品,依不同水果吉祥話分成4種禮盒。包裝上插圖則融合寫實與抽象兩種相互衝突的藝術風格,呈現出臺灣新舊文化融合的特色,並同時兼具高質感。經問卷調查後,品牌元素在整體上皆得到正面評價,亦證實品牌定位的方向正確。期望透過本研究,提供小型企業和設計師參考,以建立品牌定位與選擇品牌元素。

    Taiwan has a rich variety of high-quality fruits that are welcomed in domestic and international market. Unlike fresh fruit, the dried versions which have gained increasing popularity can be stored long-term without spoiling. However, in Taiwan, the target market of the existing dried fruit brands has a lack of diversity. Therefore, the objective of this case study of dried fruit brands is to explore new markets and build a new brand, focusing on establishing brand position and choosing brand elements associated with packaging design. Based on the strategic brand management process and the model of the marketing process, the two steps of research process included: determine the brand positioning by analyzing the market environment (reviewed 30 dried fruit brands in Taiwan), and choose the brand elements according to the brand position. Following the results of the above-mentioned analysis, GoFu, a new dried fruit brand, was created. GoFu which means blessing of fruit in Mandarin was guided by the brand mantra: “blissful Taiwanese health”. The target customers were Japanese visitors who have the strongest consumption ability in the Taiwan tourism industry. In collaboration with famous hotel, all of the 12 dried fruit products were made of the finest seasonal natural fruit in Taiwan without any additives. Four types of gift boxes containing different meaning of special blessings were designed. The illustration on the high-end packaging combined two contradictory art styles. The realism and abstract art styles represent the blend of new and old cultures of Taiwan regional characteristics. In addition, the positive feedback of the quantitative survey also supports the brand positioning. The present case study provides a general model of brand position establishment and brand elements choice for other start-up companies and designers.

    壹、緒論 1 一、研究背景 1 二、研究動機 1 三、研究目的 2 四、研究範圍 2 五、研究流程 2 貳、文獻探討 4 一、品牌管理 4 二、品牌定位 5 (一)市場環境 6 (二)市場定位 8 三、品牌權益 11 四、品牌元素 13 (一)品牌元素選擇準則 13 (二)品牌元素設計方針 14 (三)品牌元素評估準則 27 參、研究方法 28 一、人物誌 30 二、顧客旅程地圖 31 三、圖像版 33 肆、研究成果 35 一、建立品牌定位 35 (一)市場環境 35 (二)市場定位 52 二、選擇品牌元素 60 (一)品牌名稱 60 (二)標語 60 (三)標誌 60 (四)包裝 67 三、衡量品牌元素 76 (一)統計調查 76 (二)統計分析 77 (三)討論修改 82 伍、結論與未來研究方向 86 參考文獻 88 附錄 102 附件一:2019年臺灣30個果乾品牌之標誌及包裝設計 102 附件二:人物誌 110 附件三:顧客旅程地圖 111 附件四:圖像版 112 附件五:問卷模板 113 附件六:問卷設計 119 附件七:問卷開放式問題之回覆明細 131

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