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研究生: 蔡貴如
Kuei-ju Tsai
論文名稱: 語言與政治立場:臺灣電視新聞之分析
Language and Political Stances: An Analysis of the Taiwanese Television News
指導教授: 蘇席瑤
Su, Hsi-Yao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 123
中文關鍵詞: 內容分析批判言談分析政治言談電視新聞意識型態政治立場
英文關鍵詞: content analysis, critical discourse analysis, political discourse, TV news, ideology, political stance
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:644下載:57
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  • 本研究探討媒體報導中語言與政治立場之關係。以臺灣電視新聞為例,我們分析了東森新聞、民視新聞、三立新聞及中天新聞所報導的政治新聞。採用方法包括量化的內容分析(content analysis)及以語言為重的批判言談分析(critical discourse analysis),並將此兩分析方法所得之成果用於驗證范‧迪克(van Dijk)於1998年所提出之意識型態方陣(ideological square)。我們以內容分析量化研究2007年4月15日到5月9日間,四家新聞台總共100集的新聞節目。並從中選出三則重大政治新聞,以批判言談分析作為個案研究。分析結果一致顯示不管在報導數量或報導語言方面,東森及中天皆傾向國民黨,而民視與三立則傾向民進黨。
    在批判言談分析中,我們分析了新聞報導語言中的宏觀以及微觀結構。在新聞的宏觀分析中,我們驗證了新聞台在呈現報導一個新聞事件時所提出的各項資訊,並非隨機出現,而是依據意識型態方陣經過縝密的安排。因此,對我們有利或對他們不利之資訊會獲得傳播,相反地,對我們不利而對他們有利之資訊則會受到相對的封鎖。不只宏觀架構如此,微觀的運用亦如是。根據我們對於新聞報導中語言銜接之分析,我們也發現了不論是連接詞(conjunction)或是字彙銜接(lexical cohesion),皆被媒體人操弄用來建構一個符合他們意識型態及政治立場的報導。

    This study aims to investigate the relations between language and political stances in the press. Four TV news stations in Taiwan were selected: ETTV News, FTV News, SET News, and CTi News. Both quantitative content analysis and critical discourse analysis were conducted to testify the ideological square proposed by van Dijk (1998). A total of 100 programs, from April 15 to May 9, 2007, were videotaped and quantitatively measured using content analysis. Three political events were further under critical discourse analysis as case studies. Results of the analyses revealed that ETTV News and CTi News were prone to the KMT, while FTV News and SET News were prone to the DPP.
    In the content analysis, it is found that a station’s political inclination biases its arrangement of political news in terms of news item, news duration, and news appearing order. Therefore, events congruent with the stations’ stances receive more reports of longer duration and appear earlier in a program. Contrarily, events that go against the stations’ ideologies receive fewer and more sketchy reports which come later in a program.
    In the critical discourse analysis, both macro- and micro-structures of the reports were examined. The analysis of news schema has manifested that the presentation of information by news stations is not random, but tactically organized according to the ideological square. Hence, information positive about us or negative about them would be expressed, while information positive about them or negative about us is suppressed. In the micro-analysis, it is shown that cohesive devices, including conjunction and lexical cohesion, are also manipulated by journalists to construct a world that best serves their ideologies and political stances.
    In sum, the study has demonstrated that preferred stances and ideologies are advocated by news stations in terms of quantity of news coverage as well as language of news reporting, whereas unwelcome stances and ideologies are suppressed both quantitatively and linguistically.

    CHINESE ABSTRACT I ENGLISH ABSTRACT III ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS V TABLE OF CONTENTS VII LIST OF TABLES IX LIST OF FIGURES XI CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Ideology 2 1.3 Political Environment in Taiwan 3 1.4 Scope and Goal 4 1.5 Organization of the Present Study 6 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 7 2.1 Content Analysis 7 2.2 Critical Discourse Analysis 11 2.2.1 Theoretical Background 11 Flower and His Colleagues 11 Fairclough 15 van Dijk 18 A Summary of Critical Discourse Analysis 23 2.2.2 Empirical Studies 24 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 31 3.1 Data Collection 31 3.2 TV News 33 3.3 Data Analysis 34 3.3.1 Content Analysis 34 3.3.2 Critical Discourse Analysis 36 3.3.3 A Sample Construction of Macrostructure 36 CHAPTER FOUR CONTENT ANALYSIS 41 4.1 Political News in a TV News Program 41 4.2 Content Analysis of Political News 43 4.2.1 Analysis of News Item 43 4.2.2 Analysis of News Duration 45 4.2.3 Analysis of News Appearing Order 48 4.3 Results and Discussion 51 CHAPTER FIVE CRITICAL DISCOURSE ANALYSIS: CASE STUDIES 53 5.1 Background 53 5.1.1 Ma Ying-jeou’s Special Expenses Indictment 53 5.1.2 The DPP Joint Conference 54 5.1.3 Taiwan’s Rejection of the Beijing Olympic Torch Relay 54 5.2 Ideological Square 55 5.3 Content Analysis 56 5.4 Critical Discourse Analysis: Macrostructure 60 5.4.1 Analysis of Ma Ying-jeou’s Special Expenses Indictment 60 5.4.2 Analysis of the DPP Joint Conference 67 5.4.3 Analysis of Taiwan’s Rejection of the Beijing Olympic Torch Relay 75 5.4.4 Discussion on Macrostructure 83 5.5 Critical Discourse Analysis: Microstructure 87 5.6 Results and Discussion 102 CHAPTER SIX CONCLUSION 105 6.1 Summary and Implications 105 6.2 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Future Research 108 REFERENCES 109 APPENDIX A Full content of the FTV News report on Ma’s special expenses indictment 117 APPENDIX B Political Headline Stories in ETTV News, FTV News, SET News, and CTi News from April 15, 2007 to May 9, 2007 121

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