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研究生: 陳咨華
論文名稱: 為城市生活體驗而設計— 臺北捷運車廂空間互動設計探究
Designing Urban lived Experience: Study of Spatial Interaction in Taipei MRT Carriage.
指導教授: 鄧成連
Teng, Cheng-Lein
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 250
中文關鍵詞: 城市的人機互動互動設計體現互動城市空間表演性知覺交錯承擔性論述設計
英文關鍵詞: Urban HCI, Interaction Design, Embodied Interaction, Urban space, Performativity, Perceptual crossing, Affordance, Discursive design
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:156下載:33
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  • 本研究藉由創作《霧詩》提出科技反思,未來人們日常生活中將存在更多互動科技,它們必須被謹慎地編織進城市的脈絡,契合城市的日常實踐,而非強行覆蓋於城市之上。時間能創造取代性的技術,卻不能解決其衍生的社會性問題;本研究運用社會性的探索方法,從捷運車廂空間探測(MRT Probes)捕捉空間中存在的互動現象,以工作坊的方式討論既存的城市公共空間互動設計案例與介入捷運空間之事件,探索互動設計介入捷運車廂空間應考量的各種面向,最後產出對設計創作具有指引性的註記履歷(Annotated portfolio)。
    研究最後整理出三項重點:(1)運用日常生活物與承擔性(affordance)作為輸入(input)能減輕注意力負擔,讓人以自然的行為操作而毋需學習新的介面,具有開創有意義之互動形式的潛力。(2)遊玩(Play)讓人在愉悅的情境中探索,相較於遊戲(Gameplay)更契合日常實踐;涉入(Involvement)的體驗比全神貫注的投入(Engagement)更適合捷運車廂空間。(3)表演性(Performativity)是一種可操作的資源,受近期探索城市相關互動設計的學者支持,實際上卻仍是相當模糊的概念;本研究主張應從知覺交錯(Perceptual crossing)的角度理解,當人們共享著空間情境,那些滲透在物理活動與知覺意識之間「看不見的」感知交會與社交互動,比「看得見的」更具影響力。

    Most recent researches on urban computing focuses its efforts on solving problems, however, as more interactions move beyond the desktop into every aspect of our daily lives, an alternative emphasis is how technology could be woven into daily practice to reflect our lived world. The goal of this paper concerns how we experience the world around us, drawing on existing discursive design approaches to address experiential quality, reflection values rather than instrumental purpose. I describe my research on how to design for urban lived experience to invigorate more thought about urban life, and chose to focus on one iconic urban place of mobility, Taipei MRT carriage, which include complex urban context and social interaction phenomena, not only shaped our own formulation of daily experience also of identity, community, and self.
    In this paper, the approach which I call MRT probes is a new tool for exploratory way of spatial behavior study, exploit methods of deep observation coupled with passengers’ traveling diaries and photos by mobile phone to elicit inspirational responses —not comprehensive information about themselves lives, but fragmentary clues about how they thought about others. The results of that show several social interaction phenomena in Taipei MRT carriage coincided with Goffman’s Dramaturgy Theory—every human action in public has a performative aspect. Building on the assumption that performativity is a resource for designing urban interactive artifacts that might have been helpful in bettering to understand social relationship and addressing under-constrained problems, I conducted a one-day workshop that involving few case studies of urban intervention and performativity, through a series of approaches above to generate an annotated portfolio.
    I present MISTPOEMS as a specific example to reframe the question about how to create meaningful experience in our daily routine. It gained a strong foothold on the phenomenology of perception and embodied interaction. I conclude with describing several design notions important for designing for MRT carriage: (1) Rather than create new devices, using an everyday-object-input as a form of a non-traditional user interface can easily connection interactive behavior with meaningful situation intuitively. (2) In mobility contexts, designing an engagement artifact, like gameplay, might over consume people’s attention. On the contrary, play is not just mindless entertainment, but an essential way of involving with surrounding and learning about real world. (3) Researchers should take performativity from an phenomenological perspective, while people share with the same space that dominating their perception, the invisible interactions include rich interleaving physical activities and awareness with abstract thoughts, rituals and social interactions were more important than those visible. I suggest the design approach in this paper in terms of conceptual themes might be generalizable to other interaction designs, especially the work in underground, elevator, sidewalk, pedestrian crossing, etc.

    摘要 I 誌謝 IV 目錄 V 圖目錄 VIII 表目錄 XII 第壹章 緒論 1 第一節、研究背景與動機 1 第二節、研究目的與目標 5 參考文獻 7 第貳章 文獻探討 8 第一節、互動派典的轉移 8 第二節、Urban HCI 12 一、何謂Urban HCI 12 二、數位城市中的空間(Space)與地方(Place) 14 三、體現互動(Embodiment Interaction) 18 四、經驗(Experience) 22 五、城市經驗 24 第三節、互動設計與城市公共空間 28 第四節、臺北捷運之互動設計探究 34 本章小結 43 參考文獻 44 第叁章 研究方法與流程 50 第一節、研究方法 50 一、探索式設計研究 50 二、論述設計(Discursive design) 52 第二節 研究流程架構 53 一、捷運車廂空間探測(MRT Probes) 54 二、工作坊討論 64 三、註記履歷(Annotated portfolio) 64 四、影片原型(Video prototyping) 66 參考文獻 67 第肆章 捷運車廂脈絡探索 69 第一節、捷運車廂空間脈絡整理 69 一、脈絡分析 69 二、脈絡歸納 86 第二節、城市互動設計的表演性與空間介入 108 第三節、互動設計介入捷運車廂空間之探究 116 一、第一階段:事件觀察與討論 117 二、第二階段:城市公共空間互動設計案例討論 130 三、第三階段:產出註記履歷 136 本章小結 143 參考文獻 144 第伍章 設計創作 147 第一節、設計提問 147 第二節、概念發想與草圖 151 一、看不見的城市(INVISIBLE CITY) 151 二、霧詩(MISTPOEMS) 153 三、秘密(THE SECRET) 156 第三節、創作細節與互動流程 159 一、互動規劃 160 二、互動劇本(Story Board) 161 三、互動流程 163 第四節、細部設計規劃 168 一、裝置原型製作 168 二、程式設計 170 三、互動環境 173 四、情境影片 173 五、互動情境說明178 第五節、設計論述與討論 180 一、論述方法 180 二、設計討論 181 本章小結 198 文獻參考 200 第陸章 結論與建議 202 第一節、研究結論 202 一、文獻結論 202 二、捷運車廂空間脈絡研究結論 202 三、創作討論與結論 205 第二節、後續討論與建議 210 附錄一、介入捷運空間脈絡的事件綜合討論 212 附錄二、捷運車廂空間探測的觀察與訪談記錄(參與者SC) 215 附錄三、捷運車廂空間探測的觀察與訪談記錄(參與者N) 225 附錄四、捷運車廂空間探測的觀察與訪談記錄(參與者GG)231 附錄五、捷運車廂空間探測的觀察與訪談記錄(參與者WE)237 附錄六、捷運車廂空間探測的觀察與訪談記錄(參與者F)243 附錄七、捷運車廂空間探測的觀察與訪談記錄(參與者Y)247

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