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研究生: 呂易陽
Lu, Yi-Yang
論文名稱: 臺灣產黃捲蛾族之分類學研究
The taxonomy of the tribe Archipini (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Tortricinae) in Taiwan
指導教授: 徐堉峰
Hsu, Yu-Feng
口試委員: 徐堉峰
Hsu, Yu-feng
Yang, Ping-Shih
Lin, Si-Min
Liang, Jia-Yuan
口試日期: 2024/07/17
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 264
中文關鍵詞: 捲蛾科黃捲蛾族分類學寄主植物
英文關鍵詞: Tortricidae, Archipini, taxonomy, host plants
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401232
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:19下載:0
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  • 捲蛾科是鱗翅目中多樣性很高的分類群,目前全世界已記錄超過10000種,其中捲蛾亞科黃捲蛾族紀錄超過2000種,其中包含多種經濟害蟲。黃捲蛾族目前根據分子研究認為是一個單系群,但目前仍未找到共衍徵定義該族,但通常具有下列特徵:成蟲在前翅大多具有帶狀條紋;雄蟲交尾器的顎形突(gnathos)發達,在中央癒合為鉤狀骨化端片(terminal plate);部分類群在第八腹節有特殊的氣味刷構造(coremata);雌蟲交尾器多具球形突(capitulum)及花壁(signum)。臺灣地區的黃捲蛾族研究自英國學者Edward Meyrick開始進行後已超過100年,共記錄23屬59種物種,其分類學研究與幼生期資訊仍然相當缺乏,因此本研究在臺灣及蘭嶼地區進行廣泛地取樣,透過交尾器解剖鑑定、生物條碼(barcode)與飼養幼蟲等方式,針對臺灣的黃捲蛾族進行分類學與生物學的相關研究。本研究修訂臺灣地區的黃捲蛾族物種共計26屬72種,包含3個誤鑑定被確認與討論,新增3個新記錄屬、6個新紀錄種、11個新種,提出1個同物異名。而在11個新種中,Geogepa、Homona及Minutargyrotoza三個屬中分別有3種、1種及1種物種,均與已知種的形態有所差異,但由於樣本數過少,僅提供形態描述,留待未來繼續研究。在生物學研究部分,本研究共記錄19種黃捲蛾物種的寄主植物記錄,其中11種為首次記錄。

    Tortricidae is one of the most diverse groups among Lepidoptera, encompassing over ten thousand described species. Archipini, a tribe within Tortricinae, includes more than 2,000 described species worldwide, many of which are economically important. Recent molecular phylogenetic studies suggest that Archipini is a monophyletic group. Although the synapomorphy of the tribe is still not identified, the tribe is characterized by adults usually with median or basal fasciae, a well-developed gnathos with a hook-shaped terminal plate, coremata occasionally on the eighth segment and the presence of the capitulum and sickle-shaped signum. Taxonomic studies of Archipini in Taiwan have been ongoing for over a century since Edward Meyrick’s initial work, with 59 species in 23 genera documented thus far. However, research on the taxonomy and the early stages of the tribe in Taiwan is still scanty. This study aims to investigate the hostplant associations and the taxonomy of Archipini in Taiwan using morphology, DNA barcoding and larval rearing. Specimens examined were collected from various sites in Taiwan and Lanyu. In the taxonomic account, a total of 72 species and 26 genera are recognized in Taiwan. Three misidentifications are confirmed and discussed. Three newly recorded genera, six newly recorded species, eleven new species and one new synonym are described and proposed in this study. Among the eleven new species, three in Geogepa, one in Homona and one in Minutargyrotoza, only morphological descriptions are provided due to insufficient specimen numbers. Nonetheless, these species are distinctly different from known species. This study also reports the hostplant associations and immature stages of 19 species in Taiwan, including those of 11 species that are newly recorded.

    中文摘要 I Abstract II Table of Contents III List of Tables IV List of Figures V Introduction 1 Materials and Methods 5 Collection sites and methods 5 Specimen examination 5 Dissection and morphological observation 5 Terminology 6 DNA Barcodes 6 Phylogenetic analysis 7 Taxonomic decision 7 Type information 8 Results and Discussions 9 Taxonomic treatment 9 Checklist of Archipini in Taiwan 152 Conclusion 155 References 156

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