Author: |
蔡濱如 Pin-Ju Tsai |
Thesis Title: |
課程的教學轉化策略探究─以國中英語教學為例 A Study on Strategies for the Pedagogical Transformation of Curriculum in English Teaching in Junior High School |
Advisor: | 甄曉蘭 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2005 |
Academic Year: | 93 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 232 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 課程的教學轉化 、英語教學 、課程實施 、教學反思 、教學推理 |
Keywords (in English): | the pedagogical transformation of curriculum, English teaching, curriculum implementation, teaching reflection, pedagogical reasoning |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 1105 Downloads: 174 |
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1. 課程的教學轉化為理解、詮釋、思考與行動的交互辨證循環。
2. 教科書、教師、學生及週遭環境皆可成為課程的教學轉化素材。
3. 教師、學生、教材與環境等面向皆會影響課程的教學轉化。
4. 靈活運用課程的教學轉化策略有助於提升教學成效。
5. 掌握課程的教學轉化實踐要領可提升自身的轉化行動。
1. 對英語教學的建議
(1) 從英語學習熱情的角度激發教師提升課程教學轉化能力的意願。
(2) 以實際情境帶動學生習得生活英語,達成轉化目的。
(3) 藉由敏銳的觀察能力營造轉化契機。
(4) 養成反思習慣達到持續的課程教學轉化行動。
(5) 依個人風格進行轉化,並積極看待勇於突破自身侷限的轉化能量。
2. 對後續研究的建議
(1) 從英語教學議題、學生經驗課程或教師更新的角度,聚焦主題。
(2) 加強放聲思考或以行動研究進行課程的教學轉化探究。
The purpose of this study was to explore the strategies for the pedagogical transformation of curriculum. Based on the review of literature, it reveals that the pedagogical transformation of curriculum includes the transformation from the formal curriculum to the teacher perceived curriculum, then to the teacher operational curriculum, and the thought of the reflective practitioner is the core spirit of the pedagogical transformation of curriculum. In addition, the pedagogical reasoning is the fundamental approach to the pedagogical transformation of curriculum. This case study tried to explore a junior high school English teacher’s pedagogical transformation of curriculum from the teacher’s understanding and interpretation of the curriculum, teaching preparation, actual pedagogical practice, and teaching reflection. The methods applied for data collection includes classroom observation, in-depth interview and teacher’s own narration of teaching preparation. Based on the study, research findings are as follows:
1. The pedagogical transformation of curriculum is an on-going reciprocal dialectic cycle among teacher’s understanding, interpretation, thinking and action.
2. Textbooks, teachers, students and surroundings could be the sources for the pedagogical transformation of curriculum.
3. Teachers, students, teaching materials and surroundings had great influences on the pedagogical transformation of curriculum.
4. Making good and flexible use of the strategies for the pedagogical transformation of curriculum would improve teaching effectiveness.
5. The key to the successful pedagogical transformation of curriculum would help teachers practice their own pedagogical action plans.
Finally, based on the above findings, pedagogical implications and directions for further research are suggested as follows:
1. For English teaching:
(1) Teachers’ willingness of practicing the pedagogical transformation of curriculum can be raised by arousing their passions for English learning.
(2) The goal of the pedagogical transformation of English curriculum can be reached by teaching students real-life English in a real-world context.
(3) Opportunities for pedagogical transformation of curriculum are based on teachers’ own sensitive observation.
(4) Making a habit of teaching reflection is the key for continuous practice of the pedagogical transformation of curriculum.
(5) The pedagogical transformation of curriculum should be based on teachers’ own teaching styles; moreover, the courage for breaking through teachers’ barriers for the pedagogical transformation should be treated positively.
2. For further research:
(1) The focus of the theme for further research can be approached from the aspects of the current issues of English teaching, the student experienced curriculum, or teacher renewal.
(2) The pedagogical transformation of curriculum can be further explored by applying the method of think-aloud or adopting action research approach.
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