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Author: 巫文亭
Wen-Ting Wu
Thesis Title: 理性與直覺的相遇-「意識-潛意識-折中」(C-U-C)決策模式應用於生涯諮商之探究
When reason and intuition encounter - Applying consciousness-unconsciousness-compromise(C-U-C)model in career counseling
Advisor: 金樹人
Jin, Shuh-Ren
Degree: 碩士
Department: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
Thesis Publication Year: 2010
Academic Year: 98
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 118
Keywords (in Chinese): 意識-潛意識-折中C-U-C生涯決定生涯諮商變化歷程
Keywords (in English): consciousness-unconsciousness-compromise, consciousness-unconsciousness-compromise, career decision, career counseling, transforming process
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 192Downloads: 11
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本研究旨在探討「意識—潛意識—折中」(C-U-C; Consciousness-Unconsciousness-Compromise)模式應用於生涯諮商之當事人變化歷程。研究歷程以一位女性進行生涯諮商,研究方式以諮商的逐字稿為文本,運用敘說研究之「整體—內容」模式進行分析,並探討實踐之反思。




The purpose of this study aims at understanding the client's transforming process with applying Consciousness-Unconsciousness-Compromise (C-U-C) model in career counseling. One female client receives career counseling in the process of this study. The study adopts the holistic-content method of narrative research to analyze the transcriptions that derived from the counseling, and to get reflection on practice.

The results of the study include two parts. The first, the client’s transforming process are as follows:
1. In the initial counseling stage, the sudden loss in client’s life made her career standstill. Recovering from loss made client start to concern her own career; however, the self-identity to catalyze the career development is absent.
2. Consciousness stage: The self-concept of “Me” is found, and the new confusing form self appears.
3. Unconsciousness stage: Positive recalling experience allowed the emergence of “being”, which encouraged the client to make career decision and to look for job; notwithstanding, but she also sought invariable due to security at the same time.
4. Compromise stage: Narrative writing made the client displace between “Past-Present”, integrate self between “Internal reality-External reality”, and continue her job. Later, her career action moved between the self-actualization and the need of security.
5. Termination stage: The client’s career orientation is through the open-mind of unknown and the power of serendipity

The second part is the researcher’s reflection on practice. The reflection on practice integrates the study and the counseling process, elucidating important aspects which should be noted in applying C-U-C mode, how the spirit of C-U-C model influenced on the researcher’s life, and how narrative research made counseling research meaningful.

The limitations and suggestions of this study were mentioned in the end for future study’s reference.

謝誌 中文摘要 英文摘要 目錄 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究緣起 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 3 第三節 名詞釋義 3 第二章 文獻探討 4 第一節 生涯難題與困境 4 第二節 生涯的自我追尋與心理狀態 8 第三節 生涯決定理論 13 第四節 C-U-C的生涯決策模式 17 第五節 接納不確定的生涯諮商態度 21 第三章 研究方法 25 第一節 研究方法的選擇 25 第二節 研究者 29 第三節 研究參與者 34 第四節 研究歷程 35 第五節 研究工具 40 第六節 資料整理、文本分析與研究判準 41 第七節 研究倫理 45 第四章 研究結果與反思 47 第一節 序曲 47 第二節 C-U-C生涯諮商之當事人變化歷程 48 第三節 研究者對C-U-C生涯諮商歷程的理解 89 第四節 研究者的實踐反思 92 第五章 研究結論與建議 103 第一節 研究結論 103 第二節 研究限制與建議 105 參考文獻 中文文獻 108 英文文獻 109 附錄一 研究目的說明書 114 附錄二 研究檢核函 115 附錄三 小凡生命故事書寫 116 圖表 表 3 1 資料分析編碼表 41 表 3 2 研究參與者檢核概況 42 表 4 1 小凡職業組合卡操作結果(不喜歡的職業) 55 表 4 2 小凡職業組合卡操作結果(喜歡的職業) 56 表 4 3 小凡最喜歡職業之興趣特質 60 表 4 4 研究者理解之當事人變化歷程 89 圖 4 1 當事人生涯探索與決定歷程 91 圖 4 2 C-U-C 模式之生涯探索與決定歷程 97 圖 4 3 研究中當事人之生涯探索與決定歷程 98

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