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研究生: 史依珊
Ilias, Ethel Naheeb
論文名稱: The Development Process, Challenges and Strategies of Intercultural Training Programs in International Non-Profit Organizations in Honduras
The Development Process, Challenges and Strategies of Intercultural Training Programs in International Non-Profit Organizations in Honduras
指導教授: 張媁雯
Chang, Wei-Wen Vera
口試委員: 李栢浡
Lee, Pai-Po
Yuan, Yu-His
Chang, Wei-Wen Vera
口試日期: 2022/06/29
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 116
英文關鍵詞: intercultural training and development, , international non-profit organizations, intercultural competence, training design, process
研究方法: 半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201672
論文種類: 代替論文:專業實務報告(專業實務類)
相關次數: 點閱:274下載:6
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  • From community development to advocating for social rights, international non-profit organizations (INPOs) play an important global role. They are the body that engages stakeholders to address these issues and create short-term and long-term strategies to assist communities and vulnerable population groups. In today’s global society, problems occur simultaneously, and thus, the need for INPO aid is required. The process of aiding involves intervention and collaboration supported by different social actors from multiple cultures, and such a process requires INPO employees to have intercultural competencies. During the COVID-19 pandemic, INPOs work together. Thus, reducing negative impacts and mitigating risk. Therefore, developing INPO employees’ abilities to work in an intercultural environment is crucial. However, limited studies examine the training process for employees working in an international environment in the INPO sector and its development process to provide a successful intercultural service. This research examines how INPOs develop their employees' intercultural competencies through different strategies, programs, and training that directly influence their work. This qualitative research identifies the challenges, strategies, and training practices for intercultural competence development. Implications are provided for INPO leaders and professional workers.

    ABSTRACT I LIST OF TABLES VII LIST OF FIGURES IX CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Background of the Study 1 Statement of Problem 4 Research Purpose 6 Research Questions 7 Significance of the Study 7 Research Scope 8 Definition of Terms 9 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 11 INPOs Training and Development in Honduras 11 Intercultural Competences and Training 12 Training and Development at International Non-Profit Organizations 14 Intercultural Training Design and ADDIE 16 Challenges and Strategies for Intercultural Training and Development 21 Implementation of Intercultural Training and Development 23 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODS 27 Research Approach 27 Research Conceptual Framework 28 Research Procedure 29 Research Participant & Criteria 31 Data Collection 33 Data Analysis 36 Research Quality 37 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS & DISCUSSIONS 39 Intercultural training and Development Process-ADDIE Model 39 Analyse 42 Design 47 Development 52 Implementation 57 Evaluation 60 Challenges in Intercultural Training and Development Process 63 Individual Perspective 66 Organizational Perspective 70 Strategies for Intercultural Training and Development Process 74 Individual Perspective 76 Organizational Perspective 80 Discussion 84 CHAPTER V CONCLUSIONS & SUGGESTIONS 91 Conclusion 91 Implications 94 Limitations 96 Suggestions for Future Study 97 REFERENCES 99 APPENDIX A: PRE-INTERVIEW QUESTIONS-ENGLISH VERSION 109 APPENDIX B: PRE-INTERVIEW QUESTIONS-SPANISH VERSION 110 APPENDIX C: CONSENT FORM-ENGLISH VERSION 111 APPENDIX D: CONSENT FORM-SPANISH VERSION 112 APPENDIX E: TRAINER INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR INPO WORKERS-ENGLISH VERSION 113 APPENDIX F: TRAINER INTERVIEW QUESTIONS FOR INPO WORKERS-SPANISH VERSION 115

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