簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 聶啟美
Nieh Chi-Mei
論文名稱: 某國小學童母親低脂飲食行為及其影響因素之研究
The Influential Determinants of Low-Fat Dietary Behavior of the Students' Mothers in a Selected Primary School
指導教授: 呂昌明
Lu, Chang-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 低脂飲食知識低脂飲食態度低脂飲食自我效能低脂飲食結果期望低脂飲食社會支持低脂飲食行為
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:80下載:0
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  • 本研究之目的主要在於了解婦女的低脂飲食行為現況﹐並探討背景因素、知識、態度、自我效能、結果期望及社會支持與低脂飲食行為的關係。以台北市內湖國小學童母親為研究對象﹐採集束抽樣法抽樣﹐於民國八十七年一月進行問卷調查﹐共得有效樣本563人。所得資料以單因子變異數分析、皮爾遜積差相關及複迴歸分析等統計法進行分析﹐重要結果歸納如下:一. 本研究對象偏向常常或總是會表現出低脂飲食行為﹐其中以採取「避免」的行為較常出現。二. 本研究對象的低脂飲食知識程度屬中等。教育程度為高中職(含)以上者在低脂飲食知識的得分上顯著高於國小者,專科及大學者在低脂飲食知識的得分上顯著高於國中者。三. 本研究對象的低脂飲食態度偏正向。教育程度為專科及大學者在低脂飲食態度上顯著較國小者為正向﹐專科者在低脂飲食態度上顯著較國中及高中職者為正向。四. 本研究對象對整體的低脂飲食自我效能偏向認為還算容易。自覺體型標準者在三個向度的低脂飲食自我效能上都顯著高於自覺體型很胖者。五. 本研究對象對低脂飲食結果期望是正向的。各年齡、教育程度、自覺體型及健康狀況(自己或家人是否須因疾病而限制脂肪的攝取)的低脂飲食結果期望有臨界值的顯著差異。六. 本研究對象所得到的社會支持偏低。年齡介於41歲以上者在低脂飲食社會支持顯著高於31~40歲者。七. 研究架構中所有的變項(背景因素、知識、態度、自我效能、結果期望及社會支持)共可解釋低脂飲食行為總變異量的27.4%;其中:知識、態度、「負向情緒」自我效能、「行為技巧」自我效能及社會支持﹐是顯著的預測變項。 根據以上結果﹐本研究建議未來推行低脂飲食的健康促進計劃時﹐應輔以行為改變理論﹐對飲食有錯誤觀念的人予以導正;並針對特殊情境加強民眾拒絕技巧﹐提升自我效能;最後再藉由家庭與同儕的力量﹐以改善不當的飲食行為。在未來研究上可以擴大取樣的範圍﹐再作進一步深入研究。

    The purpose of this study is to investigate the current low-fat dietary behavior of women,and to examine the relationships between low-fat dietary behavior and selected demographic characteristics,as well as knowledge,attitude,self-efficacy,outcome expectancy ,and social support of low-fat diet.The syudy consisted of 563 subjects who were selected by using cluster sampling technique from students( mothers in one primary school located in urban area.A questionnaire,developed by the author of the study,was used to gather data in 1998.Several major findings were as follows:(1) The subjects often behaved the low-fat dietary behavior. (2) The knowledge about low-fat diet in the subjects was medium degree. Educaation degree significantly predicted the knowledge of low-fat diet. (3) The subjects had positive attitude toward low-fat diet. Educaation degree significantly predicted the attitude of low-fat diet.(4) The subjects had good self-efficacy of low-fat diet . Perception of body shape significantly predicted the self-efficacy of low-fat diet. (5) The subjects had positive outcome expectancy toward low-fat diet. Age,education degree, perception of body shape and health status significantly predicted outcome expectancy.(6) The subjects did not have much social support of low-fat diet. Age significantly predicted the social support of low-fat diet. (7)The variance of low-fat dietary behavior could be explained by all independent variables was 27.4%.The important predictors were knowledge,attitude,self-efficacy ,and social support of low-fat diet.Based on the findings of the study,I provided some suggestions for furure studies and the authorities concerned as indicated in Chapter5.
