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研究生: 彭大維
Peng, Ta-Wei
論文名稱: 長者衰弱與憂鬱之關聯:以心理效能素養與接納行動為中介
Mechanism Between Elderly’s Frailty and Depression: Psychological Efficacy Literacy and Acceptance Action as Mediators
指導教授: 陳秀蓉
Chen, Hsiu-Jung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 180
中文關鍵詞: 心理效能素養日常生活活動功能老年憂鬱衰弱接納行動
英文關鍵詞: Acceptance and action, Activities of daily living, Frailty, Geriatric depression, Psychological efficacy literacy
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000146
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:298下載:25
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  • 臺灣進入高齡社會後,健康老化、老年憂鬱與自殺成了相當重要的議題。本研究目的為理解臺灣老年人身體老化與憂鬱中,心理效能素養與接納行動在其中的影響機制。因此將探討身體老化因素(包含衰弱、工具性日常生活活動功能與基本日常生活功能)、心理效能素養與憂鬱之間的相關、預測與中介機制。
    (1) 衰弱、日常生活活動功能、老年憂鬱之間呈顯著正相關;長者心理效能素養、接納行動兩者間呈現正相關,但與憂鬱呈現負相關。
    (2) 在控制背景變項(年齡層、目前婚姻有無與社會支持)後,衰弱、工具性日常生活活動功能與基本日常生活活動功能皆對憂鬱有顯著之正向預測力,長者心理效能素養當中之連結性、以及接納行動皆對憂鬱有顯著的負向預測力。
    (3) 雙中介分析當中,以衰弱作為獨變項,老年憂鬱作為依變項進行分析時,長者心理效能素養、接納行動之雙變項中介效果為顯著;將長者心理效能素養三個分量表分開討論時,自主性與接納行動、連結性與接納行動、抱持性、接納行動之雙中介效果皆顯著。
    (4) 以工具性日常生活活動功能(IADL)作為獨變項,老年憂鬱作為依變項進行分析時,長者心理效能素養、接納行動之雙中介效果皆顯著;將長者心理效能素養三個分量表分開討論時,自主性與接納行動、連結性與接納行動之雙中介效果皆顯著;但扶持性與接納行動之雙中介效果未顯著。
    (5) 以基本日常生活活動功能(BADL)作為獨變項,老年憂鬱作為依變項進行分析時長者心理效能素養、接納行動之雙中介效果皆顯著;將長者心理效能素養三個分量表分開討論時,自主性與接納行動、連結性與接納行動之雙中介效果皆顯著;但扶持性與接納行動之雙中介效果未顯著。

    After becoming a senior society, healthy aging, depression and suicide in late life has become an important issue in Taiwan. The present research aims to understand how the psychological efficacy literacy and acceptance action affect the mechanism of Taiwanese elders’ physical aging and depression. Therefore, this research will examine the correlations, prediction and mediation among physical aging factors (including frailty, activity daily life and basic activity daily life), psychological efficacy literacy, acceptance action and geriatric depression.
    The present study is based on a collection of questionnaires distributed to a sample of community dwelling elders from Taipei Metropolitan Area in Taiwan. The measurements included: Taiwanese Fried Frailty Index, Barthel Index (BADL), Instrumental Activities of Daily Living Scale (IADL), elders’ psychological efficacy literacy, Acceptance and Action Questionnaire – II (AAQ), Geriatric Depression Screening scale (GDS). The data was analyzed by items analysis, factor analysis, correlation, regression and serial multiple mediation analysis. The major findings of the present study were as follow:
    1. Frailty, activities of daily living were significantly positively correlated to geriatric depression; elders’ psychological efficacy literacy were significantly positively correlated to acceptance, which negatively correlated to geriatric depression.
    2. After controlling the background variable (age groups, marriage, social support), frailty, instrumental activities of daily living and basic activities of daily living could positively predict geriatric depression. Connecting subscale of elders’ psychological efficacy literacy and acceptance could negatively predict geriatric depression.
    3. In the mediation analysis, elders’ psychological efficacy literacy and acceptance has serial multiple mediation effect when frailty as independent variable and geriatric depression as dependent variable. And all the subscales of the elders’ psychological efficacy literacy (including autonomy, connecting and holding) and acceptance has serial multiple mediation effect.
    4. Elders’ psychological efficacy literacy and acceptance and action has serial multiple mediation effect when instrumental activities of daily living as independent variable and geriatric depression as dependent variable. In the subscales of the elders’ psychological efficacy literacy, autonomy and acceptance, connecting and acceptance has serial multiple mediation effect, however, holding and acceptance doesn’t have serial multiple mediation effect.
    5. Elders’ psychological efficacy literacy and acceptance and action has serial multiple mediation effect when basic activities of daily living as independent variable and geriatric depression as dependent variable. In the subscales of the elders’ psychological efficacy literacy, autonomy and acceptance, connecting and acceptance has serial multiple mediation effect, however, holding and acceptance doesn’t have serial multiple mediation effect.
    According to the research findings, the elders’ psychological efficacy literacy have 3 important elements including autonomy, connecting and holding, and connecting was the most significant relation with the geriatric depression; however, holding didn’t play the mediating effect between physical aging factors and depression, we speculate that holding may relate to higher well-being in elderly. In addition, we propose that when elders limited by physical aging, we could alleviate depression by the way of improving psychological efficacy literacy, and further influencing their acceptance and action. Thence, we recommend Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Mindfulness based intervention could be a good choice of psychotherapy to provide protection and prevention for elders in the future.

    誌謝詞 i 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 v 目次 ix 表次 xi 圖次 xiii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 名詞解釋 6 第二章 文獻回顧 9 第一節 老年發展與成功老化理論 9 第二節 老年衰弱與憂鬱間的關聯 20 第三節 長者主觀心理效能素養相關研究 27 第四節 老年情緒調節理論與接納行動相關研究 39 第五節 研究架構與假設 51 第三章 研究方法 55 第一節 研究對象 55 第二節 研究工具 57 第三節 研究歷程與資料分析 67 第四章 研究結果 69 第一節 各研究變項之描述統計 69 第二節 背景變項在各研究變項上的差異 70 第三節 研究變項間之相關 76 第四節 身體老化因素(衰弱/IADL/BADL)、長者心理效能素養、接納 行動與老年憂鬱之預測分析 79 第五節 身體老化因素(衰弱/IADL/BADL)、長者心理效能素養、接納 行動與老年憂鬱之雙中介分析 85 第五章 討論與建議 113 第一節 討論 113 第二節 研究發現與建議 123 第三節 研究限制 128 參考文獻 131 中文部分 131 西文部分 133 附錄 153 附錄一 研究參與者知情同意書 153 附錄二 研究量表 157 附錄三 性別與研究變項間之變異數分析摘要表 169 附錄四 地區於研究變項之變異數分析摘要表 170 附錄五 族群在各個研究變項的變異數分析摘要表 172 附錄六 宗教與研究變項間之變異數分析摘要表 174 附錄七 教育程度與研究變項間之變異數分析摘要表 177 附錄八 主觀可用金錢足夠度與各個研究變項之變異數分析摘要表 179

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