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研究生: 陳泓儒
Chen, Hung-Ru
論文名稱: 機械剝離法前後二硒化鉬掃描穿隧式顯微術之研究
A Scanning Tunneling Microscopic Study of MoSe2 before and after Mechanical Exfoliation
指導教授: 傅祖怡
Fu, Tsu-Yi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 物理學系
Department of Physics
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 掃描穿隧式顯微鏡過渡金屬二硫族化物二硒化鉬機械剝離法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001467
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:250下載:15
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本次實驗在超高真空(UHV)環境下,以STM觀察二硒化鉬在四種情況的改變,分別為在大氣下曝露長時間的表面(Non-Fresh)、剛經機械剝離法處理完的表面(Fresh)、經機械剝離法處理過,又在大氣下放置27天下的表面(After Fresh 27 Days)、經機械剝離法處理過,特定曝露在氧氣之下的表面(Exposure to oxygen)。在機械剝離法前後的缺陷密度及種類都有著顯著的差異。再次經過27天曝大氣後,缺陷密度則有轉變回機械剝離法前的趨勢,此改變有可能造成樣品在大氣下的電性變化。特定曝氧氣,其表面電性更接近機械剝離法前的狀態,推測氧氣在表面電性上的改變扮演著重要的角色。本實驗比較缺陷密度、缺陷附近的能帶排列圖(Band alignment)及大尺度下的掃描穿隧能譜(STS)後,得出缺陷於大氣作用下的變化與其變化造成材料表面能帶結構的改變。

Molybdenum diselenide layered semiconductors belong to the transition metal dichalcogenide (TMD) material, which is one of the two-dimensional materials. The bonding of chalcogen elements with IVB, ⅤB, ⅥB, and VIIB group transition elements produces a plane, and the layers are combined with a weak van der Waals forces to form a block. Because of this characteristic, TMD materials can often separate stable two-dimensional single-layer structures from blocks. Through the research of scanning tunneling microscope (STM), measuring the surface and local characteristics of the sample, the measured information can make us better understand the behavior of molybdenum diselenide on the surface.
In this experiment, under ultra-high vacuum (UHV) environment, STM was used to observe the changes of molybdenum diselenide in four situations, which were exposed to the surface for a long time under the atmosphere (Non-Fresh), just after the mechanical peeling treatment The surface (Fresh), the surface-treated by mechanical peeling, and then placed under the atmosphere for 27 days (After Fresh 27 Days), the surface-treated by mechanical peeling, the surface exposed to oxygen specifically (Exposure to oxygen). There are significant differences in defect density and types before and after mechanical stripping. After 27 days of exposure to the atmosphere again, the defect density tends to change back to that before the mechanical stripping method. This change may cause the electrical properties of the sample under the atmosphere. For specific oxygen exposure, the surface electrical properties are closer to the state before the mechanical stripping method, and it is speculated that the change in oxygen surface electrical properties plays an important role. In this experiment, after comparing the defect density, the band alignment near the defect (Band alignment) and the large-scale scanning tunneling energy spectrum (STS), it is concluded that the change of the defect under the atmosphere and its change caused the surface energy band structure of the material change.

第一章 緒論 1 1-1二維材料—過渡金屬硫屬化物 1 1-2 二硒化鉬的基本特性 3 1-3 二硒化鉬電導率與厚度的相依性 5 1-4 表面態對材料能譜的影響 9 第二章 實驗原理 11 2-1掃描穿隧式顯微鏡(scanning tunneling microscope, STM) 11 2-2量子穿隧效應(Quantum tunneling effect ) 12 2-3侷域態密度(Local of density of state, LDOS) 13 2-4掃描穿隧能譜(Scanning tunneling spectroscopy, STS) 14 2-5探針引發的能帶彎曲(Tip induced band bending, TIBB) 16 2-6掃描穿隧式顯微鏡的工作模式 17 2-6-1定電流模式 17 2-6-2定高度模式 18 2-6-3電流影像穿隧能譜(Current image tunneling spectroscopy,CITS) 18 第三章 實驗儀器 21 3-1掃描穿隧式顯微鏡 22 3-1-1探針 23 3-1-2掃描頭 25 3-1-3步進器 26 3-1-4避震平台與掃描平台 27 3-1-5控溫系統 29 3-2超高真空系統 30 3-2-1真空壓力計 31 3-2-2殘氣分析儀(RGA) 32 3-2-3真空幫浦 33 3-2-3-1油封式機械幫浦(Mechanical oil pump) 34 3-2-3-2渦輪分子幫浦(Turbo Molecular pump) 34 3-2-3-3離子幫浦(Ion pump) 35 3-2-3-4鈦昇華幫浦(Titanium Sublimate pump) 38 第四章 實驗方法與結果 39 4-1二硒化鉬機械剝離法的方式 39 4-2掃描穿隧式顯微鏡的影像校正 40 4-3二硒化鉬表面結構以及特徵分析 42 4-3-1二硒化鉬小尺度下的表面結構 43 4-3-2二硒化鉬大尺度下的形貌 45 4-3-3二硒化鉬大尺度下形貌上的缺陷探討 47 4-3-4二硒化鉬小尺度下缺陷探討 54 4-4二硒化鉬表面電性分析 58 4-4-1二硒化鉬形貌上各類的缺陷對電性所造成的影響 61 第五章 結論 65 文獻 67

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