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研究生: 許筑淵
論文名稱: 於LTE 上行鏈路之佇列感知與多樣化資料型態的資源分配研究
Resource allocation with buffer-Awareness and various Service types for LTE uplink systems
指導教授: 王嘉斌
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 電機工程學系
Department of Electrical Engineering
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: 長期演進技術排程上行鏈路通道質量回饋佇列感知單載波分頻多工
英文關鍵詞: LTE, Scheduling, Uplink, CQI feedback, Buffer-awareness, SC-FDMA
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:152下載:3
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  • 近年來由於科技蓬勃的發展,4G網路的飛躍性進步,長期演進技術(Long Term Evolution, LTE)系統一值是個值得關注的話題,但因為手持式裝置的發送功率限制,正交分頻多工(Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access, OFDMA)系統過大的功率消耗不適宜移植至各式各樣的手持式移動裝置內,因此LTE系統選擇單載波分頻多工 (Single-carrier Frequency-Division Multiple Access, SC-FDMA)作為其主要的上行鏈路傳輸系統,然而SC-FDMA系統在排程的策略上,因為有連續資源塊的限制,無法沿用以往的OFDM系統機制,本篇研究提出基於用戶的確實需求,進行資源分配,考慮到用戶的佇列狀態、延遲額度、封包丟棄率,設計演算法以提升系統效能,改善整體傳輸效益。

    According to the transmission power constrain for uplink users in LTE system, we know that the edge users have better chances to be neglected than central users, and only receive minor share of the total resources. In this study, we discuss and analyze the utility of several kinds of different service flows in LTE-A network and design resource allocation and scheduling technology for these specific traffic streams under Single-carrier Frequency-Division Multiple Access (SC-FDMA) systems, which was implemented in LTE-A network for uplink transmission. We propose a hybrid scheduling algorithm that considers the buffer states, packetloss, and the delay bound of different service flows under the SC-FDMA system which assures uplink users of fair quality of service, and to meet the users’ needs.

    中文摘要....................................................i 英文摘要..................................................iii 誌  謝...................................................iv 目  錄...................................................vi 圖 目 錄.................................................viii 表 目 錄....................................................x 第一章 緒論.................................................1 1.1 研究動機與背景..........................................1 1.2 研究目的................................................2 1.3 其他相關研究............................................4 1.4 論文架構................................................6 第二章 相關知識介紹.........................................7 2.1 3GPP LTE 廣域無線網路概述................................7 2.1.1 LTE網路模型配置介紹....................................8 2.2 3GPP LTE 上下行鏈路架構介紹.............................10 2.2.1 OFDMA系統架構簡介....................................10 2.2.2 SC-FDMA系統架構簡介..................................11 2.3 SC-FDMA 優勢與特點.....................................13 2.4 控制信令與通道介紹......................................15 2.4.1 邏輯通道.............................................16 2.4.2 傳輸通道.............................................18 2.4.3 實體通道.............................................20 2.5 LTE封包與資源塊架構.....................................21 2.5.1 TDD/FDD訊框架構......................................21 2.5.2 上行鏈路資源塊架構介紹 ...............................24 第三章 本論文研究所提出之演算法..............................27 3.1 研究作法之動機.........................................27 3.1.1研究動機的起源........................................27 3.1.2 SC-FDMA資源分配限制..................................29 3.2 可適性排程演算法設計....................................31 3.2.1 基於佇列狀態分配資源之演算法設計........................31 3.2.2 可適性權重調整排程根據之演算法設計......................33 第四章 數值分析與模擬結果...................................39 4.1 模擬環境與參數設定......................................39 4.2 模擬結果呈現...........................................40 第五章  結論.............................................51 參考文獻...................................................52 自 傳 ..................................................54 (一.)生長背景..............................................54 (二.)求學過程與團隊經驗.....................................54 (三.)自我評估..............................................54

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