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研究生: 蔡協均
Tsai, Sie-Jyun
論文名稱: 雙視圖像應用於兒童圖畫書主題分類傳達之創作研究
A Creation Study of Visual and Tactile Pictures Used In Classification of Children's Picture Books for Subject
指導教授: 伊彬
I, Bin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 雙視圖書兒童圖畫書中國圖書分類法
英文關鍵詞: visual & tactile books, children's books, Lai's new classification scheme for Chinese libraries
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DD.004.2019.A10
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:194下載:44
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  • 雙視圖書乃視障者與明眼人可一起共讀的書籍,多半為兒童圖畫書。本研究在探討:設計創作一套雙視圖書專用的主題分類圖像,驗證這套可觸讀的主題分類圖像能否幫助視障兒童,對其預讀並理解雙視圖書的內容,在速度上有沒有影響?本研究在研究方法上,首先依國內相關研究結果,彙整了國內外兒童圖書館的主題分類方法,挑選出了8大圖畫書主題分類。將各主題分類,轉換為兒童可理解的事物名稱,將其製成雙視圖像的學習教具與刺激物然後,對視障人士的教師進行了關於這些名稱的問卷調查,以挑選視障兒童的喜好項目。再來進行創作實驗,將雙視圖書的書封,貼上8大圖畫書主題分類貼紙(實驗刺激物)。最後進行前後測,觀察兒童們在使用刺激物前後,對書本內容的理解速度上有沒有幫助,並以t檢定確認此實驗的效度。教具與實驗用的刺激物乃本創作研究的主要作品,具有融合觸覺、視覺與聽覺的特性,供視障兒童學習與使用。經本研究的實驗,歸納結果可得知:
    1. 國外有許多使用主題分類圖像來進行檢索的兒童圖書館
    2. 國外的兒童圖書館其主題分類方式較台灣的圖書館佳
    3. 台灣的兒童圖書館可依據國內學術研究結果,嘗試導入主題式的圖書分類法
    1. 書籍的主題分類圖像,對兒童理解書籍內容上有幫助。
    2. 視障兒童對立體圖像的認知較差
    3. 供視障兒童使用的圖像,設計應力求簡單
    1. 若知道書籍的主題分類,可增進視障兒童對該書內容的預測與理解
    2. 圖像學習對全盲兒童的認知學習幫助,較低視力兒童要高
    3. 全盲與低視力孩童在學習圖像的教學方式上要有有差異
    1. 無論字體或是圖形,在設計雙視功能時仍要以視障者作為優先服務對象
    2. 主題分類圖像可整合進圖書館既有的環境標示系統
    3. 藉由設置專門書櫃,可解決主題分類圖像法與傳統中國圖書分類法的編目衝突
    4. 可舉行親子閱讀活動來刺激視障孩童使用圖書館的頻率

    This study was designed to investigate the design and production of subject classification symbols for visual & tactile books, and to determine whether or not the tactile subject classification symbols help visually impaired children to more quickly understand the content of the book that he/she wants to read. In terms of the creative experiments of this study, we began with archiving the subject classification schemes from children's libraries both at home and abroad, and turned each subject classification into a name that can be easily understood by children. A questionnaire regarding these names was then conducted to the teachers of the visual impaired to pick out and symbolize the children’s most preferred items.
    Lastly, visual & tactile teaching aids were made and put on the cover of the picture books as an experimental stimulus to perform the pre-test and post-test. A t-test was used to determine the experimental validity by observing whether it helps the children understand the content of the book after taking the stimulus. Being the main creation of this creative study, the experimental stimulus features a mixture of touch, vision and hearing for the visually impaired children to learn and use. As for the limitations of the study, younger children who are still going through the stage of intellectual realism development were excluded. The subjects under observation in this study were the visually impaired students between third grade and ninth grade. We hope that this study is going to help visually impaired children to gain more confidence in respect of reading ability and self-care skills.
    According to the experiments in this study, the findings were concluded as follows:
    1. Pictorial symbols used in subject classification schemes in children’s libraries
    (i) Pictorial symbols have been used in subject classification schemes in many children’s libraries abroad for information retrieval.
    (ii) The subject classification schemes in children’s libraries abroad were better than that in Taiwan.
    (iii) Children’s libraries in Taiwan could attempt to adopt subject classification schemes according to domestic academic research results.
    2. The findings from design and creation of pictorial symbols and teaching aids
    (i) The pictorial symbols used in subject classification schemes could help children’s understanding of book contents.
    (ii) Visually impaired children showed weaker cognitive abilities in relation to three-dimensional pictures.
    (iii) The design of pictorial symbols for blind and visually impaired children should be as simple as possible.
    3. The findings from the experiments:
    (i) Blind and visually impaired children were more able to predict and understand the book content when they knew the subject classification of the book.
    (ii) Learning pictorial symbols was more helpful to children with total blindness than children with low vision.
    (iii) Children with total blindness and children with low vision should be taught differently when learning pictorial symbols.
    4. Environmental designs using pictorial symbols in subject classification for library
    services for blind and visually impaired people
    (i) Blind and visually impaired people should be given priority when it comes to the design of visual & tactile functions, including fonts and graphics.
    (ii) Pictorial symbols used in subject classification could be integrated into the existing environmental sign system in the library.
    (iii) Specific bookshelves could be arranged to avoid conflicts between the subject classification scheme using pictorial symbols and traditional classification schemes for Chinese libraries.
    (iv) Parent-child reading activities could be held to encourage blind and visually impaired children to use the library.

    謝誌 i 摘要 ii Abstract iv 目錄 vi 圖目錄 viii 表目錄 x 第壹章 緒論 1  第一節 研究動機 1  第二節 研究目的 5  第三節 研究範圍與限制 6  第四節 名詞解釋 8  第五節 研究流程與架構 11 第貳章 文獻探討 15  第一節 視障兒童的認知與學習 15  第二節 視障兒童的圖形理解能力 17  第三節 視障兒童的環境識別解能力 19  第四節 圖書館視障專區的發展 20  第五節 兒童圖書館的主題分類現況 24  第六節 兒童圖書館的主題分類方式研究 38  第七節 文獻小結 40 第參章 研究方法 42  第一節 研究對象 43  第二節 研究工具 45  第三節 創作實驗 64 第肆章 研究結果 70  第一節 研究對象的特質 70  第二節 研究工具的創作結果 71  第三節 創作實驗之結果 74 第伍章 結論與討論 77  第一節 討論 77  第二節 結論 78  第三節 研究限制與價值 84  第四節 後續研究與衍生重點 85 參考文獻 87 附錄 91 1. 視障兒童圖書館利用之意見調查 91 2. 圖書分類法之圖像化意見調查-視障兒童適用 92 3. 創作實驗訪談用家長同意書 94 4. 創作實驗用訪談大綱 95 5. 視障兒童圖文認知調查:實驗觀測者摘要-IN01 96 6. 視障兒童圖文認知調查:實驗觀測者摘要-IN02 98 7. 視障兒童圖文認知調查:實驗觀測者摘要-IN03 100 8. 視障兒童圖文認知調查:實驗觀測者摘要-IN04 102 9. 視障兒童圖文認知調查:實驗觀測者摘要-IN05 104 10. 視障兒童圖文認知調查:實驗觀測者摘要-IN06 106 11. 視障兒童圖文認知調查:實驗觀測者摘要-IN07 108 12. 視障兒童圖文認知調查:書籍主題分類選項 110

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