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研究生: 蔡坤法
論文名稱: 羽球正拍擊球前預備動作之探討
指導教授: 劉有德
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 70
中文關鍵詞: 預備動作生態心理學前線索
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:257下載:8
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  • 羽球正拍擊球前預備動作之探討
    日期:民國九十六年一月三十日 研 究 生:蔡坤法


    Examine the preparatory phase of badminton forehand shots
    Graduate student: Kun-Fa Tsai
    Thesis advisor: Yeou-Teh Liu
    Based on the invariant property of information from the theory of ecological psychology, this study examined the preparatory phase of 3 different forehand shots from badminton players of different skill levels. There were 2 parts in the experiment in the first part, a camera was used to film the clear, drop, and smash shots performed by a player of international level, and a optical motion capture system was used to collect the kinematics of movements. For the second part, there were 2 groups of participants including 5 expert players and 5 college students of physical education major. Both groups of participants watched 20 clips of the film which were edited to right before the shuttlecock contacting the racket and judged the type of shots made. In addition, both groups of participants also performed clear, drop, and smash shots ten times each for movement analyses. The results show that expert players were superior to the physical major for judging the different types of shots for the forehand stoke performances, both groups demonstrated clear kinematic characteristics at the elbow joint in the preparatory phase of the drop shots for the duration of preparatory phase, there was no significant difference among the three kinds of shots for the expert group whereas the significant effect was found in the group of physical education majors. One general strategy in playing high level badminton game is to withhold the intention of each stroke until the last minute, the skilled player therefore tend nor to reveal any clues for their strokes. The results of study provide further evidence that high level badminton players not only are more sensitive in detecting relevant information, but also perform different types of stroke more consistently during the preparatory phase.

    Key words: preparatory phase, ecological psychology, pre-cue.

    目次 中文摘要-------------------------------------------------- i 英文摘要------------------------------------------------- ii 謝誌---------------------------------------------------- iii 目次----------------------------------------------------- iv 表次---------------------------------------------------- vii 圖次----------------------------------------------------viii 第一章 緒論-----------------------------------------------1 第一節 問題背景--------------------------------------------1 第二節 研究目的--------------------------------------------2 第三節 研究假設--------------------------------------------2 第四節 名詞操作性定義--------------------------------------2 第五節 研究限制--------------------------------------------3 第二章 文獻探討--------------------------------------------5 第一節 感覺接受器------------------------------------------5 一、 視覺-----------------------------------------------5 二、 生態光學--------------------------------------------6 三、 生物動作--------------------------------------------6 第二節 預期-----------------------------------------------8 一、 前線索---------------------------------------------8 二、 預期的種類------------------------------------------8 三、 知覺預期的相關研究----------------------------------10 第三節 羽球運動之生物力學分析------------------------------13 一、 羽球正拍擊球法-------------------------------------13 二、 羽球運動相關研究------------------------------------14 第四節 行動與知覺-----------------------------------------18 一、 生態心理學-----------------------------------------18 二、 結論----------------------------------------------21 第五節 研究問題-------------------------------------------23 第三章 研究方法與步驟-------------------------------------25  第一節 研究對象------------------------------------------25  第二節 實驗設計------------------------------------------26  第三節 研究儀器及場地佈置---------------------------------27  第四節 研究步驟與流程-------------------------------------28  第五節 資料處理------------------------------------------34 第四章 結果----------------------------------------------36 第一節 受試者基本資料-------------------------------------36 第二節 判斷三種擊球方式的得分結果---------------------------36 第三節 運動學分析-----------------------------------------37 第四節 預備動作之差異-------------------------------------49 第五章 討論----------------------------------------------53 第一節 判斷三種擊球方式的得分結果之分析---------------------53 第二節 擊球手之運動學分析----------------------------------55 第三節 擊球動作之預備動作分析------------------------------59 第四節 總結----------------------------------------------60 第六章 結論與建議-----------------------------------------61 第一節 結論----------------------------------------------61 第二節 建議----------------------------------------------61 參考文獻---------------------------------------------------63 附錄一 參加者基本資料---------------------------------------67 附錄二 參加者需之同意書-------------------------------------68 附錄三 辦別高遠球、墜球、殺球紀錄表---------------------------69 附錄四 實驗紀錄表-------------------------------------------70

    王國連、劉有德 (2006)。以動態光點識別動作協調型態及性別。體育學報,
    39 (2),75-84。






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