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研究生: 呂憶皖
Lu, Yi-wan
論文名稱: 博物館成人觀眾對話之研究—以國立故宮博物院玉器展為例
An Investigation of the Conversations of Adult Museum Visitors: A Case Study of the Jade Exhibition at the National Palace Museum
指導教授: 陳瓊花
Chen, Chiung-Hua
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 308
中文關鍵詞: 博物館學習博物館展示成人觀眾對話
英文關鍵詞: museum learning, museum exhibition, adult visitor, conversations
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:211下載:21
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  • 成人觀眾向來是國內外博物館的主力觀眾,而展示是觀眾學習的主要管道,因此檢視博物館現有展示,並提出建議及改善措施,便成為博物館實務工作的重要議題。目前國內外以科學博物館家庭團體對話的研究為主,有關藝術文化類博物館成人觀眾對話缺乏探討,因此有深入研究的價值。

    Adults constitute the majority of museum visitors both locally and abroad and exhibitions are visitors' main conduit for learning. This makes the evaluation of exhibitions and provision of recommendations and improvement measures a vitally important subject for museum staff. Presently, the focus of domestic and international research is on the conversations of family groups in science museums. However, in-depth study of adult visitor conversations for arts and cultural museums also comprises significant research value.
    This study is designed to explore conversation categories and their distribution for adult visitors at the Jade Exhibition in the National Palace Museum. Analysis of the conversation content, functions, and distinguishing features is conducted along with an evaluation of the effectiveness of the physical context of the exhibition to enhance adult visitor conversations. The results of this assessment are used to provide recommendations and strategies for improving adult visitor conversations. The permanent Jade Exhibition at the National Palace Museum is the site for this study. A purposive sampling method is used with adult visitors whom frequently visit art and cultural museums being the object of study. A total of 20 adult visitors, divided into 10 teams with 2 visitors in each group, participated in this study. This investigation uses a non-participant observation survey and interviews to collect qualitative data and applies quantitative content analysis to thoroughly analyze conversations of visitors.
    Results of this study presented that perceptual talk is the type of learning conversation adult visitors engage in the most with responses on quotation, complex concept, and knowledge-connection clearly influenced by the interviewee's personal background in the arts and cultural studies. Furthermore, a synthesis of conversation data from each group reveals three discernible approaches: "knowledge approach," "aesthetic approach," and "personal connection approach." The function of conversations include "the facilitation and formation of a mutually reciprocal focus of attention," "a platform for the mutual exchange of thoughts and feelings," and "the mutual provision of scaffolding for learning." Each category of conversation contains its own distinctive characteristics as follows: perceptual talk is the starting point of conversations, the depth of conceptual talk is determined by the visitor's knowledge background, connecting talk presents an individual's unique memories and experiences, strategic talk is determined by an individual's museum literacy, and affective talk is an intuitive response to the visual attributes of the objects. Lastly, the physical context of the exhibition is evaluated in terms of the Jade Exhibition floor space, exhibition media, and interpretation of the objects to enhance adult visitor conversations, and a model of adult visitor converations is proposed. Strategies for improving adult visitor conversations involve the four aspects of museum environment and exhibition space, exhibition design, interpretation of the objects, and educational initiatives. Suggestions on directions for continued research are also presented.

    誌謝 ii 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 iv 目錄 vi 附錄 ix 表目錄 x 圖目錄 xii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 一、當代博物館教育思潮下的挑戰 1 二、學習是博物館的核心經驗 1 三、研究者個人實務經驗的反思 2 第二節 研究博物館成人觀眾對話的重要性 3 一、從營運行銷的觀點 3 二、從展示教育的觀點 3 三、從績效評量的觀點 4 四、從觀眾研究的觀點 5 第三節 研究目的與問題 7 第四節 名詞釋義 8 一、成人觀眾 8 二、對話 8 三、博物館學習脈絡 8 第五節 研究範圍與限制 10 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 博物館學習理論之探究 11 一、博物館學習理論的取向 11 二、建構主義與博物館學習 15 三、博物館學習脈絡與影響因素 17 第二節 博物館成人觀眾的學習 25 一、成人的定義 25 二、博物館成人觀眾的特性 26 三、博物館成人觀眾的類型 27 四、國內外博物館成人觀眾研究相關文獻探討 31 第三節 博物館觀眾對話之探討 39 一、博物館觀眾對話相關理論 39 二、國內外博物館觀眾對話研究之回顧 54 三、小結 62 第三章 研究設計與實施 65 第一節、研究場域 65 第二節、研究方法 72 第三節、研究對象 78 第四節、研究流程與架構 81 第五節、研究過程與步驟 83 第六節、資料處理與分析 86 第四章 研究分析與討論 97 第一節、對話類型之分析 98 一、受訪者背景概 98 二、各組別參觀時間、停駐及對話情形之分析 101 三、各組別對話類型之分析 117 四、藝術文化背景組與非藝術文化背景組對話類型之分析 124 五、小結 124 第二節、對話內容、功能及特徵之分析 133 一、對話內容之分析 133 二、對話功能之分析 206 三、對話類型之特徵 209 四、小結 218 第三節、對話與展示環境脈絡之分析 219 一、展示空間 219 二、展示媒體 221 三、文物詮釋 230 四、小結 242 第五章 結論與建議 245 一、結論 245 二、建議 251 參考文獻 260

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