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研究生: 何政隆
Ho Jeng-Long
論文名稱: 高職教師輔導與管教策略之探究
Study On the Strategies of Teachers Guiding, Disciplining and Educating Students in Vocational High Schools
指導教授: 高強華
Kao, Chieng-Hwa
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2000
畢業學年度: 88
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 293頁
中文關鍵詞: 輔導與管教
英文關鍵詞: Guiding, Disciplining and Educating
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:147下載:0
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  • 本研究以文獻探討為主、問卷調查台灣省公私立高職學校之校長、教務主任、訓導主任、主任輔導教師、主任教官、導師、教官、專任教師為輔,並進行學校參訪之實質研究。本研究主要研究工具為「高職教師輔導與管教學生策略之探究」調查問卷。經過簡單的統計分析及SPSS、Microsoft Excel等程式之處理、分析、歸納,本研究有下列重大發現:
    一、 教育部頒布的「教師輔導與管教辦法」及「教訓輔三合一方案」,多數行政人員(包括校長、教務主任、訓導主任、主任輔導教師、主任教官都是清楚知道的,但是高職導師及專任教師卻有四成左右不清楚。
    二、 高職學校的「學生獎懲委員會」及「學生申訴委員會」的設置與運作情況,行政人員都表示正常,而有四成多的高職導師及專任教師是不知道或認為其設置、運作不正常!
    三、 高職學生常犯的重大違規項目之排行榜前十名是:
    1.抽菸 2.無照駕駛 3.燙染髮 4.使用行動電話 5.考試作弊 6.騎乘機車未戴安全帽
    7.蹺課 8.打架 9.買校外攤販飲食 10.無故不參加重要集會
    四、 高職學生發生重大違規時,會受到的處分,由頻率最高的起排序是:
    1.記大過 2.留校察看 3.輔導其轉學 4.輔導其休學 5.交學生獎懲委員會處理
    6.通知家長領回管教 7.勒令其退學 8.予以體罰 9.報警處理
    五、 高職學校多數用以輔導學生的「其他適當措施」,最常使用的排序是:
    1.勞動服務 2.由輔導老師輔導 3.交由認輔老師輔導 4.靜坐 5.禪修 6.靈修
    六、 高職學生發生重大違規之主要原因,高職教師們認為其排序是:
    1.交友不慎受不良朋友影響 2.學生自己懶散不負責任 3.父母離異或是單親家庭
    4.情緒控制不佳一時衝動 5.價值觀不正確貪圖享受 6.學習興趣低落、學業成就太低
    7.學生已有煙癮 8.打工太頻繁生活不正常 9.父母溺愛寵壞子女
    10.來自文化不利地區 11.居家社區環境複雜
    七、 輔導與管教高職學生可採用下列有效的策略:
    (一) 教育部以及高職學校均應確實倡導並落實:「德育,應優先於智、美、體、群四育」,勿再以德、智、體、群、美五育均衡發展的口號,推翻掉德育優先的地位,反而使智育突出,而其他四育也隨之萎縮。
    (二) 學校教育整體革新的行政領導,乃是時代的尖端革新潮流,學校的領導人,必須能帶動學校行政、預算、人事、課程、教學及人本關懷、學生健全人格發展的全方位革新,尤其是必須先帶動與學生直接接觸的高職教師的革新,才能「把每位高職生帶上來」。
    (三) 每位教師,無論是導師、專任教師均不可自絕於行政之外,絕不可以為高職生在各方面的學習,都可以自立自強了,而不太關心他們;必須確知他們的進入高職「起點行為上的特色」:
    1.以學科能力而言,同一考區公立學校的高職高一新生的學科能力大致 上是排在公立高中新生、公立五專新生以及完全中學新生之後。
    10. 高職新生的兩性互動態度令人擔心
    1. 不斷提昇專業知能自我革新。
    2. 人本關懷的教學態度。
    3. 採用認知心理學派的學習輔導。
    4. 運用認知行為學派的行為改變技術。
    5. 建立教師個人與家長、行政人員及其他單位的輔導網路。
    6. 確實加強親職教育。
    7. 協助學生養成正常休閒娛樂。
    8. 協助學生學會處理自己的情緒。
    9. 協助學生學會處理人際關係。
    10. 應有輔導理念和能力。
    11. 應在教學歷中落實輔導的責任。
    12. 應負導師的職責。
    13. 應參與認輔工作。
    (四) 高職學校應有一組「教訓輔團隊」與家長會配合,共同結合社區各相關機關團體如里長、派出所、衛生所、鄉鎮公所等單位、資源,以落實下列策略:
    1. 強化社區精神倫理守望相助功能。
    2. 普設社區青少年輔導中心。
    3. 促使大眾傳播媒體發揮正面教育功能。
    4. 促使少年警察隊積極發揮輔導功能。
    5. 運用幼獅育樂營之類的營會。
    6. 運用社區處遇矯治青少年犯罪。
    (五) 有心成為高職教師的未來教師,在進修教育學程時,應將「德育原理」、「教育心理學」、「班級經營」、「輔導原理與實務」、「親職教育」、「青少年心理學」作為自己「絕對必修」的課程,使自己有先發「基本戰鬥實力」,以有效能地在高職學校裡、順利地教學、輔導與管教高職學生。

    The research is focused on the study of literature and is supported by questionnaire survey of Principals, Deans of Study, Deans of Students, Chief Guidance Teachers, Chief Military Training Officers, Conductors, Officers and Full-time Teachers, and a substantial research is also conducted by visiting the schools. The principal research tool for this research is questionnaire on “Study On The Strategy of Teachers Guiding, Disciplining and Educating Students in Vocational High Schools”. The research has following major findings through simple statistical analysis, and treatment, analysis and induction by using the programs such as SPSS, Microsoft Excel, etc.:
    1. A major of administrative staffs (including Principals, Deans of Study, Deans of Students, Chief Guidance Teachers and Chief Military Training Officers) clearly know “Regulations Governing Guidance and Discipline/Educating by Teachers” and “Study, Student and Guidance Three In One Program” promulgated by the Ministry of Education but about 40% of Conductors and Full-time Teachers in vocational high schools do not clearly know them.
    2. For the installation and operation of “Students Citation/Punishment Committee” and “Students Appeal Committee” in vocational high schools, administrative staffs all express as normal but more than 40% of Conductors and Full-time Teachers in vocational high schools do not know them or assume their installation and operation as abnormal.
    3. The top 10 on the list of major defaults frequently committed by the vocational high school students are:
    a. Smoking
    b. Driving without license
    c. Dyeing hair
    d. Using mobile phone
    e. Cheating in examination
    f. Riding motorcycle without wearing helmet
    g. Missing a class
    h. Fighting with other student
    i. Buying food from outside snack stand
    j. Absent from important meeting without proper reason.
    4. Vocational high school students will be punished when involving in major defaults, and the sequences according to the highest frequency are:
    a. Major demerit
    b. Placed under surveillance
    c. Guiding them to transfer
    d. Guiding them to suspend schooling
    e. Handled by Students Citation/Punishment Committee
    f. Notifying parents to take them back for disciplining
    g. Forced dismissal
    h. Corporal punishment
    i. Calling police for handling.
    5. “Other Appropriate Measures” adopted by most of vocational high schools for guiding students, and the sequences according to the frequency of use are:
    a. Labor service
    b. Guided by guiding teachers
    c. Guided by volunteer-guiding teacher
    d. Meditation
    e. Zen practice
    f. Spiritual practice.
    6. The sequences of main causes for major defaults committed by vocational high school students according to the opinion of teachers are:
    a. Making friends with neglect and affected by bad friends
    b. Students are lazy and irresponsible
    c. Parents divorced or single-parent family
    d. Emotion out of control suddenly
    e. Incorrect view of value and greedy enjoyment
    f. Low interest in learning and too low schooling accomplishment
    g. A chain smoker
    h. Working part time too often to make life irregular
    i. Parents’ lavish love upon them
    j. From cultural disadvantageous area
    k. Living in the community with complicated environment.
    7. The following effective strategies may be adopted for guiding and disciplining/educating vocational high school students:
    The 23 strategies raised by the research are proved to win a high rate of support according to the result of research in Chapter 4, and every strategy is feasible and worth of application. The author advocate:
    1) The Ministry of Education and vocational high schools should actually promote and thoroughly implement: “moral culture shall be superior to intellectual, aesthetic, physical and social cultures”, and should not overthrow the superior position of moral culture through the slogan of balanced development among moral, intellectual, physical, social and aesthetic cultures while on the contrary to single out intellectual culture and to shrink the other four cultures accordingly.
    2) The administrative leadership of overall reform in school education is the new current of peak reform of the age and school leaders should be able to drive the all-range reform in relation to the administration, budget, personnel, course, teaching, humanity concern and healthy development in the character of students in school, particularly drive the reform relating to direct contact between the students and teachers in the vocational high schools so as to “educate every vocational high school student successfully”.
    3) Every teacher, conductor and full-time teacher should not keep a distance from the administration and should pay concern to vocational high school students without thinking they can be independent with various respects of learning. Teachers should thoroughly know “characteristics of start-point behavior” for students to enter vocation high schools:
    a. For academic capacity, in the same area of public schools joint-entry, the academic capacity of the new students in vocational high schools is ranked behind that of the new students in public senior high schools, 5-year program of public junior colleges and general-vocational high schools.
    b. For school systems, vocational high school students are treated as “second-class students”, “inferior students”.
    c. For social and economic position, family level of vocational high school students is relatively low.
    d. The proportion of the new students with smoking habit in vocational high schools is not low.
    e. The proportion of the new students with the record of defaults habit in vocational high schools is not low.
    f. The proportion of the new students with mental tension and panic in vocational high schools is not low.
    g. Most of vocational high school new students have normal health.
    h. Vocational high school new students have a very high intent of further study after graduation.
    i. Vocational high school new students have a very high intent of making effort for advancement.
    j. It’s a big trouble for two-sex interactive attitude of vocational high school new students.
    It is suggested a more concern should be paid to them by substantially leading them to adjusting themselves to fit learning life in vocational high schools.
    Furthermore, teachers are suggested to realize, learn and employ the following strategies for increasing their professional capacity, upgrading the quality of teaching and guiding students satisfactorily:
    a. Continuing to increase professional knowledge and ability, reforming oneself.
    b. Teaching attitude based on humanity concern.
    c. Using learning guidance of Cognition Psychology School.
    d. Employing behavior changing technique of Cognition Behavior School.
    e. Establishing a guiding network among the teacher, parents, administrative staffs and other units.
    f. Substantially enhancing parental education.
    g. Assisting students to cultivate normal leisure and entertainment.
    h. Assisting students to learn how to handle their emotion.
    i. Assisting students to learn how to handle interrelationship.
    j. With guiding concept and ability.
    k. Thoroughly fulfilling the duty of guidance during teaching.
    l. Undertaking the duty of conductor.
    m. Participating in volunteer-guiding job.
    4) Vocational high schools should have a “Studies-Students-Guidance Team” to match with Parental Meeting for integrating each relevant authority and resource in the community, such as Li Head, police station, Health Office, district/local government so as to thoroughly implement the following strategies:
    a. Strengthening the function of spiritual, ethic guarding by mutual help in the community.
    b. Establishing the younger guiding center in every community.
    c. Urging the public broadcasting media to exert the positive function of education.
    d. Urging Police Corps for Juvenile Delinquents to exert its guiding function.
    e. Taking advantage of camp activities such as Young Lion Camp.
    f. Taking advantage of the community environment for correcting juvenile delinquencies.
    5) Those who intend to become a vocational high school teacher should place “Principle of Moral Culture”, “Educational Psychology”, “Class Management”, “Principle and Practice of Guidance”, “Parental Education”, “Juvenile Psychology” as their “absolutely required” courses when they study educational program, to allow them to have active “basic struggle potential” for effectively, successfully teaching, guiding, disciplining/educating students in the vocational high schools.
    6) Suggest our government should increase the quotas of Full-time Guiding Teacher as “one for less than 7 classes, two for more than 11 classes (included)” or increase administrative staff as “Guidance Section should have guiding and information two offices for any vocational high schools with more than 11 classes”.

    高職教師輔導與管教策略之探究 目錄 頁次 第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------- 1 第一節 研究動機與目的----------------------------------- 1 壹、 研究動機---------------------------------------- 1 貳、研究問題---------------------------------------- 4 參、研究目的--------------------------------------- 4 第二節 研究範圍與限制-------------------------------- 5 壹、研究範圍--------------------------------------- 5 貳、研究限制--------------------------------------- 6 第三節 研究方法與步驟--------------------------------- 7 壹、 研究方法--------------------------------------- 7 貳、 研究步驟--------------------------------------- 7 第四節 重要名詞詮釋------------------------------------ 9 第二章文獻探討------------------------------------------ 10 第一節 教師輔導與管教學生的基本概念------------------- 10 壹、 輔導與教學均是教師享有自主權的專業能力--------- 10 貳、 輔導與管教學生是教師的義務-------------------- 10 參、 輔導、懲戒權與管教、體罰---------------------- 10 肆、 高職學校學生獎懲要點及教師輔導與管教學生辦法---- 22 第二節 教學、訓導、輔導三合一的學生輔導新體制--------- 37 壹、 教育部頒佈的實驗方案------------------------- 37 貳、對「教、訓、輔三合一整合實驗方案」的內容評析------39 第三節 德育優先的教育措施----------------------------- 67 壹、德育原理---------------------------------------- -67 貳、道德認知發展理論------------------------------- --77 參、德育優先的教育措施------「忠信教育法」--------- --85 第四節 高職教師輔導與管教學生的策略--------------------90 壹、 高職學生的特色-----------------------------------90 貳、 高職教師輔導與管教學生的策略---------------------97 策略(一)不斷提昇專業知能的自我革新------------- --99 策略(二)人本關懷的教學態度 -----------------------106 策略(三)採用認知心理學派的學習輔導策略 -----------115 策略(四)運用認知行為學派的行為改變技術 ---------- 122 策略(五)建立教師個人輔導網絡----------------------127 策略(六)加強親職教育、建立親師熱線管道, 以有效輔導管教學生----------------------- 135 策略(七)協助學生養成正當休閒娛樂------------------140 策略(八)協助學生學會處理自己的情緒----------------144 策略(九)協助學生學會處理人際關係------------------149 策略(十)強化社區精神倫理守望相助功能--------------153 策略(十一)普設社區青少年輔導中心------------------155 策略(十二)促使大眾傳播媒體發揮正面教育功能--------157 策略(十三)促使少年警察隊積極發揮輔導功能----------159 策略(十四)運用幼獅育樂營之類的營會----------------160 策略(十五)運用社區處遏矯治犯罪少年----------------162 策略(十六) 學校應有整體革新的行政領導-------------163 第三章 研究方法-----------------------------------------166 第一節 研究問題-----------------------------------------166 第二節 研究對象-----------------------------------------166 第三節 研究設計-----------------------------------------167 第四節 問卷之寄發與回收---------------------------------168 第五節 回收問卷之分析-----------------------------------168 第六節 訪談的實施與資料整理-----------------------------168 第 四 章 研 究 結 果 與 討論-----------------------------170 第一節 填答者之基本資料分析-----------------------------170 第二節 問卷主要容之分項結果-----------------------------173 第三節 問卷內填答者之其他意見---------------------------203 第四節 到六所高職實地訪問之整理紀錄---------------------203 第 五 章 結 論 與 建 議----------------------------------207 第一節 結 論-------------------------------------------207 第二節 建 議-------------------------------------------210 附 註--------------------------------------------------214 參考書目--------------------------------------------------215 研究工具(高職教師輔導與管教學生策略之探究--調查問卷)--220 附 錄--------------------------------------------------224

    參 考 書 目
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