簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 洪慧玲
Horng Huey-Ling
論文名稱: 辦公室工作者之室內物理環境滿意程度與工作生活品質,自覺健康狀況關係之研究-以某電腦公司為例
A Correlation Study of Workers' Environmental Satisfactions, Quality of Work Life and General Health Perceptions
指導教授: 吳就君
Wu, Chew-Chung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 室內物理環境滿意程度工作生活品質自覺健康
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:766下載:0
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  • 本研究的目的在探討辦公室工作者的室內物理環境滿意程度與工作生活品質、自覺健康狀況的關係。本研究使用自編結構式問卷進行調查,以某電腦公司509位辦公室工作者為研究對象,並根據343份有效問卷(回收率67.39﹪),以SPSS/WIN電腦統計程式,採用t-檢驗、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關等統計法分析。研究結果如下:一、室內物理環境方面本資料顯示辦公室工作者覺得「單位使用面積人數過多」、「IAQ差」為辦公環境不舒適的主要歸因。二、QWL需求程度方面(一)未婚辦公室工作者對「整體QWL需求程度」、「福利」需求程度比已婚者高。(二)男性辦公室工作者對「人事公平性」需求程度高於女性;而女性辦公室工作者在「工作與家庭關係」的需求程度高於男性。(三)擔任管理職務辦公室工作者對「人事公平性」與「工作尊榮感」需求程度高於非管理職辦公室工作者。(四)25歲以下辦公室工作者,對「人際關係」的需求程度高於31-40歲、36-40歲者。三、QWL滿意程度方面(一)男性辦公室工作者對「整體QWL滿意程度」高於女性;25歲以下辦公室工作者對「整體QWL滿意程度」高於26-30歲、36-40歲者。(二)男性辦公室工作者在「人事公平性」、「工作內容」、「成長機會」、「工作尊榮感」滿意程度高於女性。(三)25歲以下辦公室工作者對「人事公平性」的滿意程度高於26-30歲者。41歲以上及31-35歲辦公室工作者對「工作尊榮感」的滿意程度高於26-30歲者。(四)服務1年以下與服務1-4年辦公室工作者對「人事公平性」的滿意程度高於服務5-8年者;服務1年以下辦公室工作者對「工作環境」滿意程度高於服務9年者。四、辦公室工作者對室內物理環境滿意程度、QWL與自覺健康狀況相關情形(一)辦公室工作者對室內物理環境滿意程度愈高,則「人事公平性」、「工作尊榮感」、「福利」需求程度愈高。(二)辦公室工作者對「室內物理環境滿意程度」滿意程度愈高,對「人事公平性」、「工作與家庭關係」、「工作內容」、「工作環境」、「成長機會」、「人際關係」、「工作尊榮感」、「福利」的滿意程度就愈高。(三)辦公室工作者的「工作與家庭關係」、「工作環境」的滿意程度、「整體QWL滿意程度」愈高,其會覺得自己的健康狀況愈佳。

    This study aims to understand the relations between the worker's satisfactions of indoor physical environment, quality of work life(QWL), and their general health perceptions. A total of 343 workers from a computer company are included. The data is collected through structured questionnairs and analyzed by frequency distribution, percentage, t-test, one-way ANOVA and Pearson Correlation.The main findings are as follows:1. Indoor Physical Environment The main attributions regarding the discomfort of the working environment are concerning "overpopulation in one unit" and "poor indoor air quality" .2. Worker's Needs of QWL (1) Unmarried workers have more needs of "overall QWL" and "work welfare" than the married group.(2) Male workers have more needs of "personnel equality" than the female group, while the female group have more needs of "work-family relationship" than the male group.(3) Supervisiors have more needs of "personnel equality" and "job honor" than the non-supervisior group.(4) The workers under the age of 25 have more needs of "interpersonal relationship" than the group between the age of 26 to 35 and 36 to 40.3. Worker's Satisfactions of QWL(1) Male workers are more satisfied with "overall QWL" , "personnel equality" ,"job content" , "growth and development" and "job honor" than the female group.(2) The workers under the age of 25 are more satisfied with"overall QWL" than the group between the age of 26 to 30 and 36 to 40. The workers under the age of 25 are more satisfied with" personnel equality" than the group between the age of 26 to 30. The workers over 41 are more satisfied with " job honor" than the group between the age of 26 to 30.(3) The workers with less than one working year and 1 to 4 working year are more satisfied with" personnel equality" than the group with 5 to 8 working year. The workers with less than one working year are more satisfied with" working environment" than the group with 5 to 8 and more than 9 working years.4. Correlation between the worker's satisfactions of indoor physical environment, QWL, and general health perceptions(1) The more satisfied the workers feel in indoor physical environment, the more they need for "personnel equality" , "job honor" and "work welfare" .(2) The more satisfied the workers feel at indoor physical environment, the more they are satisfied with "personnel equality" , "work-family relationship" , "job content" , " working environment" , "growth and development " , "interpersonal relationship" , "job honor" and "work welfare" .(3) The more satisfied the workers feel in "work-family relationship" , " working environment" , and "overall QWL" , the more they are satisfied with their general health perceptions.
