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研究生: 謝忍翾
Jen-hsuan Hsieh
論文名稱: 熟手與生手口譯員口譯停頓時的認知過程: 以視譯眼動軌跡為證
Comparing cognitive processes during pauses between experienced interpreters and novice interpreters: Eye movements in sight translation
指導教授: 陳子瑋
Chen, Tze-Wei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 153
中文關鍵詞: 視譯眼動結構停頓遲疑停頓新手專家專業能力
英文關鍵詞: sight translation, eye movement, juncture pauses, hesitation pauses, novices, experts, expertise
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:232下載:26
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  • 過去針對自發性語音(spontaneous speech)中的停頓現象所做的研究認為,在句法結構段落所產生的結構停頓(juncture pause),讓說話者有更多時間計畫要說什麼,而其他的停頓則是遲疑停頓(hesitation pause)則代表產出困難以及高認知負擔,且多半與詞彙搜索(lexical retrieval)有關。然而,以上結論多半僅根據口語產出加以推論而得。



    比對口語及眼動資料後則發現,停頓時兩組受試者凝視的位置(fixation location)、閱讀次數(reading pass)、掃視(saccade direction)的方向皆不同,顯示兩者的閱讀歷程十分不同,代表兩者的認知歷程很可能也不同。蘇雅薇(2013)的研究支持了前述自發性語音停頓現象的文獻中的論點,然而本研究卻顯示,熟手口譯員視譯時的認知歷程很可能不同於自發性語音。

    Previous studies on pauses in spontaneous speech believed that juncture pauses, which occurred at syntactic junctures, allowed speakers more time to plan their speech while the rest pauses in a speech, i.e. hesitation pauses, were signs of delivery difficulties and higher cognitive load mostly from lexical retrieval. However, most of the conclusion was made solely from oral output analysis and inference.

    The current research is a follow-up to Huang (2011), Chen (2013) and Su (2013). This study examined and triangulated pause and eye-movement data from 18 experienced interpreters during sight translation tasks. The data was analyzed and compared with the previous findings from novice interpreters.

    Inter-group comparison showed that the experienced interpreters made fewer juncture pauses and hesitation pauses than novices. Intra-group comparisons, on the other hand, indicated that the novices made significantly more hesitation pauses than juncture pauses, while no significant difference was found in the experienced interpreters' data.

    Triangulation of the oral and the eye-movement data showed great divergence between the two groups in where they fixated during pauses, which passes the fixations were in, and direction in which their eyes moved to the positions, indicating very different reading and, possibly, cognitive processes during pauses. Su's findings supported the assumptions in the literature on pauses in spontaneous speech. However, the findings of the current research suggested that the experienced interpreters' cognition process may be different from that in spontaneous speech.

    Abstract i 摘要 ii Table of Contents iii List of Tables vi List of Figures viii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research background 1 1.2 Exploring sight translation with the eye-tracker 4 1.3 Research questions 6 Chapter 2 Literature Review 7 2.1 Expertise 7 2.1.1 Definition of expertise 7 2.1.2 Development of expertise 10 2.2 Expertise in interpreting 11 2.3 Sight translation 16 2.4 Interpreting strategies 18 2.4.1 Chunking 19 2.4.2 Anticipation 23 2.5 Interpreting process 24 2.5.1 Cognitive processes in translation 24 2.4.2 Cognitive processes in interpreting 28 2.4.3 Studying interpreting process 29 2.6 Eye movement 33 2.6.1 Eye movement in reading 34 2.6.2 Eye movement in interpreting 35 2.7 Fluency and Pauses 39 2.7.1 Fluency and disfluency 39 2.7.2 Silent pauses and filled pauses 41 2.7.3 Juncture pauses and hesitation pauses 42 2.7.4 Pauses and cognition 43 2.7.5 Pauses in interpreting 45 Chapter 3 Oral Data Analyses 49 3.1 Data source and collection 49 3.2 Data processing 51 3.2.1 Selection of observation points 51 3.2.2 Annotated protocols 53 3.3 Oral data analysis results 54 Chapter 4 Eye-movement Data Analyses 58 4.1 Data collection and preparation 58 4.1.1 Data exclusion 60 4.1.2 Eye fixation protocols 61 4.1.3 Parameters used 64 4.2 Eye movement data analysis 69 4.2.1 Global analysis 73 4.2.2 Juncture pause analysis 76 Results of parameter examination 78 Examination of juncture pauses in the experienced interpreters’ eye-movement protocol 95 4.2.3 Hesitation Pause Analysis 101 Results of parameter examination 102 Examination of hesitation pauses in the experienced interpreters’ eye-movement protocol 115 Chapter 5 Conclusion & Discussion 127 5.1 Findings from the oral data analysis 127 5.2 Findings from the eye-movement data analysis 127 5.2.1 Findings from analysis of eye movements during juncture pauses 128 5.2.2 Findings from analysis of eye movements during hesitation pauses 130 5.3 Interpreters’ reading process during sight translation 131 5.4 Discussion 133 5.4.1 Divergence from spontaneous speech 133 5.4.2 Difficulty beyond lexical retrieval 138 5.4.3 Interpreters’ reading process during sight translation 138 5.5 Implications 142 5.6 Limitations and suggestions 144 Reference 146 Appendix A. Examples of Hand-drawn Eye-movement Protocol Appendix B. Digitized Eye-movement Protocol

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