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研究生: 吳文全
Wu, Wen-Chuan
論文名稱: 電腦模擬軟體輔助技術教學之學後保留度研究
Learning Retention of Computer Simulation Software Assisted Technical Instruction
指導教授: 莊謙本
Chuang, Chien-Pen
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 277
中文關鍵詞: 技術教學學習成效學後保留數位麵包板TINA Pro
英文關鍵詞: technical instruction, learning effect, learning retention, Digital Breadboard, TINA Pro
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:391下載:9
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  • 本研究旨在探討電腦模擬軟體輔助技術教學之學習成效及其保留度情形,選擇使用宣稱具有技術教學功能的「TINA Pro」與「數位麵包板」的電腦模擬軟體作為數位電路技術「電子電路實習」課程中「數位邏輯」單元的實驗教學,研究樣本以台北市立內湖高級工業職業學校控制科全體二年級學生(共一百零四人)為受試對象進行實驗。本實驗共分成三組(傳統組、TINA組及DB組),傳統組採用「傳統教學」方式進行技術教學;TINA組採用「TINA Pro」輔助技術教學;DB組組採用「數位麵包板」輔助技術教學,不同組別教學單元內容均相同,且要求學生實際在麵包板上練習電路設計、操作及提供線上輔助教材。學完各個教學單元後即實施成就測驗,並於其後三次(每次間隔14日)作認知與技能的學後保留測驗,藉以分析學生學習之成效與各項差異情形。
    一、在三組不同組別中,使用TINA Pro電腦模擬軟體輔助技術學習的學生,在四次不同時間評量其認知學習成效全部顯著高於使用傳統學習的學生;同時在四次不同時間評量其技能學習成效有二次顯著高於使用傳統學習的學生,因而可以確認使用TINA Pro電腦模擬軟體輔助技術教學有助於學生技術學習之學習成效,尤其表現在認知學習部分。
    二、在十一個向度的學習滿意度問卷調查結果顯示:使用TINA Pro輔助技術教學的學生,在教材的設計方面滿意度顯著高於使用傳統學習的學生;以及使用TINA Pro輔助技術學習的學生,在教材的難易度方面滿意度顯著高於使用傳統學習的學生和使用數位麵包板輔助技術學習的學生,其他九個向度使用電腦模擬軟體(包括TINA Pro或數位麵包板)輔助技術學習的學生與使用傳統學習的學生均無顯著差異。
    三、三次不同時間無預警方式評量所得之學後保留度,在使用電腦模擬軟體(包括TINA Pro或數位麵包板)輔助技術學習學生之學後認知保留度與使用傳統學習的學生皆無顯著差異,且三次不同的學後認知保留度皆小於1,符合遺忘的特性。在學後技能保留度部份,在實驗課程結束後十四日及四十二日使用傳統學習的學生及使用數位麵包板輔助技術學習的學生,均顯著高於使用TINA Pro輔助技術學習的學生,其他不同時間所測得之技能學習成效保留度無顯著差異之情形。

    The purpose of this study was to investigate the learning and retention effect of computer simulation software assisted technical instruction. Two softwares, the Toolkit for Interactive Network Analysis Professional Edition (TINA Pro) and the Digital Breadboard, both of which are believed to be effective skill instruction assists, were selected and applied to students’ study of digital logic circuit in the course of Practice of Electronic Circuit as experimental teaching. The subjects of the experimental teaching were all of the 2nd grade students in the Department of Control Engineering, Taipei Municipal Nei-Hu Vocational Industrial School, totaling 104 students. They were divided into three groups. The Traditional group (TRA group) received “traditional instruction,” the TINA group received the TINA Pro assisted technical instruction, and the DB group received the Digital Breadboard assisted technical instruction in their study of digital electronic technique. The teaching units in the course contents were the same for all the three groups, and all the students were required to practice circuit design and operation on the breadboard. After each teaching unit was done, a performance test was given to all the students, and after that three further tests were given to all the students with an interval of 14 days between tests for the purpose of testing students’ cognition and skill retention after learning. The results of the tests were then used to analyze differences of learning effect and feedbacks as seen existing among the groups after receiving different learning methods.
    The following conclusion was drawn following the four-month experimental teaching period.
    1. Among the three different groups, the group using the TINA Pro assisted technical instruction achieved significantly higher cognition learning results than the group using “traditional teaching material” in all tests out of the four administered in different times; however, out of the four tests, the group using the TINA Pro assisted technical instruction achieved significantly higher skill learning results in 1st. test and 4th. test , thus confirming that the TINA Pro assisted instruction is helpful to students’ skill learning, especially in the area of cognition learning.
    2. In a 11-facet learning satisfaction questionnaire survey, the students receiving TINA Pro assisted technical instruction expressed significantly higher satisfaction in teaching material design than did the students receiving “traditional instruction,” while the students receiving TINA Pro assisted technical instruction expressed significantly higher satisfaction in the difficulty/ease level of the teaching material than did the students either receiving the “traditional instruction” or the Digital Breadboard software assisted technical instruction. No significant differences were found in the other nine facets of the same satisfaction questionnaire survey between students receiving computer simulation software assisted technical instruction, including the TINA Pro and the Digital Breadboard, and students receiving “traditional instruction.”
    3. In three learning retention pop quizzes administered in three different times, no significant differences in cognition retention were found between the students receiving computer simulation software assisted instruction, including the TINA Pro and the Digital Breadboard, and the students receiving “traditional teaching.” The cognition retention rate of each group in each of the three tests was smaller than 1, which corresponded to the characteristic of forgetfulness. In skill retention, the significant differences were found in the test administered 14 days and 42 days after the experimental course was over, in which the students receiving “traditional instruction” and the students receiving the Digital Breadboard assisted technical instruction achieved significant better scores than did the students receiving the TINA Pro assisted technical instruction. In the other test, no significant difference in skill retention was found among the groups.

    總目錄i 圖目錄iii 表目錄v 第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究動機1 第二節 研究目的4 第三節 研究假設5 第四節 研究範圍與限制7 第五節 名詞解釋9 第二章 文獻探討11 第一節 學習理論11 第二節 認知理論45 第三節 學後保留的理論56 第四節 數位電路技術教學72 第五節 電腦模擬軟體輔助教學81 第三章 研究設計與實施113 第一節 研究架構113 第二節 研究方法與步驟115 第三節 實驗設計118 第四節 實驗對象120 第五節 研究基本假定121 第六節 研究工具122 第七節 資料處理128 第四章 資料分析與討論131 第一節 學後認知評量資料分析131 第二節 學後技能評量資料分析135 第三節 學習滿意度問卷調查資料分析140 第四節 學後認知保留評量資料分析162 第五節 學後技能保留評量資料分析178 第六節 綜合分析與討論201 第五章 結論與建議215 第一節 結論215 第二節 建議219 參考文獻223 中文部份223 外文部份230 附錄239 附件一 不同組別(傳統組、TINA組及DB組)學生之學前能力摘要239 附件二 教學實驗學後認知測試卷(初稿)241 附件三 電腦模擬軟體輔助技術教學之學後保留度研究專家會議紀錄255 附件四 教學實驗學後認知測試卷之項目分析257 附件五 教學實驗學後認知測試卷261 附件六 教學實驗學後技能測試卷269 附件七 教學實驗學後技能測試卷之項目分析275 附件八 學習滿意度調查問卷277

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