研究生: |
陳建 Chien-Wen Chen |
論文名稱: |
都會型工業區的轉型-五股工業區物流、倉儲業與台北都會的互動關係 The Transformation of Urban Industrial Park:The Relationship of Interaction Between Wu Ku Industrial Park and Taipei City. |
指導教授: | 譚鴻仁 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
地理學系 Department of Geography |
論文出版年: | 2005 |
畢業學年度: | 93 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 106 |
中文關鍵詞: | 編定工業區轉型 、物流倉儲業 、五股工業區 、生產者服務業 、流動空間 、地方治理 |
英文關鍵詞: | the transformation of traditional industrial park,, logistic firms and warehouses, Wu-Ku industrial Park, producer service, space of flow, local governance |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:261 下載:30 |
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The industrial parks have contributing to the economic development in Taiwan. Through 40 years of development, some industrial parks still prosper; Some industrial parks face to remove industrial zone. Under government planning, Wu-Ku industrial park is a traditional industrial park . In order to plan Er-Chung Overflow Flood Spillway, Taiwan government replaced manufacturing factory in small family. In recent years logistic firms and warehouses in Wu Ku industrial park are gradual increasing, and run the business in Wu-Ku industrial park. Taiwan government proposed "Wu-Ku logistic park" plan because of the transformation of the industrial park.
The growth process of logistic firms and the city development were closely linked. When the global city stepped into the age which the retail capital unceasingly expanded, in other words, the chain store and relative supporting logistic industry also had to strive it’s management of service skill. In order to achieve convenience of the goods and the information that bidirectional communication, service logistic industry must relocate in the periphery of the urban area. Wu-Ku industrial park exactly provided the similar position condition. The former government developed the industrial park considering the convenience of transportation , but when the industrial park faced consumer-city age, logistical firms enters the early development industrial park and affected business ecology of the manufacturing industry park.
The function of Taipei city promoted unceasingly result in the rent of the metropolis elevating day by day. and the types of shop transform for the many kinds of products exhibition. Stores in the space of warehouses day by day became narrow and small .The chain store and hypermarket substitute tradition retail store crowdedly distribute in Taipei city. In the periphery of Taipei city, thus those logistical firms in this time emerge. In Taiwan realistic environment, Wu-Ku industrial park the store of logistical firms and warehouses gradually increasing and make the firms insufficient. Therefore market force those firms the behavior of moving dynamically.
The key strategy of the time and space management in Wu-Ku industrial park are the dispatch of firms which adjust the busy season. For example those firms hire part-time labor, and the advantage of agglomeration is that arranging with the cold store inside the industrial park. Between the firms may mutually match the support. But the core strategical competition correlates with the space and time strategy. For example, thorough exhibition, interaction with the downstream customer and receive information of market demand, and through the upstream and downstream firms matching the time and spatial coordination, and let store in a storehouse result in the revolution the effectiveness for a period of time , achieve the circulation of goods in a storehouse and promote the quality of the service.
The central and the local government were enthusiastic about "Wu Ku logistics park", when the concept of execution used a lot of logistics integration which Japan already used , for example the storage integration, sell integration and so on. However the automaticity of logistic firms in Taiwan are not high, and the density of labor is quite crowded. So those firms have no cooperation motive. The government hands over the plan by the relative operating command ,but the government actually absence in the process of this plan. In addition, in the industrial park firms in a warehouse are belongs to the oneself interior company, by no means through the exchange to have the business opportunity for gathering the customer primarily. The subject of cooperation on executions beset with difficulties in Wu-Ku industrial park, and "Wu Ku logistics park " become imagined of community of Taiwan government.
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