Author: |
章舒妍 Zhang, Shu-Yan |
Thesis Title: |
百老匯音樂劇《史瑞克》中菲歐娜的公主形象與表現之研究 A Study of Princess Fiona's Image and Performance on the Broadway Musical《Shrek》 |
Advisor: |
Wu, I-Fang |
Committee: |
Wu, I-Fang 梁志民 Liang, Zhi-Min 彭多林 Peng, Duo-Lin |
Approval Date: | 2021/01/11 |
Degree: |
碩士 Master |
Department: |
表演藝術研究所 Graduate Institute of Performing Arts |
Thesis Publication Year: | 2021 |
Academic Year: | 109 |
Language: | 中文 |
Number of pages: | 138 |
Keywords (in Chinese): | 音樂劇 、百老匯音樂劇《史瑞克》 、童話公主形象 |
Keywords (in English): | musical, Broadway musical, Shrek the Musical, fairytale princess image |
Research Methods: | 文獻資料分析法 |
DOI URL: | |
Thesis Type: | Academic thesis/ dissertation |
Reference times: | Clicks: 205 Downloads: 24 |
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美國百老匯是經典音樂劇的盛產地,由於音樂劇的表現內容包羅萬象且表演形式靈活多變,因此當中的題材以及角色類型日趨豐富多樣。在20世紀90年代迪士尼公司向百老匯音樂劇舞臺進軍後,有許多經典童話故事或是動畫電影被改編成音樂劇。就如在2008年夢工廠創作的音樂劇《史瑞克》就是經過兒童繪本和動畫電影的改編,顛覆了眾所皆知的傳統王子和公主的故事模式及人物形象,成為一部「反經典童話」 的音樂劇。在這齣劇中所樹立的女主角「菲歐娜」這一另類的公主形象也從此進入大眾的視野。
Broadway, America is home to quite a lot of classic musicals. Based on a wide range of contents and flexible performing forms, these musicals gradually develop with rich subjects and diversified characters. Since the Disney set foot on the Broadway stage in 1990s, many classic fairy tales and animated films have been adapted into musicals, among which Shrek the Musical is a typical example musical of anti-classic fairy tales. Created by DreamWorks in 2008, Shrek the Musical was adapted from the original children’s picture book and animated film and it has challenged our preconceptions about the well-known story pattern and traditional images of prince and princess. In addition, it also brought the heroine Fiona, a totally different princess image, into public eye.
Based on literature review method, this thesis will first focus on the analysis of the musicals with a fairytale subject in the development of Broadway musicals and, then carry out the research on the creation process of Shrek the Musical. After that, the thesis will give a further look into the social background against which Fiona was created and into her image development by comparing Fiona with the princess images in some classic fairy tales and trying to analyze Fiona’s image from the perspective of fairytale psychology. Also, the thesis is going to use case study method to analyze Fiona’s image in performances from different aspects. In conclusion, the thesis will give an answer to whether Fiona has brought changes to the nailed princess images in fairytale musicals and brought new reflections to the female characters in musicals.
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(查詢日期為 2021 年 1 月 19 日)