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研究生: 陳文棋
Wen-Chi Chen
論文名稱: 地方舉辦大型活動效益評估: 對「101國慶煙火暨國際藝術季在苗栗」的觀察與評析
The Assessment of Local major event: A Study of “2012 International Fireworks and Art Festival in Miaoli”
指導教授: 何康國
Ho, Kang-Kuo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 表演藝術研究所
Graduate Institute of Performing Arts
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 182
中文關鍵詞: 苗栗國際藝術季國慶煙火藝術節地方活動
英文關鍵詞: Miaoli international arts Festival, the National Day fireworks, arts festival, local activity
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:188下載:68
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  • 城市的文化形象正是由生活內涵與外在型式的整體表現而有不同,苗栗縣建立的健康多元城市,正是希望以豐富的文化元素與觀光資源結合,致力創造苗栗縣文化觀光的新形象,讓苗栗縣成為有深度、有內涵的「國際文化觀光城」。藉由活動的舉辦吸引全國各地民眾甚至國際旅客到苗栗暢遊,創造新興無限商機。

    The urban cultural image differs due to the overall performance of life connotation and external form. The healthy and multiple city built by Miaoli County is a hope of combining rich cultural elements with tourism resources to be dedicated to creating the new image of Miaoli County cultural tourism and to render Miaoli County become an international cultural tourism city with depth and connotation. By hosting activities, travelers from home and abroad are attracted to travel in Miaoli, creating numerous new business opportunities.
    Through art festival activities, not only can the culture atmosphere be enhanced, but also the tourism marketing benefits are reached. More importantly, it is to shape local identification, create collective memory and establish local culture value. In addition to emphasizing local combination, the cultural policy of Miaoli County also constantly promotes culture in international stage, thus leading to the international art festival.
    Early in 2008, Miaoli County government invited Karel Lars International Concert and the Irish River Dance to perform in Taiwan, after which many international singers with great fame have been invited in the subsequent years, such as Domingo, Blain, etc, while what made a real hit was the Taiwan Lantern Festival in Miaoli held in the 2011, creating a population flow of 8.02 million tourists and an estimated 5.6 billion tourism value. All these make Miaoli County government sense the business opportunities and benefits from the festival activities.
    In 2012, coupled with the implementation of the National Day fireworks, Miaoli County integrated culture festival and activity, expanding it into a monthly art festival activity series, namely the 2012 International Fireworks and Art Festival in Miaoli discussed in this study. Through the observation of local grand arts festival activities, the overall benefits were further discussed, on the basis of which whether Miaoli County’s planning for the international art festival activity was suitable and remedy was recalled were discussed.
    This study conducted the exploration through quantitative questionnaire and qualitative interview. Quantitative questionnaire survey was to understand the audience’s satisfaction and recognition of this event by Miaoli County, while the qualitative interview comprehended the motives and objects of the decision-makers. Interviewing local arts groups, the planning direction and benefits of the overall activities were learned. Through the integration of quantitative questionnaire and qualitative interview, the external and internal benefits of the activity were assessed and compared with the target to see whether they were consistent and achieved the functions of marketing Miaoli and enhancing the arts level.

    中文摘要 i 英文摘要 ii 誌謝 iv 目錄 v 表目錄 viii 圖目錄 x 第一章、緒論 1 第一節、研究背景與動機 1 第二節、研究目的 2 第三節、研究架構 3 第二章、文獻回顧 4 第一節、節慶活動起源與定義 4 第二節、節慶活動的功能與效益 10 第三節、台灣目前節慶活動現況 15 第四節、國內外大型藝術節介紹 17 一、藝術節起源 17 二、國外著名藝術節概述 19 三、國內藝術節介紹 26 第五節、苗栗國際藝術節 31 一、苗栗縣現況描述 31 二、苗栗縣文化政策 32 三、歷年苗栗國際藝術節 35 第三章、研究方法 37 第一節、研究方法 37 一、文獻資料分析法 37 二、個案研究法 38 三、參與式觀察 39 四、問卷調查法 39 五、深度訪談法 40 第二節、研究對象與工具 41 一、質性研究 41 二、問卷調查對象與工具 46 第三節、研究限制 50 一、質性研究限制 50 二、量化問卷調查限制 50 第四章、個案研究 51 第一節、「101國慶煙火暨國際藝術季在苗栗」活動規畫 51 一、活動目的與目標 51 二、場區規劃 52 三、節目安排 52 第二節、問卷調查結果 57 一、調查日期、對象與方式 57 二、觀眾問卷─基本資料結果 58 三、觀眾問卷─活動參與結果 70 四、問卷結論與討論 91 第三節、質性訪談與小結 96 一、質性訪談問題討論 96 二、小結 108 第五章、研究結論與建議 115 第一節、研究結論 115 一、建立自我品牌、凝聚在地認同 115 二、缺乏國際藝術節慶的條件 117 三、建立常態組織以掌握核心價值 118 第二節、後續研究建議 120 參考文獻 121 附錄、訪談逐字稿 126

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