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研究生: 錢啟華
Jake Chan
論文名稱: 國中生對相對運動現象概念認知的探討
指導教授: 黃湘武
Huang, Hsiang-Wu
Chen, Wen-Dian
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 物理學系
Department of Physics
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 77
中文關鍵詞: 知識架構時空認知機制概念認知機制認知比對機制
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:177下載:3
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  • 相對運動現象概念的認知,主要從認知心理學的角度,以個別訪談探討學生對於相對運動現象中,運動學物理概念及認知機制。

    Notion perception of the relative motion phenomena was studied by interviewing students in view of the perception psychology.
    Problem analysis utilizes the concept of object-oriented programming to divide the notion of relative motion phenomenon and then rearrange for further analyses; structuralized and quantized knowledge frame analyses were performed based on the concept of knowledge frame, to create the space-time phenomena of relative motion using the analyzed results. The physical notions of kinematics represent the establishment of objective knowledge notion frames from fundamental to high levels, based on the perception of relative motion.
    The intrinsic of phenomena in nature, the structural features and operational modes of human perception mechanisms and the existent knowledge notions of kinematics, affect the perception of kinetic phenomena of man.
    Hit or miss of the students, on the perception of physical notions in relative motion, and the operations and constraints of human perception mechanisms were studied through interviews consisting of demonstration of relative motions in spatial and temporal phenomena, questions focused on physical notions of kinematics, and the checked operations done by the students.
    The perception of relative motion phenomena are mainly restricted by vision and notion mechanisms. Vision shows structural and sequential automatic selection mechanism in explaining whether in motion or rest, judging by the presence of visible background. Limitations of physical notions transformed between different systems include firstly the lack of experience of notion perception in transforming the physical description of an object physical variable (position of a ship on the sea) to another system (position of a man on the sea).Also included is secondly the affected accuracy of space-time location transformation due to overlapping of space and time to the eye, to the order and position changes in space and time after motion, and to visible to invisible change of space with time kept invisible.
    Finally, to show the notion perception for relative motion, structure diagrams of physical notions and perception mechanisms were presented to express the sources of conclusions for deducing the relationships among conclusions and the degrees of interaction between perception mechanisms.

    目 錄 英文摘要----------------------------------------------- Ⅰ 中文摘要----------------------------------------------- Ⅱ 目 錄----------------------------------------------- Ⅲ 表 目 錄----------------------------------------------- Ⅳ 圖 目 錄----------------------------------------------- Ⅳ 第一章 緒 論 第一節 研究動機--------------------------------------- 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題----------------------------- 2 第三節 名詞解釋--------------------------------------- 2 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 相對運動的知識結構------------------------------ 1 第二節 相對運動的認知結構------------------------------ 6 第三節 心理學對認知結構的影響-------------------------- 9 第四節 物件導向程式概念運用在知識架構的運作------------ 12 第五節 相對運動概念與認知的關聯------------------------ 14 第三章研究方法與設計 第一節 研究流程及設計---------------------------------- 17 第二節 研究對象---------------------------------------- 17 第三節 研究流程---------------------------------------- 18 第四節 研究工具---------------------------------------- 19 第五節 訪談題目-知識架構分析--------------------------- 36 第四章 結果與討論 第一節 資料整理分析------------------------------------ 39 第二節 時間、空間的認知-------------------------------- 40 第三節 位置長度在不同座標間的轉換---------------------- 48 第四節 物體往返的位置移動長度組合---------------------- 51 第五節 物體相互離開或靠近的相對速度-------------------- 58 第五章研究結論與建議 第一節 研究結論----------------------------------------- 66 第二節 建 議----------------------------------------- 70 參考文獻------------------------------------------------ 71 表圖次 一、 表目次 表3-5-1 動學概念組合因子表-------------------------------------- 4 表3-5-2 動學概念時空認知性質分析表 ----------------------------- 5 表3-1-1 訪談學生人數-------------------------------------------- 17 表3-4-1 對運動現象演示及概念認知組合圖-------------------------- 19 表3-4-1 相對運動變因排列組合表---------------------------------- 31 表3-6-1 知識架構表-運動系統背景相對運動------------------------- 37 表3-6-2 知識架構度分析表 - 運動系統背景相對運動----------------- 37 表3-6-3 知識架構表-無背景相對運動------------------------------- 38 表4-2-1 物體-有背景式相對運動時序位置性質 ---------------------- 46 二、 圖目次 圖3-5-1 運動現象訊息處理模式 ----------------------------------- 16 圖3-4-1 人與船同方向運動---------------------------------------- 20 圖3-4-2 人與船反方向等距離運動---------------------------------- 22 圖3-4-3 人與船同時人相對在海上前進------------------------------ 22 圖3-4-4 人與船同時反方向等長位置移動抵消------------------------ 24 圖3-4-5 船尾參考點三段不等長度分開組合-------------------------- 25 圖3-4-6 船頭參考點三段不等長度合併組合-------------------------- 25 圖3-4-7 靜止地面背景相對運動------------------------------------ 26 圖3-4-8 運動系統背景相對運動------------------------------------ 27 圖3-4-1 元素事件與組合事件關係圖-------------------------------- 30 圖3-4-1 靜止地面背景相對運動------------------------------------ 33 圖3-4-7 靜止地面背景相對運動------------------------------------ 34 圖3-4-8 運動系統背景相對運動------------------------------------ 34 圖4-3-1 等長反向位置移動組合圖---------------------------------- 52 圖4-3-2 船尾參考點三段位移組合---------------------------------- 57 圖4-3-3 船頭參考點三段位移組合---------------------------------- 57 圖5-1-1 認知結構元素知識架構及認知流程-------------------------- 69 附錄次:相對運動訪談紀錄表

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