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研究生: 呂學翰
論文名稱: 資料無線下載之負載感測天線傳送功率控制
Load-aware Antenna Power Level Control for Wireless Forward Link Data Services
指導教授: 蔡榮宗
Tsai, Jung-Tsung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 79
中文關鍵詞: 功率控制動態資源配置下傳行動通訊網路基地台間的干擾
英文關鍵詞: power control, dynamic resource allocation, downlink, cellular data networks, inter-cell interference
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:157下載:6
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  • 在無線蜂巢式網路中,基地台的涵蓋範圍通常會與鄰近的基地台重疊,以提供邊界的使用者能成功通訊的機會,但是卻因此也增加了基地台之間的互相干擾程度,而降低了使用者的資料傳輸速率。所以我們利用基地台天線傳送功率控制,來減輕使用者受到鄰近基地台的干擾,已達到增進使用者資料傳輸效率的目的。我們假設基地台能夠提供兩種分別為高及低的傳輸功率,並藉由感測每一個細胞格的負載狀況,將這兩種傳輸功率適當的分配給每一個基地台。在我們的方法中,是盡量將負載較高的細胞格基地台設定為高傳輸功率,而將其鄰近負載較低的細胞格基地台設定為低傳輸功率。由程式模擬的結果顯示,這樣的方法可以讓使用者傳輸資料的延遲,有不錯的改善。再來我們考慮細胞格內的負載,並不會一直如預期的均勻分布在細胞格內,所以考慮更進階的方法,來克服不均勻的傳輸負載的情況。在進階的方法中,能夠利用細胞格的負載偏向方位,進而設定其附近的基地台天線傳輸功率。程式模擬的結果顯示,在時間上以及空間上的不均勻傳輸負載,我們的方法都能明顯的減少使用者所需等待的延遲時間。

    We propose power level control schemes to improve the forward link data throughput of mobile users in cell edges where inter-cell interference is significant. We assume that the antenna power of base station (BS) can be adjusted to full power (high power level), reduced power (low power level), and no power. We then propose algorithms by which the cell with the highest loading is first chosen to transmit at high power level while some of its neighboring cells with lighter loading are chosen to transmit at low power level. Such a procedure is repeated until each BS antenna is set to a proper power level. We further assume that the information of sectorized loading is available and then modify the proposed algorithms taking into account the information.
    Based on numerical data all obtained from simulations, we study the performance of the proportional fair scheduling under proposed power level control schemes. Results show that our schemes are able to achieve more favorable delay-throughput characteristics, less interference holes, and traffic hot-spot relief.

    Chapter 1.Introduction 1 1.1 Background 1 1.2 Objective 3 1.3 Related Work 4 1.4 Thesis Organization 6 Chapter 2.System Model 7 2.1 System Model 7 2.2 Radio Propagation Path-loss Models 7 2.3 Traffic Model 9 2.4 Packet Scheduling Policy 11 Chapter 3.Power Control Algorithms 12 3.1 Assumption 12 3.2 No Power Control (NPC) 12 3.3 Simple Power Control Scheme (SPCS) 13 3.4 Load-aware Power Control Scheme (LPCS) 14 3.4 Load-aware Power Control with Adjacent Half Cell Loading (LPCAL) 17 3.5 Load-aware Power Control with Sector Loading Detection (LPCSL) 19 Chapter 4.Simulation 22 4.1 Simulation model 22 4.2 Simulation Scenario 27 Chapter 5.Experiment Result and Discussion 30 5.1 One-dimensional scenario 30 5.1.1 Two antenna power levels for the service of batch arrivals 30 5.1.2 Three antenna power levels for the service of session-based data traffic 40 5.2 Two-dimensional scenario 46 5.2.1 Uniform traffic 46 5.2.2 Temporal hot-spots 55 5.2.3 Spatial hot-spot 63 5.3 Improvements method on the proposed algorithms 73 Chapter 6.Conclusion and Future Work 77 Reference 78

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