研究生: |
賈春琦 Chen-chi Jia |
論文名稱: |
團隊型組織在國民中學學校行政應用之研究 A Study of the Application of Team-based Organizations to Junior High Schools |
指導教授: |
Chang, Ming-Huei |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
畢業學年度: | 87 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 292 |
中文關鍵詞: | 團隊 、團隊型組織 、學校行政 |
英文關鍵詞: | team, team-based organization, school administration |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:488 下載:0 |
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本研究調查對象為台灣地區公立國民中學的校長、主任、組長及教師,以分層隨機抽樣的方式抽取70所樣本學校,發出988份問卷,實得有效樣本660份,問卷資料處理則採用SAS for Windows統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。
二、學校成立團隊時,在團隊成員的選擇上,應參酌學校同仁的專業知能、個人意願、人格特質及個人職務等 相關因素,必要時也應將成員的性別列入考量。
四、學校可應用團隊執行多種類型的行政工作,但目前學校實際以團隊執行行政工作的比例並不高,且以理念 溝通、績效考評及方案研擬等三類型為主。
五、學校行政各項業務均應採取不同的團隊合作方式辦理,但目前僅約有半數的行政業務係以團隊合作的方式 執行。
六、團隊型組織在學校行政應用時,可以漸進模式或組織設計模式來推動,而目前國民中學宜採用漸進模式, 並由學校行政人員會同教師共同推動。
七、團隊型組織在學校行政應用上的困難主要在「團隊權責不易釐清」、「相關人員欠缺團隊運作知能」、「 缺乏團隊合作的意願」、「缺乏足夠的資源支持團隊的運作」等四方面。
九、學校可應用多種類型的團隊執行各項行政工作,而目前學校在行政上所應用的團隊型態以法令規定的常設 委員會,及因實際業務所需而成立的短期工作小組為主。
十、不同背景的學校人員,對於團隊型組織在學校行政應用時,團隊的任務取向、自主性、團隊與正式組織的 關係,及學校實際應用團隊的情形,其意見有所差異;而不同學校地區填答者的意見則大致相同
1. 依據行政業務性質,採取跨組團隊或跨處室團隊,輔以校際合作的方式,辦理各項行政業務。
2. 調查行政人員及教師對於行政執行情況的意見,以瞭解學校成員對於團隊合作的需求。
The present study aims at investigating the application of team-based organizations to junior high schools, including the strategies and difficulties during the application; furthermore, proposes suggestions for effectively using teams as team-based organizations in junior high schools.
The study has adopted the methods of literature review and questionnaire investigation. Firstly, the theory of the team-based organization and the strategies and difficulties of application to schools are discussed in the literature review. Secondly, an investigating into the presently using teams in junior high school is undergone, and conclusions and suggestions are proposed as well. The subject of the study, with sample size of 988 subjects and the effective number of samplers 660, from seventy different junior high schools which are randomly selected from Taiwan area, consist of principals and teachers. Data of the study are analyzed by means of SAS.
The study reaches the following conclusions:
1.The application of team-based organization would make a considerable difference in how schools operate and function.
2.To select proper team members, the individual expertise, willingness of joining, personality, position and gender should be taken into consideration.
3.To establish effective teams, schools should determine carefully the team's mission, its relationship to the formal structure of the school, and its autonomy.
4.Teams may be used to perform different kinds of administrative affairs; teams now operate in school mainly for negotiation, evaluation and suggestion.
5.Teamwork are necessary and essential for school administration; yet most schools are now managed hierarchically and departmentally.
6.There are two approaches for schools to develop team-based organizations; one is evolution approach, and the other is design approach; the existing schools need evolving, with principals and staff involving.
7.The most common problems faced by schools during implementing teams include inappropriate empowering teams, staff lacking team capabilities and resisting teams, and inadequate resources that support teams function.
8.There are several fundamental prerequisites to the application team-based organizations to schools; yet schools presently still leave much to be demanded.
9.Schools may use different types of teams; two types of teams are now commonly established in schools; one is the permanent committee and the other is the temporary task force.
10.The staff with different gender and position has different opinions toward the application of the team-based organizations, such as team's mission, its relationship with school and its autonomy.
Suggestions for the application of the team-based organizations to junior high schools are as follows:
1.To improve teamwork in junior high schools, the educational authorities should:
a. empower junior high schools with the authorities to restructure school.
b. clarify the mission of school council.
2.To apply team-based organizations successfully, the junior high school should:
a. advocate team values in day-to-day actions and prepare the staff to handle team affairs by appropriate coaching and training.
b. make a survey of the interdependence that presently exists and the desired future amount of teamwork in schools, and establish teams according to the nature of the school affairs and the extent of coordination required.
c. limit the initial teams efforts in one area and then expanded the results, and evolve school to a team-based organization with careful observing and modifying.
d. involve the principal and the staff in developing the team vision and planning the team-based change, and make time for the staff to join teams.
e. align school structure and performance management system to promote optimal team performance.
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