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研究生: 陳奕帆
論文名稱: 幾何文本敘寫方式對國三學生閱讀理解的影響
The effect of text descriptions on ninth graders' reading comprehension of geometry proof
指導教授: 吳昭容
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 99
中文關鍵詞: 文本敘寫方式幾何證明閱讀理解
英文關鍵詞: text descriptions, geometry proof, reading comprehension
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:221下載:7
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  • 本研究以兩個實驗操弄文本變項來探討不同幾何證明文本的敘寫方式對國三學生閱讀理解的影響。實驗一在同樣的幾何證明中,操弄中介步驟有、無提示語,亦即中介步驟成立的理由,以瞭解對受試者在閱讀理解測驗得分的影響。該研究以北部一所國中四個班級之129位國三學生為對象,受試者採班級為單位隨機分為有、無提示語二個組別後,以團體筆試方式瞭解研究對象對證明本文的閱讀理解情形。單因子變異數分析發現文本有提示語的受試者在問卷總分、缺漏性質,及事實性判斷等三個分數得分平均值顯著高於無提示語文本,而以積差相關求得研究對象在與幾何證明有關單元之在校成績和問卷總得分之相關均達顯著,且該二相關值之間無顯著差異,表示提示語整體而言提升了有提示語組的表現。實驗二旨在操弄幾何證明題目中,已知的敘寫方式及求證的表徵方式對學生閱讀幾何證明文本的影響,實驗以30位國三學生為對象,針對證明的已知及求證,進行個別的訪談,統計上則以卡方檢定檢驗學生在不同版本構圖正確的百分比,及學生主觀認為好懂的敘寫方式是否有不同,結果顯示,學生在構圖正確百分比及二種版本已知述敘的主觀偏好,僅第四題達到統計上顯著,而對於第三種敘述方式是否較前二種版本好懂的認定,四個幾何證明題均達到達著,但方向不一致。根據這二個實驗的結果,研究者認為中介步驟成立的理由可橋接證明的前提、性質,與結論,協助學生確認與該性質有關的理論脈絡,並瞭解特定證明過程的來源。而以作圖方式敘寫可能有助於理解語意線索較少的術語,使構圖的過程正確,幫助學生對圖形及整體性質的瞭解。

    The purpose of this study is to explore different text descriptions of geometry proof on students’ reading comprehension. That involved two experimental designs. The operation of Experiment 1 was based on the cues of property. 129 students from four classes for the 9th grade students of one junior high school in Taipei participated in Experiment 1. They were randomly assigned into 2 groups according to the classes. And a written test was held to explore the students’ performance and comprehension. The quantitative analyses are showed through ANOVA and Pearson product-moment r. The results show that students in group with cues of property significantly get higher grades on questionnaires than that with no cues, and correlation between students’ math scores at school and scores on the questionnaires wasn’t significant. In addition, the operations of Experiment 2 were the different descriptions of premise and conclusion. 30 of 9th grade students were interviewed. The data are analyzed using Chi-square. The results show that besides proof 4, there is no difference between students’ performance on constructing figures and between the comparison of the first two descriptions. And students’ perception to the third descriptions varied significantly in terms of four proofs. According to the results, we propose that cues of property help students to make sure the contexure of the text and to know the causes of the steps, and if students can construct figures correctly, they may get better understanding of the whole property.

    目錄 vii 表次 ix 圖次 xi 緒論 1 幾何思維 3 數學證明 9 閱讀理解 12 前導性研究 19 實驗一 25 對象 25 工具 26 程序 32 結果分析 33 討論 36 實驗二 39 對象 39 工具 40 程序 43 結果分析 46 討論 59 綜合討論 63 研究結論 63 研究之限制與啟示 69 未來研究之建議 72 參考文獻 75 中文部分 75 西文部分 76 附錄 附錄一 幾何證明閱讀預試文本 82 附錄二 預試題本題目圈選情形 89 附錄三 幾何證明閱讀正式文本 91 附錄四 訪談步驟與提問 96

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