研究生: |
蔣治芬 Chiang, Chih Feng |
論文名稱: |
纏繞的愛:五位男性主要照顧者心路歷程之研究 Entangled Love: A study of the mental journeys of five male primary caregivers |
指導教授: |
Hsu, Ryan Shuwei |
口試委員: |
Tu, Min-Fen 柳育德 Liu, Yu-Te 林舒柔 Lin, Shu-Jou 許書瑋 Hsu, Ryan Shuwei |
口試日期: | 2022/05/19 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA) Executive Master of Business Administration |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 99 |
中文關鍵詞: | 主要照顧者 、高齡化 、社會支持 、質性研究 、照顧與陪伴 |
英文關鍵詞: | Primary Caregiver, Aging, Social Support, Qualitative Research, Care and Companionship |
研究方法: | 生活史訪談 、 深度訪談法 、 半結構式訪談法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200563 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:469 下載:29 |
分享至: |
查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
高齡照顧工作中,有許多責任是需要被承擔的,照顧者往往成為「隱形的受害者」。再者高齡照顧需要長時間投入大量照顧資源,因此許多照顧者的生活有所改變。本研究從主要照顧者心理層面切入,了解到照顧、孝道、責任裡面有著千絲萬縷的關係,糾葛矛盾,因愛成礙,刻劃出二者之間內心情緒糾纏難解的愛。透過訪談彙整每段故事,皆細膩入微描繪出照顧與被照顧者間的真實感和內在情感。有時候,只要被照顧者的一個微笑、一句thank you瞬間撫慰照顧者的心;亦有被照顧者認為你是我兒子,就該天經地義理所當然照顧我;以及照顧者的母親看著兒子為她在做飯,潸然淚下不捨的畫面。另外有鑑於曾淑珍(2018)在陪他一段的研究中,探討四位女性長期照顧者所經歷到的心聲。而男女於擔任主要照顧者可能有不同的心路歷程,實有必要進一步探討之。
1. 擔負起主要照顧工作的因素是對妻子、父母和家庭的愛與責任。
2. 照顧工作所帶來的影響是生理、心理、家庭系統和社交、休閒方面。
3. 照顧者總是以正向思考來面對照顧的困境,以鼓勵被照顧者面對生命的逆境。
4. 政府相關單位可提供專業的諮詢,對於醫療常識、資訊、政策擴大宣傳。
5. 提供男性主要照顧者護理指導以及實用課程,例如家事課程或讓男性自行組成支持團體,讓男性影響男性。
6. 高齡者應多參與社交活動,培養個人興趣和不斷學習新知,邁向成功老化。
7. 照顧者要懂得向外求助,唯有健康的身體和愉悅的心情方能提供良好的照顧。
8. 建議福祉科技與服務相關機構多關注被照顧者各方面需求,運用創新科技進行老人照顧。
9. 建議社政相關單位應開設心理諮商、緩解壓力等課程,提供活動場地、設備和資訊管道給予照顧者身心調適之社會支持力量。
關鍵詞: 主要照顧者、高齡化、社會支持、質性研究、照顧與陪伴
From the United Nations, the global age group (WHO) continues to conduct research on related issues related to advanced age. A report on hyper-relevance is then produced and published to remind the world of the gender-related issues that hyper-relevance creates. , there are many responsibilities that need to be assumed, most likely to be "invisible cover". It takes a lot of effort over a long period of time, and the lives of many different people change. A study that explores the voices experienced by four long-term women. The person in charge may have a different mental journey, but it is necessary to further explore him. Different filial piety and Taoism have their own outlines and relationships. The story of Chongqing Qiansi clearly depicts the relationship between the characters in the middle because of love, and it is difficult to understand the love and hatred between each character. Throughout the interview, the whole work shows a different sense of responsibility with the subtleties, and outlines a different sense of responsibility with intricate lines. Thank you for your immediate sympathy; in addition, there are also those who are rationalized who think that you are my son, and you are my son as you are righteously called, and you are the mother who finally sees the respected mother for the natural care. It can be seen in the picture, and the tears are moving.
Therefore, through the interview analysis of the different life experiences and experiences of the five male main caregivers, the psychological factors of the main caregivers are further analyzed, and it is hoped that the social support force that can help the caregivers reduce the pressure of care can be found through the enhancement and improvement of the overall social support. , improve the care efficiency of future primary caregivers, and reduce the overall burden and impact of an aging society on the country. Based on the results of this interview, the following conclusions and suggestions are summarized and deduced:
1. The factor responsible for the primary care work is love and responsibility for the wife, parents and family.
2. The effects of care work are physical, psychological, family systems and social and leisure
3. Caregivers always face the dilemma of caring with positive thinking, so as to encourage the care recipients to face the adversity of life.
4. Provide professional consulting and government-related welfare services, which can reduce a lot of lengthy exploration time.
5. Elderly people should participate in more social activities, cultivate personal interests and keep learning new knowledge, so as to achieve successful aging.
6. Elderly people should develop the habit of doing regular health checks. Prevention is better than cure.
7. Caregivers must know how to ask for help. Only a healthy body and a happy mood can provide good care.
8. It is recommended that organizations or industries related to welfare technology and services pay more attention to the spiritual aspect of the main care.
9. It is suggested that social and administrative units should offer courses such as psychological counseling and stress relief, and provide activity venues, equipment and information channels to give caregivers social support for physical and mental adjustment.
Keywords:Primary Caregiver, Aging, Social Support, Qualitative Research, Care and Companionship
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