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研究生: 白喬楠
Peereman, Jonathan Manuel Eric
論文名稱: 利用遙測技術探討台灣福山地區森林之動態
Assessment of forest dynamics through remote sensing in Fushan, Taiwan
指導教授: 林登秋
Lin, Teng-Chiu
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 107
中文關鍵詞: 森林擾動代表性地景生態林冠覆蓋植生指數森林動態颱風熱帶氣旋森林永久樣區
英文關鍵詞: forest disturbance, representativeness, landscape ecology, canopy cover, vegetation index, forest dynamics, forest permanent plots, tropical cyclone, typhoon
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000846
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:83下載:10
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  • 永久樣區與遙測為森林生態學研究提供新的可能性,使我們對森林的動態有更多的了解。頻繁而大規模的擾動透過對森林的結構與過程影響而成為森林動態變化的重要趨動力。然而現有森林樣區對其所在的地景系統的代表性、不同熱帶氣旋對森林影響是否可相類比、以及由遙測影像發展出的上些常用的植生指數的可對比性仍有很大不確定性。
    研究結果顥示,現有的永久樣區僅涵蓋現有植生覆蓋情形的一小部分。雖然颱風造成的植生指數變動在永久樣區和地景系統間不一致,但動態樣區並無高估或低估颱風對地景系統影響的趨勢。以最小歐幾里得距離(Euclidean distance)為代表性的指標的分析結果顯示,現有的樣區比其他替代的樣區設置更能代表颱風造成的影響,且分析亦發現不同颱風造成的植生損失的空間分布差異很大(即相關性低)。在福山試驗林地形和颱風造成的植生損害之間的關係相當複雜,即使路徑與強度相似的颱風所造成的損害的空間樣貌亦不相同。然而颱風的影響仍有一些相似性,如均增加植生覆蓋的異質性,颱風前的植生覆蓋度皆和颱風影響的程度有正相關,以及植生損失的頻率和損失的程度亦多有正相關。又研究結果顯示不同植生指數對颱風擾動偵測的敏感度在不同颱風間並不一致,故在探討颱風對植生造成的影響時,宜同時使用多個植生指標。

    Permanent plots and remote sensing have permitted studies of many aspects of forests ecology and led to numerous advancements in our understanding of forest dynamics. Frequent large scale disturbances are important drivers of forest dynamics through their effects on forest structure, and processes. However, the landscape-representation of the current forest plots, and the comparability of tropical cyclone effects, and the comparability of commonly used vegetation indices based on remote sensing in assessing disturbance effects remain unclear.
    This study used remote sensing techniques and common vegetation indices to assess the effects of five typhoons on the Fushan Experimental Forest (FEF), a subtropical rainforest in northern Taiwan. First, it examined the landscape-scale representativeness of the 25-ha Fushan Forest Dynamics Plot (FFDP) and alternative plot designs based on wider altitudinal gradient and different shape. Then, the effects of the five typhoons on the FEF were compared in relation with their characteristics (e.g., wind speed and direction) and topographical variables (e.g., slope, elevation). The relationship between typhoon damages frequency – as defined by two detection thresholds – and intensity was also assessed. Finally, the consistency of four vegetation indices responses was examined across the five typhoons.
    The current permanent plot represented a small part of the vegetation cover diversity across the FEF. Although vegetation indices did not change similarly in the FEF and the FFDP after typhoon passages, there was no trend for under- or over-exposure of the forest plot to typhoon damages across the five events. The use of minimal Euclidean distances as a representativeness metric demonstrated that the current plot was a better approach to landscape disturbances representation than alternative sampling designs. Furthermore, the comparison of the five typhoons indicated that spatial distributions of damages within the FEF varied greatly across events, as most correlations were low among events. Topography-damage relationships appear to be complex within the FEF as typhoons with similar tracks and strengths did not have comparable damage distributions. Nevertheless, typhoons also had consistent effects such as increasing vegetation heterogeneity, and positive relationships between pre-typhoon vegetation cover and disturbance severity, and between typhoon frequency and disturbance severity. Finally, this study showed that the use of multiple vegetation indices is necessary when assessing typhoons disturbances as sensitivity of individual indices to vegetation change did not remain consistent among events.
    Forest dynamics are bound to be affected by changes in disturbance regime (e.g., frequency, intensity and timing). This study concludes that the current plot in northern Taiwan is a good representation of typhoon disturbances in its immediate landscape but that findings from the plot should be upscaled with caution. However, further studies focused on multiple cyclones are necessary to understand the complexity of cyclone-landscape interactions that vary among events, even when they have comparable tracks. In addition, routine surveys for studies that aim to assess disturbance effects on vegetation whenever possible are strongly recommended for the validation of assessments made with vegetation indices via remote sensing techniques.

    Acknowledgments i 摘要 ii Abstract iii List of Tables viii List of Figures x Chapter 1 – Introduction 1 1.1. Forest Environments and Disturbances 1 1.1.1. Forests Dynamics 1 1.1.2. Cyclones Disturbances 1 1.2. Large Scale Studies of Forest Dynamics 3 1.2.1. Forest Permanent Plots 3 1.2.2. Remote Detection of Vegetation and of its Properties 6 1.2.3. Studies on Forest Landscapes Disturbances through Remote Sensing 8 1.3. Objectives 8 1.3.1. Representativeness of a Permanent Plot 8 1.3.2. Effects of Multiple Cyclones 9 Chapter 2 – Landscape Representation by a Permanent Forest Plot and Alternative Plot Designs in a Typhoon Hotspot, Fushan, Taiwan 11 Abstract 11 2.1. Introduction 12 2.2. Materials and methods 14 2.2.1. Site, Plot, and Disturbances 14 2.2.2. Data Sources 16 2.2.3. Pre-Processing 17 2.2.4. Processing 17 2.2.5. Analysis of FFDP-FEF Representation 19 2.2.6. Testing Alternative Forest Plot Designs 22 2.3. Results 23 2.3.1. Overall Plot Differences between FEF and FFDP 23 2.3.2. Disturbances Effect and Representativeness 25 2.3.3. Alternative Plot Designs 28 2.4. Discussion 31 2.4.1. Overall Representativeness 31 2.4.2. Typhoons Damages Intensity in the Plot and the Reserve 33 2.4.3. Vegetation Cover and Topographical Representativeness with Alternative Strategies 34 2.4.4. Disturbances Representativeness with Alternative Strategies 34 2.4.5. Comparison of Strategies 35 2.5. Conclusions 36 Funding 37 Acknowledgments 37 Conflict of Interest 37 Permission 37 Chapter 3 – Assessing Typhoon-Induced Canopy Damage Using Vegetation Indices in the Fushan Experimental Forest, Taiwan 38 Abstract 38 3.1. Introduction 39 3.2. Materials and Methods 42 3.2.1. The Fushan Experimental Forest and Typhoons 42 3.2.2. Satellite Images 45 3.2.3. Pre-Processing 46 3.2.4. Processing 47 3.2.5. Analysis of Disturbances Among Vegetation Indices 48 3.2.6. Typhoon Damages and Topography 49 3.2.7. Disturbance Frequencies and Intensity 49 3.2.8. Vegetation Recovery 50 3.3. Results 50 3.3.1. Vegetation Indices, Typhoons, and the Effect of Prior Vegetation Cover 50 3.3.2. Variation of ΔVIs Among Typhoons 52 3.3.3. Effects on Vegetation Heterogeneity 52 3.3.4. Topography and Disturbance Severity 53 3.3.5. Disturbance Frequency and Severity 54 3.3.6. Recovery 56 3.4. Discussion 57 3.4.1. Consistency in the Damage Effects Among Typhoons 57 3.4.2. ΔVIs in Relation to Topography 60 3.4.3. Typhoon Disturbance Frequency 61 3.4.4. Consistency Among Vegetation Indices 62 3.5. Conclusion 64 Funding 65 Acknowledgments 65 Conflict of Interest 65 Permission 65 Chapter 4 – Conclusions and Future Works 66 References 70 Appendices 87 Appendix A – List of Abbreviations 87 Appendix B – Supplementary Data for Chapter 2: Comparison of the FFDP and FEF 89 Appendix C – Supplementary Data for Chapter 2: Comparison of the Alternative Plot Designs 92 Appendix D – Supplementary Data for Chapter 3: Color composites of the FEF before and after disturbances 99 Appendix E – Supplementary Data for Chapter 3: Correlations 100 Appendix F – Supplementary Data for Chapter 3: Relationships between topographical variables and vegetation change 101

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