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研究生: 黃騰丘
Teng-Chiu Huang
論文名稱: 有無規律有氧運動健康老年男性脈波傳導速率、C-反應蛋白及心肺適能之比較
Comparison the Cardiopulmonary Fitness, PWV and CRP between Regular Exercise and Sedentary of Elders
指導教授: 方進隆
Fang, Chin-Lung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: 心肺適能C-反應蛋白脈波傳導速率
英文關鍵詞: cardiopulmonary fitness, pulse wave velocity, C-reactive protein
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:106下載:5
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  • 本研究目的在於比較有無規律運動老年男性脈波傳導速率(PWV)、C-反應蛋白濃度(CRP)、心肺適能及在CRP與PWV相對危險等級的差異性。
    (一) 規律運動組的六分鐘走路測驗成績明顯高於非規律運動組 (565.30 ± 74.13公尺 vs. 484.15 ± 125.93公尺, P<.05)。
    (二) 規律運動組擁有較低PWV(13.05 ± 2.66 m/s vs 14.64 ± 3.77 m/s)的傾向,且有較高比例的受試者屬於PWV低危險等級(35.2% 比 16.7%,p <.05)。
    (三) 規律運動組不但擁有較低的CRP濃度(0.13 ± 0.12 mg/dL vs 0.22 ± 0.18 mg/dL, p<.05),而且有較高比例的受試者屬於CRP的低危險等級(31.5% 比18.5%,p <.05)。

    The purposes of this study were to investigate the differences of pulse wave velocity (PWV), the level of C-reactive protein (CRP), and cardiopulmonary fitness (CF) between regular (RG) and non-regular (Non-RG) of elder males; and compare the difference the risk factor level by PWV and CRP between RG and Non-RG.
    Fifty four elder healthy male volunteers (excluded subjects with smoking or severe cardiovascular, end-stage renal disease, hypertension, and diabetic symptoms) were recruited including regular exercise subjects and none regular exercise subjects. After the subjects signed consent, static blood pressure, PWV, CRP and 6-min walking test were measured. The blood sample was obtained to determined CRP. Three relative risk (RR) levels of concentration of CRP were classified by American Heart Association (AHA), and two RR levels of PWV were sorted by the median value of whole samples. Independent-t tests were used to test the differences between two groups on all the variables, and Chi square (χ2) were used to analyze the difference of the risk factor level by PWV and CRP between two groups. The statistical significant level was set at .05. The findings were as follows.
    1. RG had significant better (p<.05) 6-min walking test score than Non-RG (565.30 ± 74.13 vs 484.15 ± 125.93 m)
    2. RG had tendency lower of PWV (13.05 ± 2.66 m/s vs 14.64 ± 3.77 m/s) and lower relative risk level of PWV than Non-RG (low RR was 35.2% vs 16.7%, p<.05).
    3. CRP of RG was significantly lower than that of Non-RG (0.13 ± 0.12 mg/dL vs 0.22 ± 0.18 mg/dL, p<.05), and relative risk level of CRP was lower than Non-RG, too(low RR was 31.5% vs 18.5%, p<.05).
    In conclusion, participation regular aerobic exercise has high level of cardiopulmonary functions and has lower relative risk level of CRP and PWV for elder people.

    目 次 摘要.......................................................I 英文摘要...................................................II 誌謝詞...................................................III 目錄......................................................IV 表目次....................................................VI 圖目次....................................................VI 第一章 緒論.................................................1 第一節 問題背景.............................................1 第二節 研究目的.............................................3 第三節 研究假設.............................................3 第四節 研究範圍.............................................4 第五節 研究限制.............................................4 第六節 名詞操作型定義........................................4 第七節 研究的重要性..........................................6 第二章 文獻探討.............................................7 第一節 有氧運動與老年人心肺適能...............................7 (一)有氧運動對於一般人心肺適能的影響...........................7 (二)有氧運動對於老年人心肺適能的影響...........................8 第二節 有氧運動對於脈波傳導速率的影響.........................11 (一)脈波傳導速率的生理意義與影響因素..........................11 (二)有氧運動對於一般人脈波傳導速率的影響......................14 (三)有氧運動對於老年人脈波傳導速率的影響......................15 第三節 有氧運動對於CRP 的影響................................17 (一)CRP 的代表意義與影響因素................................17 (二)有氧運動對於一般人CRP 的影響.............................19 (三)有氧運動對於老年人CRP 的影響.............................23 第四節 本章結語............................................25 第三章 方法................................................26 第一節 受試對象............................................26 第二節 研究設計............................................27 第三節 研究時間............................................27 第四節 研究地點............................................27 第五節 研究步驟與儀器.......................................28 第六節 資料處理............................................37 第四章 研究結果............................................38 第一節 受試者基本資料分析...................................38 第二節 測驗結果比較.........................................38 第三節 運動習慣與PWV 相對危險等級、CRP 相對危險等級的比較.......39 第五章 討論與結論...........................................42 第一節 討論................................................42 一、受試者基本資料探討......................................42 二、有無規律運動習慣老年人PWV 與PWV 相對危險等級之比較.........43 三、有無規律運動習慣老年人之濃度及相對危險等級比較..............47 四、有無規律運動習慣老年人心肺適能的比較.......................50 第二節 結論與建議...........................................51 一、結論...................................................51 二、建議...................................................51 參考文獻...................................................52 附錄一 受試者同意書.........................................59 附錄二 健康狀況調查表.......................................60 附錄三 個人基本資料/........................................61 個人小傳...................................................62 表 目 次 表2.1 有氧運動對於心臟功能性與結構性的改變.....................8 表2.2 老化對於心肺系統的功能性與結構性改變.....................9 表2.3 影響PWV 測量值的因素..................................13 表2.4 影響CRP 濃度的因素....................................19 表4.1 規律運動老年人與無規律運動老年人的基本資料表.............38 表4.2 血壓、PWV、CRP 濃度、六分鐘走路測驗比較.................39 表4.3 運動習慣與PWV 相對危險等級的卡方考驗表..................40 表4.4 運動習慣與CRP 相對危險等級的卡方考驗表..................41 圖 目 次 圖1 研究流程...............................................28 圖2 血液樣本採集...........................................30 圖3 檢驗CRP 濃度的RocheEmodule ............................32 圖4 心手長測量.............................................34 圖5 心腳長測量.............................................34 圖6 PWV 測量儀.............................................34 圖7 PWV 測量儀與感測器......................................34 圖8 測驗場地佈置...........................................37 圖9 走路測驗說明...........................................37 圖10 走路測驗實況..........................................37

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