研究生: |
楊慕慈 Mou-Tzu Yang |
論文名稱: |
A型行為模式與冠狀動脈心臟病患者之相關性研究 A study of relative to Patient with Coronary Heart Disease and Type A Behavior Pattern |
指導教授: |
Wu, Chew-Chung |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
論文出版年: | 2000 |
畢業學年度: | 88 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 260 |
中文關鍵詞: | A型行為模式 、表露情緒行為 、中國人五分鐘演說樣本 、醫病關係 、潛在群體分析 、對數線性模式 |
英文關鍵詞: | A Type Behavior, Express Emotion, Chinese Five-Minute Speech Sample, Patient-Physician relationship, Latent class analysis, Long-linear Model |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:770 下載:45 |
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以台北市六所公私立教學醫院之冠狀動脈心臟病患者567名與其家庭照護者406名為研究對象。本研究所使用的研究工具是「A型行為與冠狀動脈心臟病患者相關性之調查問卷」,主要有社會人口資料、健康資料、A型行為量表、醫病關係量表以及中國人五分鐘演說樣本評估量表等。其中A型行為量表以因素分析進行建構效度考驗,在信度方面,Cronbach's a為.7922。醫病關係問卷採專家內容效度;中國人五分鐘演說樣本評估量表的表露情緒行為由兩位受過訓練的專業人員評分,其內部一致性a= .95,評分者信度r = .91。研究者依研究目的分別進行量化調查與質性訪談錄音,結果發現(1)冠狀動脈心臟病患者傾向A型行為模式與積極的醫病關係。(2)冠狀動脈心臟病患者每週運動時間在A型行為量表總分、「好勝競爭」、「缺乏耐心」、「努力積極」、「敵意敏感」、「速度效率」、「完美主義」、「易怒」以及「時間緊迫」等項目上,其一致性檢定皆達顯著水準。(3)冠狀動脈心臟病患者之家庭照護者傾向低表露情緒行為,並多以自我犧牲方式表達情緒。(4)患者醫病關係、行為模式與其家庭照護者表露情緒行為三個變項間互為獨立,並無相關。(5)家庭照護者為低表露情緒行為,患者為積極的醫病關係者,其家庭照護者多係A型行為模式者,且達顯著(P<.05)
The relationship between Coronary Heart Disease and Type A Behavior Pattern is one of the themes in psychosomatic medicine. The purposes of this study were (1)to understand the distribution of demographic statistics, Type A Behavior Pattern, Expressed Emotion, and patient-physician relationship in patients with coronary heart disease and their caregivers;(2)to describe and explore the relationship between demographic statistics and Type A Behavior Pattern in patients with coronary heart disease and their caregivers;(3)to describe and explore the relationship among demographic statistics, Type A Behavior Pattern, and Expressed Emotion in the caregivers of patients with coronary heart disease;(4)to describe and explore the relationship among demographic statistics, Type A Behavior Pattern, and patient-physician relationship in patients with coronary heart disease;(5)to explore the relationship among Type A Behavior Pattern, patient-physician relationship and Expressed Emotion in patient with coronary heart disease and their caregivers.
The targets are 567 patients with coronary heart disease and their 406 caregivers from six public or private instructing hospital. A questionnaire to investigate the relative to patients with coronary heart disease and Type A Behavior Pattern was the instrument which ware consist of demographic data, health data, the measurement of Type A Behavior Pattern, patient-physician relationship, and an evaluation of Chinese Five-Minute Speech Sample. Factor analysis is used to run the construct validity for Type A Behavior Pattern measurement,with KMO = .632,P<.001,and the Cronbach's a = .7922; Experts run the content validity for patient-physician measurement; and two grade-personnel run the Chinese Five-Minute Speech Sample for Expressed Emotion by tape records which had the internal consistency was a= .95, and the reliability of evaluators was r=.91. The findings are as follows :(1) Patients with coronary heart disease are trend to Type A Behavior Pattern and active patient-physician relationship. (2) The significance was evidenced on total score, competition-winning, impatience, active-struggle, hostility-sensitivity, speed-efficiency, perfectionism, lose-temper, and time-urgency for Type A Behavior measuremant and the frequency of exercise per week. (3) To sacrifice oneself and trend to the Low Expressed Emotion for the caregivers. (4) They are no relations among the behavior pattern and patient-physician relationship on patients with coronary heart disease and the Expressed Emotion of caregivers. (5) If the Low Expressed Emotion was showed on caregivers and the patients with active patient-physician relationship, then we found out that caregivers trend to Type A Behavior Pattern and with significance on c2 test (p < .05).
Finally, the researcher depended on the results and suggested that the future research will be followed:(1) the characteristics of competition-winning and lose-temper and (2)the stress and Expressed Emotion from the role of caregivers. Besides, the frequency of exercise will be accepted and intervened on health education.
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