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研究生: 廖慧慈
Mandy Huei-tzu Liao
論文名稱: 中文主題顯著性與語詞省略性之第二外語習得實證研究
An Experimental Study of Topic-prominence and Pro-drop in Second Language Acquisition of Chinese
指導教授: 陳純音
Chen, Chun-Yin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 1999
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 137
中文關鍵詞: 主題顯著性語詞省略性第二外語習得原位衍生主題移位主題代名詞省略主詞省略受詞省略
英文關鍵詞: base-generated topic, moved topics, pro-drop, topic-prominence, pronoun omission, second language acquisition of Chinese, topic constructions, null subject/object
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:449下載:0
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  • 本文旨在探討日語及英語人士學習中文「主題顯著性」及「代名詞省略」參數時,普遍語法和母語轉換所扮演的角色及中文此二參數間的互動。

    In L2 research, the availability of Universal Grammar (UG), the role of L1 has been debated for decades. This present study will argue for the existence of UG and the influence of L1 by conducting a cross-sectional experiment to examine adult Japanese and English speakers' acquisition of pro-drop and topic prominence in Chinese. The present study used two production tasks to elicit narratives in Chinese: a story-retelling task and a composition task. The two tasks were given to 20 Japanese speakers and 20 English speakers learning Chinese at the Mandarin Training Center of National Taiwan Normal University. Specific features concerning pro-drop (such as missing subjects and object, referential and nonreferential pronouns) and topics constructions (like NP and non-NP topics, definite and generic topics) were examined in this study.
    The results show that L1 does play an influential role in L2 acquisition. The English-speaking subjects carried over their L1 knowledge to acquire Chinese; hence, they produced more overt pronouns and fewer topics. But it was found that the production rate of both groups of L2 subjects was quite similar with respect to topic constructions, indicating that subject-prominent and topic-prominent typological variations between English and Japanese were not as significant as we predicted. Moreover, UG is proved to be indirectly accessed because the L2 learners had not fully mastered the topic and pro-drop constructions. Also, it was found that the subjects did a better job in the composition task, suggesting that a more conscious process of language production will ensure better performance. In terms of the production rate, non-NP topics were more productive than NP topics, and missing subjects were more productive than missing objects. Finally, it was found that the acquisition of pro-drop was easier to that of topic constructions.

    ENGLISH ABSTRACT……………………….………………………….……………i CHINESE ABSTRACT…………………………………………...…………………..ii TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………..iii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS……………………………………………………….....v 1. INTRODUCTION……………………….……………………….…………………1 1.1 Motivation……………………………………………………………………..1 1.2 Theoretical Background…………………………………………….…………2 1.2.1 Typological Variations………………………………….….………….…3 1.2.2 L2 Framework…………………………………………….……..………5 1.2.3 Linguistic Framework……………………………………...……………6 1.3 Research Questions……………………………………………………………7 1.4 Organization of the Thesis…………………………………….………………8 2. LINGUISTIC PROPERTIES AND ANALYSIS OF TOPIC-PROMINENCE AND PRO-DROP…………………….…..…………10 2.1 Linguistic Properties…………………………………………………………10 2.1.1 Chinese…………………………………………..…………..…………11 Topic-prominence………………………………………..…..…11 Pro-drop……………………………………..…………………18 2.1.2 English……………………………………..………………………...…21 Topic-prominence……………………………………….…..…21 Pro-drop……………………………………..…………….……25 2.1.3 Japanese……………………………………..………………….………28 Topic-prominence………………………………….………...…28 Pro-drop……………………………………..…………………32 2.2 Empirical Studies of L2 Acquisition……………………………..………..…36 2.2.1 Topic-prominence……………………………………..…………..……36 Jin (1994) ……………………………………..…………….…36 Yuan (1995) ……………………………………..………..……39 Shih (1999) ……………………………………..………...……42 2.2.2 Pro-drop……………………………………..………………….………45 Platt (1989) ……………………………………..………..……45 Kinoshita (1993) ………………………………………....……48 Ou (1998) ……………………………………..………….……52 2.3 Summary of Chapter 2……………………………………..………………...55 3. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS AND RESULTS…………………………………57 3.1 Subjects……………………………………..……………………………..…57 3.2 Methodology……………………………………..………………..…………59 3.3 Materials……………………………………..……………………….………61 3.4 Procedure……………………………………..………………………………69 3.5 Results……………………………………..…………………………………70 3.5.1 The Story-retelling Task……………………………………..…………70 3.5.2 The Composition Task………………………………...……..…………83 3.6 Summary of Chapter 3……………………………………..………………...93 4 DISCUSSION……………………………………..…………………………….…95 4.1 Second Language Acquisition……………………………………....…………95 4.1.1 L1 Transfer……………………………………..………………...………95 4.1.2 The Existence of UG……………………………………………….……98 4.1.3 Markedness……………………………………..……………………….103 4.1.4 Methodological Effects……………………………………..…………..104 4.2 Linguistic Implications……………………………………..…………………106 4.2.1 Production Rate……………………………………..………..…………107 4.2.2 Topic-prominence vs. Pro-drop…………………………..………….…111 4.3 Suggestions for Further Study……………………………………..……….…113 4.4 Summary of Chapter 4……………………………………..…………………114 BIBLIOGRAPHY…………………………………………………………………..116 APPENDIX A: Questionnaires for the Background Information…………………..127 APPENDIX B: A Sample for the Story-retelling Task……………………….…….128 APPENDIX C: A Sample for the Composition Task………………………….……129 APPENDIX D: Oral Narratives Produced in the Story-retelling Task……….…….131 APPENDIX E: Written Narratives Produced in the Composition Task…………..134 APPENDIX F: The Consent Form for the L2 Subjects………………………….....137

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