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研究生: 張玉燕
論文名稱: 符號、知識、與時空:艾可四本小說中的迷宮
Signs, Knowledge and Space-time: Labyrinths in Umberto Eco's Four Novels
指導教授: 邱漢平
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 240
中文關鍵詞: 艾可知識迷宮時空
英文關鍵詞: Umberto Eco, Baudolino, The Name of the Rose, The Island of the Day Before, Foucault's Pendulum, Knowledge, labyrinth, space-time
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:311下載:0
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  • 艾可的四本小說分別嘲謹不同時代的一些迷思與謬誤的觀點,但綜觀四本小說,卻見艾可百科全書般的視角與層層疊疊敘述技巧,引出反省知識與概念形成、演進與蛻變的過程。艾可將認識世界與知識抭索的過程約略分做三種迷宮模式,依此迷宮的比喻,本文嘗試檢視這三種思維模式的差異,並側重以第三種開放式迷宮觀看與分析時空概念的轉化與演進。

    The general aim of this dissertation is to scrutinize how Eco's four novels epitomize the formation of knowledge as an open work, which ,according to the three model of conjecturality Eco enumerates, is the third type of cognitive labyrinth and activates innovation ways of thinking and multi-simensional complexities. In chapter two, an analysis of the indefinite Prester John Kingdom, the nameless Rose, the unattainable Island, and the enigmatic Pendulum and their indecipherability will be the focus. The totality of these singe is down and the elastixity and plasticity of each fragment will foster tje greatest semiotic capacity and generate a unity of multiplicity. Starting form the conclusion achieved in the first two chapters, the third chapter introduces a reconsideration of the cognitive labyrinth as an open system:Baudolino extends an in-between space between the frontier of the known world and the terra incognita,The Name of the Rose unfolds a medieval bookish world whose form is diaphanous, the longitude-seeking xause and the related on the concepts of natural and mechanic clockworks in The Island of the Day Before pave the way to the emergent idea of a universal clock, and Foucault's Pendulum appeals to the bonded but infinite movements of the pendulum. Chapter four will investigate hoe some innoveative notions of time and space can be discerned via examining the subtle variances of medieval mappae mundi and early cartographic and globe-maling technology. In each novel, Eco expertly satirizes the desire to possess knowledge and ironically talks of the unreliability of human-centered knowledge . Taken together, these four novels provide an encyclopedia-like scope which makes possible to look into how the formation of certain concepts is proceeding.

    Abbreviations 1 Chapter One Introduction 3 Chapter Two Indecipherable Fragments 31 Chapter Three Labyrinths and Ironic Rethinking 91 Chapter Four Mappae Mundi, Library, and Labyrinth 157 Epilogue 219 Bibliography 225

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