研究生: |
方偉業 Fong, Wai-Yip |
論文名稱: |
增補低劑量咖啡因對高強度反覆跑步衝刺表現之急性影響 Acute Effect of Low Dose Caffeine Supplementation on Multiple Sprint Running Performance |
指導教授: |
Ho, Jen-Yu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動競技學系 Department of Athletic Performance |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 68 |
中文關鍵詞: | 高強度間歇訓練 、運動增能劑 、籃球運動 |
英文關鍵詞: | high-intensity interval training, ergogenic supplement, basketball |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000932 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:470 下載:36 |
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目的︰本研究旨在探討每公斤體重3毫克低劑量咖啡因增補 (caffeine, CAF) 對於高強度反覆跑步衝刺表現之影響。方法︰本研究招募12名大專甲組男子籃球員 (年齡︰20.1 ± 1.2歲、身高︰185.6 ± 6.7公分、體重︰85.6 ± 9.2公斤),以雙盲、平衡次序與重複量數進行CAF以及同劑量安慰劑 (placebo, PLA) 增補處理,在增補後一小時後進行高強度反覆跑步衝刺測驗 (2組12 × 30 m),反覆衝刺間休息30秒,組間休息4分鍾,並收集反覆衝刺測驗的平均衝刺時間、最快衝刺時間、最慢衝刺時間、衝刺總時間、疲勞增加率、心跳率和詢問運動自覺程度以及在休息時、增補1小時後及衝刺後3分鍾檢測血乳酸,以重複量數二因子變異數分析進行統計。結果︰第二組 (共12趟) 的平均衝刺時間、疲勞增加率、心跳率以及運動自覺程度,不管CAF和PLA處理都會比第一組表現 (共12趟) 為差。整體平均衝刺時間CAF比PLA有減少的趨勢 (p=0.55)。整體衝刺的最慢衝刺時間方面,CAF是短於PLA (CAF vs PLA, 4.828 ± 0123s vs 4.889 ± 0162s)。在第二組的衝刺平均衝刺時間表現方面中,不論那個區段CAF是顯著低於PLA (CAF vs PLA, 4.675 ± 0148s vs 4.732 ± 0149s)。在第二組衝刺運動自覺程度表現方面,在第一個區段與第二個區段中,CAF是顯著低於PLA (CAF vs PLA, 16 ± 3, 18 ± 2 vs 18 ± 3, 19 ± 1)。關於最快衝刺時間、衝刺總時間、疲勞增加率、心跳率以及血乳酸,CAF與PLA均無顯著差異。結論︰每公斤體重3毫克低劑量CAF增補可能透過運動自覺程度的降低,進而改善第二組高強度反覆跑步衝刺表現,即高強度反覆跑步衝刺的後期表現。
Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine acute effect of low dose caffeine (3 mg/kg CAF) supplementation on multiple sprint running performance. Methods: Using a double-blind, counter-balanced order, and repeated measures design, 12 male division one college basketball players (Age: 20±1.2, Height(cm): 185.6 ± 6.7, Weight(kg): 85.6 ± 9.2) ingested a gelatin capsule containing either caffeine (3 mg/kg, CAF) or placebo (PLA) 1 hr before performing an indoor multiple sprint running trial (2 sets of 12 × 30 m; repeated at 30-s intervals; 4-min rest intervals between 2 sets). Sprint times were recorded via smart speed PRO and earlobe blood samples were drawn to evaluate rest, pretest and posttest lactate concentrations. Heart rate was monitored continuously throughout the tests, with RPE recording after every sprint. Results: Average sprint time, fatigue, heart rate, and RPE were significantly greater in the 2nd set than in the first set, regardless of supplementation. However, CAF supplementation resulted in a trend reduction of average sprint time (p=.055) and a significant lower of slowest sprint time (p<.05; CAF vs PLA, 4.828 ± 0123 s vs 4.889 ± 0162 s). In the 2nd set, the average sprint time of CAF supplementation was significantly lower than PLA supplementation, regardless of stages (CAF vs PLA 4.675 ± 0148 s vs 4.732 ± 0149 s). In addition, RPE of CAF supplementation was significantly lower than PLA supplement in the first and second stage (CAF vs PLA, 16 ± 3, 18 ± 2 vs 18 ± 3, 19 ± 1). In contrast, there were no significant effects of CAF supplementation on fastest sprint time, total sprint time, fatigue, heart rate, and lactate. Conclusion: Low does (3mg/kg) caffeine supplementation can improve average sprint time of second set of multiple sprint running trial by reducing rating of perceived exertion.
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