研究生: |
黃碧慧 Bi-Hui Huang |
論文名稱: |
大學生依附風格、愛情關係中之壓力事件困擾與因應策略之關係研究 Attachment Styles, Distress in Love Relationship, and Coping Strategies in College Students |
指導教授: |
Tsai, Shung-Liang |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2002 |
畢業學年度: | 90 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 196 |
中文關鍵詞: | 依附風格 、愛情關係 、壓力事件 、壓力事件困擾 、因應策略 、大學生 |
英文關鍵詞: | attachment style, romantic love relationship, stressor, distress, coping strategy, college student |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:711 下載:313 |
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The purpose of the study was to explore the relationship among adult attachment style, distress in love relationship, and coping strategies in college students. The study was designed to investigate the attachment style, love experience, and stressors in love relationship among college students, and to examine the relationship among the three variables. In addition, the study was designed to probe the effect of attachment style, gender, and stressors in love relationship on the degree of distress and on coping strategies. The sample was composed of 733 undergraduate students in Northern Taiwan. Among all participants, 325 participants were in love relationship, 175 participants had ever been in love relationship, and 233 participants have never been in love relationship. All subjects were asked to complete the “Attachment Style Scale” to assess their attachment styles. Subjects who were in love relationship or had ever been in love relationship were asked to write a narrative account of an impressive stressful experience in love relationship and to complete the “Impact of Event Scale ” and “The COPE Scale”. Chi-square analysis and three-way multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) were performed to analyze the data gathered in the study. Subjects’ narrative accounts of impressive stressful experiences were analyzed by open coding approach. The major findings were as follows:
1. Attachment styles, love experience, and stressors in love relationship
(1)The proportions of the four attachment styles among all participants were as
follows: secure=34.9%, preoccupied=33.3%, dismissing=27.4%, fearful=4.4%.
(2)For all participants, attachment style was not significantly associated with gender. But for the participants who were in love relationship and those who have never been in love relationship, attachment style was significantly associated with gender.
(3)For all participants, attachment style was not significantly associated with love experience.
(4)Stressors in love relationship included “external barriers”, “difficulties between partners”, “a triangular relationship”, and “relationship loss”.
(5)Attachment style was not significantly associated with self-report stressors in love relationship.
2.Differences between male and female college students with different attachment styles regarding the distress from various stressors
(1)Results of the three-way MANOVA and ANOVA indicated a significant main effect of attachment style on the Intrusion subscale. Students with preoccupied attachment reported more intrusive symptoms than those with secure attachment.
(2)Results of the three-way MANOVA and ANOVA indicated a significant main effect of gender on the Intrusion subscale. Women reported more intrusive symptoms than men.
3.Differences between male and female college students with different attachment styles regarding the coping strategies for various stressors.
(1)Results of the three-way MANOVA indicated a significant main effect of attachment styles on coping strategies. In addition, there was an interaction between attachment styles and stressors on coping strategies. Differences shown in college students with different attachment styles regarding the coping strategies were as follows:
A.Secure attachment group
a. Secure attachment individuals tend to use task-oriented coping ;
b.They tend to use the “positive interpretation” coping strategy;
c.They can flexibly use different coping strategies under different stressful circumstances;
d.They can effectively employ the “problem-focused” strategy and “emotion-focused” strategy at the same time.
B.Preoccupied attachment group
a.Preoccupied attachment individuals tend to use the “distancing” coping
b.When facing the stress of “a triangular relationship”, they are more likely
to use “problem-solving” and “support-seeking” coping strategies than dismissing attachment group.
C.Dismissing attachment group
a.Dismissing attachment individuals are inclined to use the “distancing”
coping strategy.
b.They tend to adopt the coping strategy of “being distant” or “avoidance” when facing various stressors.
(2)Results of the three-way MANOVA and ANOVA indicated a significant main effect of genders on “alcohol or drug use ”, “expressing emotions and seeking support”, “acceptance and positive interpretation”, “distancing”. Men reported more “alcohol or drug use ” coping strategy than women. Women reported more “expressing emotions and seeking support”, “acceptance and positive interpretation” and “distancing”coping strategies than men.
Based on the results, implications were discussed and suggestions for the counseling as well as future research were presented.
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