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研究生: 朱雅菁
Ya-Ching Chu
論文名稱: 不同體型國小高年級男學童身體活動之比較研究
A Study on the Comparison of Physical Activity between Different Body Type of Elementary Boy Students
指導教授: 方進隆
Fang, Chin-Lung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 不同體型身體活動量運動強度三軸向身體活動量測量器(RT3)
英文關鍵詞: different body images, physical activity level, exercise intensity, RT3 Tri-axial accelerometer
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:417下載:7
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  • 本研究目的在比較不同體型之國小高年級男童身體活動量的差異,並探討三軸向身體活動量測量器(RT3)與身體活動記錄表所得結果之相關性。本研究以85位國小高年級男童(年齡11.84±0.57歲,體重45.5±11.6公斤)為研究對象,並以身體質量指數分為非過重組(n=52)及過重組(n=33),本研究採用24小時身體活動記錄表記錄所有受試者之兩日身體活動量(其中一日包含一節體育課),再分別於兩組中各徵求31位男童,於填寫紀錄表同時配帶三軸向身體活動量測量器(RT3)紀錄身體活動量。其中身體活動紀錄表以獨立樣本t考驗比較兩組整日和在校期間之身體活動量及不同運動強度(久坐、輕度、中度及重度運動)之差異,另以RT3紀錄所得比較兩組於校八小時期間、下課時間及體育課之身體活動量及不同運動強度之差異,之後以皮爾遜積差相關法考驗兩種不同身體活動量測量方法於在校期間身體活動量之相關性。研究結果:非過重組以身體活動紀錄表所量測之整日(41.0±4.7 vs. 38.4±2.8Kcal)、在校期間(17.5±2.1 vs. 15.5±1.4 Kcal)身體活動量皆顯著高於過重男童 (p< .05),且非過重組於整日(39.7±38.1 vs. 12.6±19.17min)和在校期間(26.7±16.2 vs. 10.6±12.2min)之重度運動時間均顯著多於過重組(p< .05),久坐時間均顯著少於過重組(整日: 1204.7±68.1 vs. 1233.2±54.3min;在校期間: 361.3±38.1 vs. 389.2±29min)(p< .05)。另外,RT3紀錄顯示非過重男童於在校期間(21.9±3.1 vs. 15.7±2.1 Kcal)、下課時間(6.6±1.7 vs. 4.2±1 Kcal)及體育課(3.9±1.2 vs. 2.4±0.7 Kcal)身體活動量皆顯著高於過重男童(p< .05);而非過重組之中、重度運動於在校期間(中度: 17.3±8.5 vs. 8.2±4.5min;重度: 14.1±10.7 vs. 6.2±7.1min)、下課時間(中度: 9.3±5.9 vs. 4.0±3.3min;重度: 8.0±7.2 vs. 3.4±4.9min)及體育課(中度: 8.4±6.4 vs. 2.9±3.1min;重度: 6.7±6.4 vs. 2.0±3.0min)皆顯著高於過重組(p< .05),久坐時間於在校期間(365.2±28 vs. 399.8±20.8min)、下課時間(30.9±18.4 vs. 48.3±13.5min)及體育課(8.4±11.0vs. 15.2±10.9min)則顯著低於過重組 (p< .05) 。最後,RT3及身體活動量測量器測量學童在校期間身體活動量之結果呈高度正相關(r=0.704,p<.01)。結論:國小體型過重男學童整日、在校期間、下課時間及體育課之身體活動量皆低於非過重男童,過重男童亦較少從事中、重度身體活動。

    The purposes of this study were to compare the differences of physical activity (PA) between different body type of high grade elementary boys, and to investigate the relevance of two different measurements, RT3 TRI-AXIAL accelerometer(RT3) and PA record. Eighty- five elementary boys were recruited as the subject (age 11.84 ± 0.57 years-old, weight 45.5 ± 11.6 kg), and the Body Mass Index(BMI) was used to determine the overweight (n=52) and non- overweight group (n=33). The 24 hrs PA record to record was used to measure PA level of all subject during two days (include one day with physical education class(PE)). Additionally, 31 boys of two groups volunteered to wear RT3 to record PA level. For PA record, The collected date of PA record were analyzed with t-test to compare the differences of PA level and different exercise intensity (sedentary, light(LPA), moderate(MPA), and vigorous(VPA) physical activity) of whole day and school-time between two groups. Moreover, the collected date of RT3 were used to compared the differences of PA level and different exercise intensity of two groups during 8 hrs at school, recess time and PE class, and also examined the relevance of two different measurements using Pearson product-moment correlation. Results: The PA level of whole day(41.0±4.7 vs. 38.4±2.8 Kcal) and school-time(17.5 ± 2.1 vs. 15.5 ± 1.4 Kcal) by PA record in non-overweight (NOG) significantly higher than overweight (OG) group (p< .05). The duration of vigorous PA of whole day (39.7 ± 38.1 vs. 12.6 ± 19.17 min) and school-time (26.7 ± 16.2 vs. 10.6 ± 12.2 min) for NOG is also significantly higher than OG (p< .05). Sedentary time of NOG from RT3 measure is also significantly shorter than that of OG (whole day: 1204.7 ± 68.1 vs. 1233.2 ± 54.3 min; school-time: 361.3 ± 38.1 vs. 389.2 ± 29 min) (p< .05). As energy expenditure, RT3 PA of school-time (21.9 ± 3.1 vs. 15.7 ± 2.1 Kcal), recess time(6.6±1.7 vs. 4.2 ± 1 Kcal) and PE class(3.9 ± 1.2 vs. 2.4 ± 0.7 Kcal) of NOG are significantly higher than those of OG. (p< .05). The MPA and VPA level of NOG school-time (MPA: 17.3±8.5 vs. 8.2±4.5min; VPA: 14.1±10.7 vs. 6.2±7.1min), recess time(MPA: 9.3±5.9 vs. 4.0±3.3min; VPA: 8.0±7.2 vs. 3.4±4.9min) and PE class(MPA: 8.4±6.4 vs. 2.9±3.1min; VPA: 6.7±6.4 vs. 2.0±3.0min) are significantly higher than those of OG. On the contrary, the sedentary time of NOG (school-time: 365.2±28 vs. 399.8±20.8min; recess time: 30.9±18.4 vs. 48.3±13.5min; PE class: 8.4±11.0vs. 15.2±10.9min) is significantly lower than those of OG.(p< .05). Lastly, significant correlation of PA outcomes was noted between RT3 and PA record (r=0.704, p<.01). Conclusion: The PA levels of whole day, school-time, recess time and PE of OG are less than those of NOG. The OG students are also engage in less MPA and VPA.

    中文摘要................................................ i 英文摘要............................................... ii 謝誌...................................................iii 論文目錄............................................. iv-v 表目錄................................................. vi 圖目錄................................................ vii 第壹章 緒論 第一節 前 言.....................................................01 第二節 問題背景.....................................................02 第三節 研究目的.....................................................05 第四節 研究假設.....................................................05 第五節 研究範圍與限制.....................................................06 第六節 名詞操作性定義.....................................................06 第七節 研究重要性.....................................................08 第貳章 文獻探討 第一節 兒童過重及肥胖問題相關研究.....................................................09 第二節 兒童身體活動量相關問題之探..........................14 第三節 兒童身體活動量測量方法相關研........................19 第四節 本節總結..........................................27 第參章 研究方法與步驟 第一節 研究對象.....................................................28 第二節 實驗時間與地點.....................................................28 第三節 實驗設計.....................................................29 第四節 研究工具與檢測項目.....................................................29 第五節 實驗方法與程序.....................................................34 第六節 資料處理與統計分析.....................................................35 第四章 分析與結果 第一節 研究對象的基本屬性及健康狀況.....................................................37 第二節 研究對象在不同時段之身體活動量.....................................................40 第三節 研究對象在不同時段之運動強度及時...................42 第四節 RT3 TRI-AXIAL測量器與身體活動紀錄表相關.............46 第伍章 討論與結論. 第一節 討論...........................................47 第二節 結論與建.....................................................51 引用文獻.....................................................53 附錄一:受試者知會書及同意書..............................68 附錄二:受試者基本資料及運動狀況調查表.....................69 附錄三:身體活動量紀錄表.................................70 附錄四:身體活動之能量消耗與分類值表.......................72 表目錄 表2-1兒童及青少年身體質量BMI標準...........................10 表2-2測量身體活動量之電子儀器比............................22 表4-1受試者基本資料.......................................37 表4-2受試者基本資料及健康調................................39 表4-3男童肥胖及非肥胖的整日身體活動消耗比較表(紀錄表) ........40 表4-4男童肥胖及非肥胖的在校期間身體活動量比較表(RT3、紀錄表)..41 表4-5男童肥胖及非肥胖下課期間身體活動量比較表(RT3)...........41 表4-6男童肥胖及非肥胖體育課身體活動量比較表(RT3).............42 表4-7男童肥胖及非肥胖的整日身體活動強度比較表(紀錄表) ........42 表4-8男童肥胖及非肥胖的在校期間身體活動量比較表(RT3、紀錄表)..44 表4-9男童肥胖及非肥胖下課期間身體活動量比較表(RT3)...........45 表4-10男童肥胖及非肥胖體育課身體活動量比較表(RT3) ...........46 圖目錄 圖3-2RT3 Triaxial三度空間加速度測量器......................32 圖3-3實驗流程............................................34

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