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研究生: 陳德海
Chen, Te-hai
論文名稱: 整體式與分項式翻譯測驗評分之等化: 多面向羅許分析模式
Score Equivalence between Holistic and Analytic Rating Rubrics in Chinese-English Translation Tests: A Many-Facet Rasch Analysis
指導教授: 曾文鐽
Tseng, Wen-Ta
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 58
中文關鍵詞: 翻譯測驗多面向羅許分析模式評分規準
英文關鍵詞: translation, assessment, MFRM, rating rubric
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204013
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:109下載:14
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  • 英文在台灣的教學環境中是主要的核心科目之一,而且在普通高級中學英文課程綱要中,培養學生中英翻譯的能力也是其主要的目標。在重要的升學入學考試如大學學科能力測驗與指定科目考試中,中譯英常常是測驗題型的其中一種。翻譯評量的給分本質上是相當複雜的,採用何種評分規準以及評分者的合適與否皆對於判斷受試者的表現產生重大的影響。因此,本研究旨在檢視現行翻譯測驗題型中分項式給分的效度,並為翻譯測驗的效用提供實證。 本研究亦提出整體式評分規準為現行分項式給分之替代方案,並檢視兩者能否平等地評量考生於翻譯測驗中的表現以及評分者的專業程度與評分經驗是否在某些程度上影響他們評比受試者們的作答。本研究採用多面向羅許模式 (Many-Facets Rasch Measurement Model)來分析實際資料,期盼能透過實例來檢視翻譯測驗的分數與評分者專業程度及評分經驗之間的關係。除此之外,整體式與分項式評分規準應用於翻譯測驗的優點與缺點將會被仔細的檢視與探討。

    English has been one of the core subjects in the EFL context of Taiwan, and cultivating students’ translation skills is a major objective in the national senior high school curriculum. In high-stakes examination like General Scholastic Ability Test and Advanced Subjects Test, translation has always been part of the two tests. The nature of grading performance assessment, such as translation, is quite convoluted. The adaptation of rating scales and recruitment of adequate raters become crucial in judging test takers’ performance. Hence, this research aims to inspect the validity of the current analytic rating rubrics of translation, and proffer empirical evidence for the utility of translation items. The author also proposes the holistic rating rubrics as an alternative to check the extent to which the translation performance can be equally assessed and to examine the extent to which rater’s expertise and rating experience correlates with their verdict on test taker’s performance. In the research, the Many-Faceted Rasch measurement model (MFRM) will be taken as the approach to analyzing the empirical data. The expectation result of this research is to provide empirical evidence that the translation scores may have significant relationships with rater’s expertise and rating experience. Also, the pros and cons of holistic and analytic rating rubrics in relation to translation test will be critically examined and discussed.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS 摘要 i ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES vi CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 Background and Purpose of the Study 1 Significance of the study and Research Aims 2 Research Questions: 2 Organization of the Thesis 3 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 4 From Recognition Assessment to Performance Assessment 4 Translation 5 The Merits of Translation 6 Criticisms towards Translation 7 Translation in Language Teaching 9 Holistic and Analytic Scoring 10 Novice and Expert raters 12 Many-Faceted Rasch Measurement Model (MFRM) 15 CHAPTER THREE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 22 Participants 22 Instrument 23 Scoring and Coding 25 Procedure 26 Data Analysis 26 Expected Result and Suggestion 27 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 28 Overview of the study 28 Major Findings 28 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION 45 Summary of Major Findings 45 Limitations of the Study 46 Directions for Future Research 47 REFERENCES 48

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